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The Culture of Nature - The Nature of Culture

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The arts offer a dialogical space. A portal to rethink perceptions of culture and nature. Faced with serious environmental challenges, we need to develop an other understanding of the world and of the self. The current (visual) idiom is incited to develop a deeper understanding, that includes non-human narratives. We may have to acknowledge that people are nature and nature has become culture.
Artists collective Satellietgroep explores the reciprocal relations of humanity and nature, with a focus on the sea, (coastal) landscape transitions, climate and the impact of humanity on the environment in the Netherlands and abroad. 

2020: Beyond Technology Magazine reflects on the process of the 4 steps program of Explore, Collect, Share and Learn, February 2020.

2019: Beyond Technology
Beyond Technology is an education pilot for co-creation of engineering students of watermanagement of University Twente and students of art & design academy ArtEZ Zwolle. A cross-culture, cross-discipline knowledge & co-creation adventure to learn how to address the complex and societal challenges of invisible pharmaceutical pollution in water. During the year-long process, perceptions of knowledge shifted from content gathering (data of pharmaceuticals in water) to communication and raising societal awareness. Beyond Technology is a collaboration of University of Twente, Satellietgroep and ArtEZ, funded by Von Braun Stiftung.

2018: Article 'Who is nature?' publication forthcoming 2020.
How visual narratives in art and design can overturn prevailing understandings of environment. Talk and essay by artists' collective Satellietgroep, Lotte Bosman & Jacqueline Heerema; Viscous Space North Sea Conference, TU Deflt 2018.

2019: Article 'Zandmotor a cultural phenomenon' is published in TU Delft publication.
(APA): Luijendijk, A., & van Oudenhoven, A. (Eds.) (2019). The Sand Motor: A Nature-Based Response to Climate Change: Findings and Reflections of the Interdisciplinary Research Program NatureCoast. Delft: Delft University Publishers - TU Delft Library.

Beyond Technology Magazine (2020)
Publication Badgast (2013)
Publication Now Wakes The Sea (2013)
S.MAG#2 (2008)
S.MAG#1 (2007)

2006 - now: overview artist-in-residency (AiR for artistic field research) & public programs (arts, sciences, public expeditions, exhibitions, talks):
Beyond Technology (2019)
Climate as Artifact (2018)
Who is nature? (2018)
AiR Zandgast, Zandmotor (2014-now)
AiR Zandmotor, Mondriaan Fonds Binnenland Gastatelier (2017)
Prospectors, Intersections Art Rotterdam (2017)
AiR DCR Gueststudios, The Hague (2013-2018)
Polders, Wadden Sea, Afsluitdijk & more (2013 - now)
AiR Now Wakes The Sea, international exchange programs (2012-now)
AiR Badgast, Scheveningen (2009-2015)

Satellieteiland (nomadic, 2006-2009) 
To whom belongs the sea? (2006-now)

zee was artist cultural art project from zandmotor artists sea satellietgroep research dat badgast water with coastal new scheveningen