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Boer, Ronald (NL) & Dempsey, Valerie (UK)

| 2011-09-23 12:01:09

BADGAST artists in residence September 2010
Scottish visual artist Valerie Dempsey, and Dutch landscape architect Ronald Boer
Project at Badgast: Beach Laboratory
Presentation at Summernest 2011, Nest The Hague
Follow up: Beach Laboratory at Edinburgh College of Art: Tent Gallery: Somewhere in Time: Postliminal, 2011
Ronald Boer is co- curator for 'Now Wakes The Sea', the Black Sea/North Sea cultural exchange project with Jonmar van Vlijmen.
Partcipant of 'Stellingname 2013' at Kunstfort bij Vijfhuizen.


Foto 'Beach Laboratory' by  Boer/Dempsey

The collaborative work of Scottish visual artist, Valerie Dempsey, and Dutch landscape architect, Ronald Boer, engages with the relationship between man and nature. As a result of their different disciplines their artistic practice creates a unique combination of fine art and landscape architecture. Their research at BADGAST focused on highlighting the anomalies created through man’s intervention.

Coastal Reckoning
Naturally there is a balanced gradient between fresh and salt water where sea meets land.  In Holland coastal defences against the sea create steps in the gradient. The system is further disrupted by the fact that fresh water taken from the rivers is filtered through the dunes.
During our stay at Badgast we have set up an experimental beach laboratory using a distiller as a metaphor for man and salt as an artistic tool to highlight the disruption caused by man-made obstacles to the ecosystem.

Foto's Thijs Molenaar

The emphasis is to show the work in a state of constant change and evolution. The incorporation of the work into the landscape affects the landscape, and it is equally affected:  a reflection of nature. We use observation of nature and natural phenomenon and culture as a central focus of our art and our work to date has used the coastal landscapes of Scotland and the Netherlands, looking at the different imprints made by man on land and sea and the impact of climate change. Our research concentrates on highlighting the anomalies created through man’s intervention. We gather information from scientists, governmental agencies, environmental organization and the community. We then created an “Experimental Laboratory” on site to present our findings of phenomenon which are peculiar to the area. Using a polymath approach we can communicate, through installations, photographs, drawings and text, an overview of the effects man has on natural systems.

Presentation at Summernest 2011, Nest The Hague
In 2011 the work 'Beach Laboratory' was part of the presentation of Satellietgroep at Summernest, Nest The Hague. The presentation was curated by James Geurts for Satellietgroep. Presentation of a selection of works from Badgast: 'Mini Badgast, 2010' - Refunc, recycle architecten, builders of Badgast in 2009; 'Lettering on Badgast' - Duel (2009); 'Samenzijn / Being Together', video 20' - Sieko Kloosterhuis (Badgast Nov 2010); 'Beach Laboratory - Coastal Reckoning', salt distillation residue - Ronald Boer & Valerie Dempsey (Badgast Sept 2010).

Foto: Jhoeko

Beach Laboratory was simultanious on show in Edinburgh at the Edinburgh College of Art: Tent Gallery: Somewhere in Time: Postliminal, 4 – 26 August 2011
Somewhere in Time presents Postliminal, a group exhibition engaging with the idea of satellite and the broader connotations of the term. Selected artists have been invited from Scotland, the Netherlands, Japan and the USA to create new work in response to this theme.Each work exhibited in the Tent Gallery has a corresponding piece, or satellite work, existing simultaneously in a different geographical location. These respective locations will provide an international context that allows for a periscope viewing of the wider exhibition. Artists’ individual work will span a diverse range of approaches and include a choreography for dust dispersal, a beach laboratory exploring the salt industry and a performative work tracing wind direction. Participating artists: Chandra Casali-Bell & Jennifer Littlejohn; Valerie Dempsey & Ronald Boer; Eddy Van Mourik; Christine Morrison; Malize McBride; Rebecca Beachy; Shinya Aota; Yasunori Kawamatsu.

Ronald Boer is co curator for Satellietgroep - Now Wakes The Sea since 2011.

‘Brak Water, Zilt Land. Zoutbelasting of de prijs van het inpolderen’
Ronald Boer and Valerie Dempsey participated in 'Stellingname - water, land and innovatory heritage', curated by Satellietgroep/Jacqueline Heerema at Kunstfort bij Vijfhuizen.

Jaarlijks wordt 20 tot 40 miljoen m3 schoon water door de Haarlemmermeerpolder gepompd om de polder door te spoelen i.v.m. verzilting door opborrelende zoute kwel. Het onderzoek ‘Brak Water, Zilt Land. Zoutbelasting of de prijs van het inpolderen’ van landschapsarchitect Ronald Boer & kunstenaar Valerie Dempsey (UK) maakt de samenhang en steeds verschuivende balansen in de polder en daarbuiten voor een breed publiek zichtbaar en ervaarbaar. 
Op 24 punten namen Boer/Dempsey en polderbewoners monsters van het water en land voor de ‘Waterbibliotheek’ en ‘Mudscapes’.




artist water badgast with zandmotor new coastal sea art scheveningen research artists project cultural zee satellietgroep from dat was