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Licari, Giuseppe (IT) & Ampatzidou, Cristina (GR)

| 2012-01-04 19:58:00

BADGAST artists in residence March 2011
artist Giuseppe Licari and architect/urbanist Cristina Ampatzidou
Project at Badgast: Soundscape 'Swinging the lamp'
+ special guests Paul de Kievit & Jelle Zeeuw, Muzee Scheveningen.


Zoals ontdekkingsreizigers ‘Terra Incognita’ in kaart brachten, op zoek naar de mythe van ‘Terra Australis Incognita’ (het Onbekende Zuidland waarvan men veronderstelde dat het op het Zuidelijk halfrond lag) onderzoeken Badgasten ‘Mare Incognita’ – op locatie, om de hoek in Scheveningen. Na 4 weken veldonderzoek presenteren Licari en Ampatzidou een andere benadering van narratief erfgoed.

Licari and Ampatzidou turned their residency at Badgast in a 4 week field research. They collected local coastal narratives and legends, some believed to be true. These inspired the creation of a new perspective on narrative heritage.
With special thanks to Muzee Scheveningen, Visafslag Scheveningen, Fast Community and all participants.

+ soundbites

Giuseppe and Cristina: " 'Swinging the lamp' is a nautical term describing the narration of sea stories. Referring to lamps slung from the deck head, which swing while at sea. Often used to indicate that the storyteller is exaggerating.
The sea has inspired millions of legends in all people and civilizations that were in contact with it. Mermaids, haunted ships, underwater civilizations, magical creatures that live in the deep blue. Apart from covering almost the two thirds of the planet, the sea has been the first mean of communication and travel channel, while at the same time it offered a great mystery and danger.
Our residency at Badgast has been a field research in which we collected narratives from different people, living and working in Scheveningen. These local legends, but also real stories, which sometimes surpass any imagination, have been the inspiration for the creation of Thalazee, an imaginary civilization and its history."

Giuseppe at Badgast by Cristina

'Sailors Souvenirs', on loan from Muzee Scheveningen

research artists project from sea satellietgroep artist cultural new with coastal scheveningen art zandmotor was dat water badgast zee