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Nasya, Bahanur & Vurucu, Yilmaz (TR)

| 2012-12-20 09:08:32

Artists in residence in 2012 at Sinop (TR) and The Hague (NL) for Now Wakes The Sea.
Work produced during the residencies: 'The Sea in Me', documentary.
Parellel resident Maurice Bogaert (NL).
pwrks presented at Sinopale 4, Sinop Biennial (TR), Museon (NL), GEMAK (NL), Siemens Sanat Istanbul (TR). Since than the documentary has been selected for filmfestivals:
2012: 5th Architectural Filmfestival in Budapest, Hungary
2013: FrameOut Film Festival, Vienna, Austria
2013: Opuzen International Film Festival, Opuzen, Croatia
2013: Voices from the Waters Film Festival, Sweden.
2013: Bangalore, India
2013: Portugal


Artist Maurice Bogaert (NL), architect Bahanur Nasya & filmmaker Yilmaz Vurucu (TR) were 6 weeks artist in residence in Sinop (TR) and in The Hague (NL) for 'Now Wakes The Sea -NLTR400' in the context of Sinopale 4 and the celebration of 400 years relations Netherlands - Turkey. The exhibition in Siemens Sanat Istanbul frames the documentary 'The Sea in Me' by Nasya & Vurucu and the 2 conceptual works 'Guestworker' and 'Everything will be beautiful' by Bogaert within the context of a special duo film program with Turkish and Dutch contributions by artists and filmmakers:
Eliane Esther Bots, Zeger Reyers, Cevdet Erek, Barbara Hanlo, Merve Kayan & Zeynep Dadak, Aram Tanis & Jacolijn Verhoef, Rüya Arzu Köksal & Aydın Kudu, Kees Bolten, Imre Azem, BNA.

'The Sea In Me - İçimdeki Deniz'
60 min documentary produced by Bahanur Nasya (architect,TR/AT ) & Yılmaz Vurucu (filmmaker, TR/CA/AT) while artist in residents at Sinop (TR), followed by post production during their residency in The Hague (NL).
‘This is not a documentary about Sinop. Through the residents of this small coastal town, we reveal universal stories which effect modern humanity as a whole.’ Yilmaz Vurucu.

The Sea In Me is a documentary portraying the stories of the residents of a small coastal town. Their history, culture and way of living, which has evolved over centuries, based on a connection with the sea and nature, is being threatened by rapid and unplanned urbanization, increasing rates of migration, and the imposition of pre-fabricated, one-size-fits-all development methods. Filmmaker Yilmaz Vurucu and architect Bahanur Nasya follow the lives of the inhabitants of Sinop, a small town located on the coast of the Black Sea, and obtain unique glimpses into their culture, way of living, daily habits, hopes and aspirations. 

With special thanks to all participating artists and filmmakers, the coastal communities of The Hague and Sinop, our Turkish cultural partner European Cultural Association/Europist, Siemens Sanat, Museon, GEMAK, Turks Museum Nederland, Wander, SICA, SfA, ECF, the Dutch Embassy in Turkey, the municipality of The Hague.

artists satellietgroep new with project artist zandmotor was art water dat cultural scheveningen zee badgast from coastal research sea