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November 29, 2019:
Double Talk with designers Aliki van der Kruijs and Jos Klarenbeek at Transitional Territories, North Sea: Landscapes of coexistence, TU Delft.
November 12, 2019:
Talk at Seminar BC3, Basque Center for Climate Change: Can co-creation of (students of) the arts and sciences enhance public climate-consiousness? Bilbao, Spain.
August 29 - September 1, 2019:
Guest at Unsymposium #10 at Nida Art Colony, Lithuania
July 4, 2019
Talk Zandmotor as Cultural Phenomenon, Kijkduin
June 27 - 30, 2019:
Guest at Club Imagine Summerschool at Buitenplaats Brienenoord, Rotterdam
June 6-7-8-9, 2019:
Presentation Beyond Technology at Art in the Anthropocene Conference, Trinity College Dublin
Icw Marcela Brugnach (U Twente), Marijke Meester (ArtEZ), Heather Leslie (VU)
June 6-7, 2019:
Students presentations of Beyond Technology at 4UT Resilience Conference, U Twente
May 22, 2019:
Guest at discussion Antropocene Bosch, Amsterdam
May 2019:
Article 'Zandmotor a cultural phenomenon' is published in TU Delft publication:
(APA): Luijendijk, A., & van Oudenhoven, A. (Eds.) (2019). The Sand Motor: A Nature-Based Response to Climate Change: Findings and Reflections of the Interdisciplinary Research Program NatureCoast. Delft: Delft University Publishers - TU Delft Library. Link
2018-2019: The pilot project targets at facilitating innovative learning experiences to change our socio-cultural landscape, allowing for the emergence of new ways of knowing and being in the world by enhancing art-science-society co-production of knowlegde. Initiated by University Twente - Marcela Brugnach, Urban Water Management & Satellietgroep - Jacqueline Heerema, in collaboration with Artez, Graphic Design at the University of the Arts, Zwolle.
2019-2020: Art-science research project Amstelpark, Amsterdam (NL) - Parco Regionale dell’Appia Antica in Rome (IT), invited by Zone2Source, VU, Clue+, Reinwardt Academy and more; see invited artists and experts for Exploded View.