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Badgast Publication 2013

| 2018-08-05 16:17:44

‘Verzamelaars van ontijdelijkheid - Collectors of intemporality'
Concept, curator Jacqueline Heerema, design Studio Duel, essays Bram Esser.
Images: courtesy artist-in-residents Badgast, Rob te Riet.

5 years Badgast in 5 chapters:
Ontij - neither ebb nor flow, the obscure, dark part of the day
Tij - tide, tidal
Tijd - time, as the fourth dimension of space
Tijdelijk - temporarily, temporal, ephemeral
Ontijdelijk - timelessness, intemporality

Satellietgroep programed Badgast, a research based artist in residence program, an outdoor Cinema with screenings, debates all concerning the sea. Badgast was built in 2009. Badgast was made of two stacked shipping containers by recycle architects Refunc for Satellietgroep. Badgast was located in the middle of the surfing village FAST, an Urban Beach Community in The Hague.  During the residency period new works – both conceptual and documentary - were developed and reflected upon the various layers and complexity of coastal transitions and coastal urban development. These works contributed to the international contemporary collection of artworks that was shared with a broad (international) audience.

Artists in residence were encouraged to engage the coastal area of the hague and all its themes. Developing artistic research with local partners in order to map out, collect and address the current state of coastal development. This embedded research contributes to public and professional awareness. Thus, our project brings together different views and opens up dialogue. This method of artist in residency program connects to the international development of artist residencies as cells of knowledge and as alternative academies.

Bram Esser

I: Ontij - neither ebb nor flow, the obscure, dark part of the day

Nishiko & Sachi Miyachi

Annechien Meier & René Jansen

Ronald Boer & Valerie Dempsey (UK)

Janine Schrijver

Sieko Kloosterhuis

Frouke Wiarda

II: Tij - tide, tidal

Henrik Lund Jørgensen (DK/SE)


Chris Dobrowolski (UK)

Frank Dean (Frank Bloem & Edwin Deen)

Eric van Straaten

Esther Kokmeier

James Geurts (AU)

III: Tijd - time, as the fourth dimension of space

Cinema @ Badgast

Maarten Boswijk

Fabrice Schomberg

Francois Lombarts

Vesta Kroese

IV: Tijdelijk - temporarily, temporal, ephemeral

Talks @ Badgast

Andrea Kessler & Berndnaut Faiss (AT)

Johanna Reiner & Johannes Hoffmann (AT)

Aram Tanis & Jacolijn Verhoef

Danillo Murro (UK)

V: Ontijdelijk - timelessness, intemporality

Eliane Esther Bots

Rana ElNemr (EG)

Mariëlle Videler

Gemma Pauwels

Sjaak Langenberg & Rosé de Beer

Jannemieke Oostra

Giuseppe Licari (IT) & Cristina Ampatzidou (GR)

Nadine O'Garra (ES) & Nathalie Fixon (F)

24/7 Exhibition 'Zeespiegel' boulevard Scheveningen

'Now Wakes The Sea' International artist-in-residency exchange programs

artist from zandmotor zee water satellietgroep cultural dat coastal scheveningen was new sea with project research art badgast artists