On the run from water
| 2011-11-10 15:51:06
Kuna Yala in Panama consists of a long narrow strip of land and an archipelago of 365 islands. Due to the rising sea level many Kuna have to move to the mainland. In August 2012, the first 65 families will be evacuated. This series is part of Kadir van Lohuizen's ongoing Via Panam project.
Mount Fuji in de Noordzee
| 2011-09-23 14:19:18
Mount Fuji in de Noordzee. Courtesy of Pol Tummers
Internationaal advies- en ingenieursbureau DHV hebben out-of-the-box ‘Bergen aan Zee‘ uitgewerkt. Bekijk hier het idee van Jan Henk Tigelaar, Pol Tummers, Paul Mul en Bram Vermaat. Zie: www.diebergkomter.nl
Maar...die berg is er al!
In 2010 hebben onze artists in residence Andrea Kessler & Bernhard Faiss (Isebuki, Oostenrijk) Scheveningen een Oostenrijkse berg geschonken. www.isebuki.com
Sea Worthy @ NYC
brainwave | 2011-07-05 08:13:09
Sea Worthy: An Exhibition
EFA Project Space
June 10 – July 29, 2011
Opening Reception: Friday, June 10, 2011, 6 - 8 pm
EFA Project Space is located at 323 West 39 Street, 2nd Floor. New York, NY 10018
EFA Project Space, Flux Factory and The Gowanus Studio Space present Sea Worthy, an exhibition and series of public screenings, performances, lectures, workshops and artist-led excursions on the water. With 72 islands and over 700 miles of coastline, New York City is a formidable archipelago. This project invites discussion about water access, activates the largest open space in the city, and engages maritime themes in contemporary art practice. Sea Worthy brings together artists from here and abroad – in consultation with boat builders, world-class mariners, historians, writers, activists, and ecologists – to make new work about, around, and on the waterways of New York City in the summer of 2011.
EFA Project Space presents an exhibition featuring artists who approach water navigation as subject, pushing its potential as a mutable open platform for social experimentation as well as metaphor for personal, artistic, and collective freedom. The show includes installations, models, prints, drawings, photos, videos, and various other musings by artist-seafarers who generously impart their experience of the sea in order to refresh our perception of the land.
Artists included in the Sea Worthy Exhibition are: Michael Arcega, Rachel Bacon, Jimbo Blachly & Lytle Shaw, Matt Bua, George Boorujy, Adriane Colburn, Heather Dewey-Hagborg & Thomas Dexter, Amze Emmons, Jason Gandy, Richard Haley, Haley Hughes, Sarah Julig, Jonathan Kaiser, Marie Lorenz, Ciarán Ó Dochartaigh, Anne Percoco, Natalia Porter, Duke Riley, Tod Seelie, Reid Stowe, and Swimming Cities.
In Orbit and Silent Sky Project#40 by Rob Sweere
brainwave | 2011-06-23 16:39:32
Deze zomer toont het Kunstfort bij Vijfhuizen een overzicht van het werk van beeldend kunstenaar Rob Sweere. Sweere verleidt de bezoekers om de omgeving en hun plaats daarin op een nieuwe manier te ervaren.
Uitvoering op vrijdagavond 1 juli - 19:00-21:00u. Onder leiding van: Beeldend kunstenaar Rob Sweere.
Dit is uw kans om deel te nemen aan een conceptueel kunstwerk van de bekende kunstenaar Rob Sweere. Silent Sky Project# is een werk van mondiale omvang, waarvan uitvoering #40 in de bijzondere context van het Fort zal plaatsvinden. 39 keer eerder werden over de hele wereld groepen mensen uitgenodigd om op een verstilde manier naar de hemel te kijken.
Meer: www.robsweere.nl | www.kunstfort.nl
Rob Sweere: Silent Sky Project#24 February 27th 2008, 12.05 - 12.17 pm, 17 participants, Niteroi, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
www.robsweere.nl | www.kunstfort.nl
Cloudbusters by Edwin Deen
brainwave | 2011-04-10 23:13:50
Duo-exhibition with Agnes Meyer-Brandis at TAG, The Hague.
Showing NEW WORKS: 'Liquid Rainbow' [2011], 'Collection 20100717-20100905' [2010] and 'Collection 20090905-20110311' [2011]
Edwin Deen will be artist in residence at BADGAST with Frank Bloem in october 2011.
Liquid Rainbow by Edwin Deen