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Tagcloud: UIT / AAN


badgast | 2011-05-04 08:37:13

Gemeente Den Haag
Stroom Den Haag
Fonds BKVB
Fonds 1818
Prins Bernhard Cultuurfonds Zuid-Holland
Casema Cultuur Fonds
Mondriaan Stichting
ECF - European Cultural Foundation
Dutch Embassy in Turkey
Dutch Embassy in Lithuania
Dutch Consulate in New York City

Research 'On Scheveningen' - Housing Association Vestia Den Haag/Scheveningen
Public Photo Exhibition ' Zeespiegel' (Mirror of the Sea) - Municipality of The Hague
Research The Hague / Malta Cultural Capital of Europe 2018 - The Hague 2018
Research 'Schreihuisje' - municipallity of Schiedam
Interactive public event 'Zeelust - Kustweek Zuid-Holland' - Province of South Hollland
Noordzee Congres 2014 - Rijkswaterstaat











badgast | 2011-05-04 08:37:13

Vormgeving: DUEL | - Michael Danker

Technische realisatie: Michael Danker |

Tekst & fotografie: Satellietgroep


agenda | 2011-08-01 11:09:06



Whole 2018: Who is nature?

Whole 2018:

Tandem bilateral cultural exchange project Sources & Resources
Terschelling NL - Praputjnak, Croatia (ECF, MidOst)

July 2018:
artists-in-residency: Onkruidenier, Jonmar van Vlijmen & Ronald Boer

June 23-30, 2018:
Second part of bilateral cultural exchange project Sources & Resources with Praputjnak, Croatia at Terschelling NL


June 20, 2018:
Talk + article 'Who is nature? at Viscous Space North Sea Conference, TU Delft hosted by Centre for Global Heritage and Development en History of Architecture and Urban Planning

June 16, 2018:
Zeelab#2: Climate as Game Changer during Border Sessions The Hague
With artists Onkruidenier (Jonmar van Vlijmen en Ronald Boer), Marit Mihklepp en Masha Ru, designer Thijs de Zeeuw. In dialogue with Mans Schepers (archeo botanist, archeologist), Harrie van der Haagen (ecoloogist ) and Jan de Graaf (urbanist, sea expert).

June 10-14, 2018:
Talk 'The Culture of Nature' at 16th ISISA Islands of the World Conference 2018, ‘The changing futures of islands, Leeuwarden - Terschelling, hosted by Waddenacademie.

June 1, 2 and 3 2018:
Zeelab#1: Uptime_ icw Nest during Festival Designkwartier The Hague.
With Lotte Geeven, Yeb Wiersma, Vibeke Mascini, Oscar Santillán, Aliki van der Kruijs &  Jos Klarenbeek, Josje Hattink, Esther Kokmeijer, Giuseppe Licari, Nishiko, Lonny van Ryswyck (Atelier NL). 
In dialogue met scientists Ruben Jacobs (cultural sociologist), Bert van der Valk (geologist), Gerbrant van Vledder (oceanograper), Henk Oosterling (philosopher), Tanya Lippmann (climate scientist), Alexander van Oudenhoven (environmental scientist). Artist-in-residence Austin Camilleri (Malta) in discussion with Suzanne Wallinga (curator).

Moderators: Luuk Heezen and Valentijn Byvanck.

artist-in-residency: Austin Camilleri (Malta)

May 9, 2018:
Talk 'Who is heritage?’ for Exploded View, Zone2Source and VU, at VU (Amsterdam)

April 21-28 2018:
Kusthal Kijkduin
: work location, Expedition Zandmotor#14 with 75 pupils Technasium Maris College Den Haag, special thanks St Ark.

April 16, 2018:
MA students Piet Zwart visit Zandmotor with Irene Kopelman

April 5, 2018:
Expedition Zandmotor#13: Re-Scape hosted by The Centre for Global Heritage and Development, Leiden University, Erasmus University, the Design & History research group at TU Delft, and the VU Amsterdam research institute CLUE+, special thanks Blow Beach House

March 9-20, 2018:
Tandem meeting and start of bilateral cultural exchange project Sources & Resources in/with Praputjnak, Croatia.


zee art sea from with cultural research project water new satellietgroep dat was scheveningen zandmotor artists badgast artist coastal