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Tatiana Fiodorava @Badgast

| 2013-10-09 14:47:23

Can you measure free coastal access?

'The Lost Sea' by Tatiane Fiodorova (MD), 2013
Starting from childhood memories during the USSR, Tatiana Fiodorova experienced free access to the Black Sea coast. After the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991, Moldova lost its sea.
You now need a passport/visa to cross borders and once at the Ukraine Black Sea shore the beach is cut up in plots of private ownership. Therefore it is no longer possible to take long hikes along the shore following the continuity of the coast.

During September 2013 Moldovan media artist and curator Fiodorova was artist in residence at Badgast (The Hague/Scheveningen, NL) on the shore of the North Sea as part of the 'Now Wakes The Sea' project. Here she reconnected with her memories of free coastal access and decided to reconstruct this quality into a performance. She measured and collected with tape the sand that stretches from boulevard to shoreline, from harbor to the Pier. The outcome are rolls of tape showing the length of the long stretches of space where you can freely move along the beach. These compressed rolls of measurement reveal the vulnerability of the precious coastal pubic access. Her confronting collection of measurements reflects the negotiations between the pressures on public and private ownership of coastal space.

Scheveningen is in fact the most regulated public space you can imagine, but within the margins of rules and restrictions the presumption of mental and physical space is kept alive.  
'The Lost Sea' by Fiodorova connects to previous Badgast projects about lack, longing and presumption of public coastal space by David Horvitz (Public Access), James Geurts (Drawing Horizon) and Francois Lombarts (Zandbar). Recently while reconstructing the boulevard the dikes and harbor head of Scheveningen are covered with sand and grass to make them appear as natural dunes. It is Disneyfication of the Dutch shores, but do we prefer to live in a make belief world?

Photo: Jhoeko

Filmscreening 'The Lost Sea' and program Now Wakes The Sea:

cultural coastal badgast zee sea water zandmotor satellietgroep art with artists from artist was scheveningen project dat research new