Cultural partners NWTS-Moldova
| 2013-07-16 09:04:18
MediArt Dialogue
The Association “MediaArt Dialogue” was established in November, 2010. It is a union of journalists, filmmakers, artists from Moldova. The main goal of the organization is to support cultural democracy, to develop intercultural dialogue and to consolidate mass-media representatives. They organize events, the media forum “Freedom to choose: from the rock carvings to high speed Internet” held in Chisinau, 2011 in the frameworks of the World Press Freedom Day. In the frame of this forum they curated a photo exhibition "The Moment of choice. Moldova. Social Portrait" The purpose of the photo competition-exhibition "The Moment of choice. Moldova.Social Portrait” was to identify trends in contemporary photography and attract a wider audience to the social phenomena, social problems of our society. The exhibition was held in conjunction with Artploshadka
Art Ploshadka
Ploshadka is an art-platform and an online community of the cultural sector in Moldova. Curator of platform is artist visual Fiodorova Tatiana. The activities of the ART-platform are aimed at creating an online community of the cultural sector in Moldova with a view to consolidating the Moldovan cultural resources, as well as the formation and expansion of a single cultural space, covering a variety of arts and culture.
Teatry Spalatorie
The "Spălătorie platform" project intends to enhance the international artistic presence in Moldova, promoting experimental artistic productions and discourses. Rather than focusing on a topic, the project wanted to create an interdisciplinary programme for the "Spălătorie theatre" which contributed to the promotion of alternative and international artistic productions in Moldova, and established a long term partnership between Moldovan and other European cultural institutions. It includes performances, workshops and public debates.