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| 2011-11-10 13:08:14

Starting 2009 Satellietgroep researched the influence of the sea and waterways in both The Netherlands and in Istanbul. We selected and screened 14 videoworks - both conceptual and documentary - during the ART PIE ISTANBUL 2010. In exchange we screen a selection of the works in the open air Cinema at Sea @ BADGAST in The Netherlands on August 18 and 25, 2011.

Special guest was Lily Sprangers, director of The Turkish Institute in The Nethelands. Together with SICA they prepare the celebration of 400 years relations NLTR400 in 2012.


SHORE SCENE SOUNDTRACK - Cevdet Erek, 2006 TR. Courtesy of Akinci Gallery NL.
"About mimicking the sea, or imitating a very common piece of nature by using 2 hands and a piece of carpet."

DRUM KIT - Zeger Reyers, 2004 NL. Courtesy of Maurits van de Laar Gallery NL.
"Hundred empty oil drums are coupled and placed in the sea. The tangle of oil drums thus became an instrument played on by the sea, producing muffled, banging sounds. At the same time it showed the enormous power of the sea: after seven weeks the drums had been dented and rusted almost beyond recognition."
Foto: Riet Molenaar.

Ekumenopolis - Imre Azem, 2010 TR.
"The most innovative and complete documentary film about urban changes taking place in Istanbul with special attention to the construction of a third bridge across the Bosporus and its social and ecological impact in the territory."

Fieldwork - Eliane Bots. Courtesy of Satellietgroep, 2010 NL
Roadtrip parallel to the Dutch coast with Jan de Graaf, Dutch urbanist.

Tijdelijk Verblijf - BNA Haaglanden, 2007 NL.
"Documentary that gives an insight into the development over decades in Scheveningen: tragic mistake or renewed icon?"

Extra: 'Zand Erover' - ALTprojecten

research scheveningen coastal project satellietgroep art new water was dat artists cultural with artist from sea badgast zee zandmotor