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Guest curator @ 'ZICHT OP DELFT' by ID11

| 2013-10-08 11:38:29

In September and October Satellietgroep took part as curator for the project 'DELFT OP ZICHT' of ID11( ) in the framework of European network CreArt and partnered with German artist Alexander Glandien living and working in Linz (AT). In perparation towards the symposium on new artist in residence models 13/14/15 December in The Haque and Delft in collaboration with Dutch Culture/Trans Artists, ID11 and Wander.

Water is the most manifested and manipulated elements we have in the Netherlands. We master and control it around the clock to keep our land dry and fruitful. A regulated system with pumping stations, dykes and polders prevents the crisis of of flooding and the soil from becoming too silt for agriculture. However, we appear to feel safe by constant repetition and nurture.

Installation 'Crisis of everything and everywhere' by Alexander Glandien


Satellietgroep was pleasantly surprised to be invited to collaborate and be involved as curator with Alexander Glandien relating his proposed work the 'Crisis of everything and everywhere' to the Dutch context in regards to our tradition and culture in watermangement.

In the work of Alexander Glandien you can experience when a fault or error in a water system emerges. How to act or interact if these over regulated conditions fail? In the man-controlled watersystems in the Netherlands, the intervention by Glandien questions the measure of our control over water and also refers to the loss of control in general.

In a everyday setting of an office the ceiling leaks as water seeps through and drop by drop accumulates into a constellation of household buckets, as though it is supposed to be. In a poetic visual intervention listening closely of the soundscape of the water is even more confronting.

'The crisis of everything everywhere"

irrigation system, buckets
Alexander Glandien: 'An ordinary error is intentionally implemented into the exhibition space. Almost invisible to the eye, a drip irrigation system is mounted onto a large area under the ceiling. Water drips down in countless places and gives the impression of a leaky and permeable roof. This water is collected in a set of buckets resting on the floor below the leaks. This artificial field of buckets creates some kind of counterpart to the ceiling, reflecting the damage of the room. The water drips at various intervals and creates a polyphonic and very gentle soundscape of decay. The installation transforms the exhibition into a processual space that continuously needs attention and care.'
View video and more works online:

During the residency 'DELFT OP ZICHT' informal inspirational conversations took place with Glandien and Satellietgroep. We discussed the notion to which extend the manipulations of environments can develop. And what are the hidden effects we set in action by the changes we make to our every day environment? Are we still in the luxury position to prolong and extend this process, attempting to find even more clever and better solutions to manage the crisis of everything everywhere?

zee coastal scheveningen dat research badgast from sea artists project satellietgroep zandmotor with water artist art cultural was new