Seascape as Datacollection @Badgast
| 2011-09-20 09:47:45
Seascape as Data Collection
Esther Polak & Ivar van Bekkum
An artistic inquiry on grandness - Een artistiek onderzoek naar weidsheid.
Location: BADGAST @ FAST
Date and Time: September 22 start at 20:00h
Presentation of the research project hosted by Satellietgroep/BADGAST and PeerGrouP/PAIR.
Artists in residence of PAIR are Esther Polak and Ivar van Bekkum. They initiated the research project. As guest teachers for the ArtScience department of KABK (The Hague) they worked with nine young artists on a three-week artistic research on vastness.
On thursday September 22 at sunset (20:00h) they will present their findings. You are kindly invited to share their experiences and unusual historical associations.
Participating artists: Ben Terwel, Gaby Felten, Aron Birtalan, Marloes van Son, Ronald Schelfhout, Ludmila Rodrigues, Charlotte ‘t Hart, Moritz Geremus and Ali Elgin.
We advise you to bring warm clothes and convenient shoes, as part of the presentations will take place on the beach. There will be pancakes, drinks and a toasty fireplace!
PAIR staat 6 weken naast BADGAST op FAST.
PAIR - portabel artist in residence - van de PeerGrouP is de autarkische versie van de meer urbane BADGAST van Satellietgroep. Beiden onderzoeken veranderend landschap: PeerGrouP het rurale landschap in het noorden van Nederland, Satellietgroep het zee- en kustlandschap in Den Haag Scheveningen en het buitenland.
Gasten van PAIR zijn Esther Polak en Ivar van Bekkum voor het project ‘Zeegezicht met dataverzameling'. Zij werken samen met de afdeling ArtScience van de KABK.
Gast van BADGAST is Chris Dobrowolski (UK).