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Meer zeecontainers

brainwave | 2010-06-10 21:07:25

Container Atlas - A Practical Guide to Container Architecture

This book presents a wide range of projects in container architecture – a contemporary architectural phenomenon. It features container structures used as pop-up stores and temporary exhibits as well as sophisticated housing and office spaces that provoke and inspire while setting new standards in functionality and aesthetics. But the book is not only visually inspiring. Because it documents plans, describes associated costs, and suggests concrete solutions for common problems, it is a practical reference for architects, planners, and cultural activists as well as event and marketing managers, to guide them in deciding what types of containers are best suited to their upcoming projects.
ISBN: 978-3-89955-286-7




Nav de prijsvraag van het CBK-Zeeland in 2009 met het thema 'Verblijf in Zeeland' kregen 8 ontwerpteams de opgave om het verblijven in Zeeland te verbeteren. Urban Synergy uit Rotterdam opent 15 juni hun 'Paviljoen Scheldekwartier' ihkv het project Tijdelijk Gebruik Scheldeterrein, Scheldepark Vlissingen.

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