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Plastic Reef

brainwave | 2010-10-07 15:51:46

Plastic Reef is an artproject by Maarten Vanden Eynde: "In March 2008 I found out that there was a “floating landfill”, about the size of continental US and made up of plastic particles, swirling about 1,000 miles west of California and 1,000 miles north of the Hawaiian Islands. Almost nobody knew about it at that time so I wanted to raise awareness for this incredible phenomenon and find out what could be done with this new ‘raw’ material."  

More: is a website containing information about the growing sculpture of artist Maarten Vanden Eynde, but also gives a brief summary of the history of plastic  and offers a platform for various organisations and institutes working with plastic (production, collection, recycling and research) aiming to find solutions for emerging plastic problems. 

Exhibition: Nest, The Hague: oct 9 - nov 21: Tracks, Traces and Transformations - A project on art that has been produced by travel, movement and a change of perspective. With works by Patrick Corillon (BE)
Maarten Vanden Eynde (BE)
Christoph Fink (BE)
Esther Kokmeijer (NL)
Richard Long (UK)
Simon Starling (UK);

Maarten Vanden Eyde contributed to STORM and S.MAG1 & 2 by Satellietgroep.

from dat was water with coastal cultural artist badgast zee art research artists project sea scheveningen satellietgroep new zandmotor