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About the works

| 2012-11-16 15:39:20

'The Sea In Me - İçimdeki Deniz'
60 min documentary produced by Bahanur Nasya (architect,TR/AT ) & Yılmaz Vurucu (filmmaker, TR/CA/AT) while artist in residents at Sinop (TR), followed by post production during their residency in The Hague (NL).
‘This is not a documentary about Sinop. Through the residents of this small coastal town, we reveal universal stories which effect modern humanity as a whole.’ Yilmaz Vurucu.

The Sea In Me is a documentary portraying the stories of the residents of a small coastal town. Their history, culture and way of living, which has evolved over centuries, based on a connection with the sea and nature, is being threatened by rapid and unplanned urbanization, increasing rates of migration, and the imposition of pre-fabricated, one-size-fits-all development methods. Filmmaker Yilmaz Vurucu and architect Bahanur Nasya follow the lives of the inhabitants of Sinop, a small town located on the coast of the Black Sea, and obtain unique glimpses into their culture, way of living, daily habits, hopes and aspirations.

Dutch artist Maurice Bogaert realised two conceptual videoworks during his residency at Sinop:

‘Artist in Residence/Guest Worker - Konuk Sanatçı/Misafir İşçi' (6’23)
Maurice left home for a place which he wasn’t familiar with. Within the first week, he found his first job. He started to work at Ülgens Model Workshop, helping build model boats. He bargained well however, and in return, received a promise to help him build a boat,. Together they built his own reconstruction of 'the Ocean Wave', the boat Dutch artist Bas Jan Ader disappeared with in 1975.
Bas Jan Ader became a myth and source of inspiration of future generations of artists, connecting also global arts to the universal stories of coastal communities about lost men at sea.

'Everything Will Be Beautiful - Her şey Harika Olacak' (1’28 + 2’48):
Walking and biking through Sinop, one of the things that struck Maurice were the many construction sites. New roads and buildings are being constructed throughout the city. The sites seem to be preludes of a better, brighter future. But are they? 'Everything Will Be Beautiful' is a work about the better, brighter, and more beautiful future that is promised to us. He uses different media, like the digital billboards in the city centre to share the words: 'Everything Will Be Beautiful' as a wish, a poem, a mantra. But who is actually talking to us? Is it a poem? Or is it an official announcement? Is it the municipality that wants us to stay tranquil?
‘Everything will be Beautiful’ is an artwork that strongly connects to the hopes and aspirations of the Turkish pioneers, who set out in the sixties to look for work and a brighter future in The Netherlands as guest worker. People leave their homes and families every day, often due to political pressure.


scheveningen water badgast research artist cultural from new zee satellietgroep zandmotor dat sea was artists project coastal with art