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Cultural partners NWTS-Georgia

| 2013-07-16 09:00:27

GeoAIR (2003 onwards) organizes and supports international exchange projects with the goal of strengthening the Georgian and Caucasian art world, bringing together artists from different cultural backgrounds and finding relevant contexts for them to work in.
Besides this, GeoAIR stimulates and raises awareness and engagement with art and culture from this region. We work together with international individuals and organizations that share our goals. GeoAIR has also become, over the past years, an ‘intermediary’ for individuals and organizations that seek connection with the arts in this region.

BIAFF Film festival
Batumi International Art-House Film Festival (BIAFF) was established in 2006.
The founder and organizer –Batumi Art-house  "ARGANI", official partner - Batumi City Hall. BIAFF is annual event and is held in second half of September. Festival is focusing on art-house cinema.
Their vision is to become the premier international Film Festival in Georgia in the near future and to continue to expand our reach becoming the major international Film Festival event in the Black Sea region focusing on art-house and independent cinema. The mission of BIAFF is to be an international event designed to enhance cultural exchange, understanding, and collaboration through the screening of new art house-house and non-commercial films from Georgia and abroad. The event provides an opportunity for well known film makers, producers and film critics to meet and share their expertise and works with other people in their respective fields and gives  local cinema lovers and other individuals a better understanding of the industry and it’s people through retrospectives. BIAFF is also focused on providing a quality educational opportunity for those people interested in film and cinematography.

Sakdoc Film
Sakdoc Film is a documentary film production company in Georgia. The aim of Sakdoc Film is to depict the transitional period that Georgia is now undergoing from being a Soviet state to becoming a modern country. We believe that there are number of topics, places and people that will not exist in Georgia in a few years and which are worth and even essential to film before the opportunity fades away. Apart from producing Sakdoc Film is also implementing projects related to documentary filmmaking such as organizing workshops and screenings.

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