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Writers Weekend

| 2012-01-09 21:41:48

JANUARY 12 - 14, 2012
These days our Pool of Critics and the Peer Review Group will get together at BADGAST/FAST to review the critical essays developed during the last year about BADGAST.
Next to our 'image' pool of photographers and videomakers Satellietgroep started in 2011 in collaboration with Domein Voor Kunstkritiek (Domain For Art Criticism) a reflective and critical pool of young critics and a peer review group of experienced critics. They write and reflect on the project BADGAST as a testcase for this model of research based artist in residence, in the context of arts, science, urban planning and coastal transitions. Participants of the Pool of Critics are Karin van de Wiel, Thomas Van Lier, Eveleen Hamers, Erica Smits, Daphne Rieken and Emma Bijloos; participants of the Peer Review Group are Floor Tinga, Iris Schutten and Nathalie Hartjes.

Special guests during this Writers Weekend will be Ine Poppe (art critic, specialised on digital media), Leontine Meijer- van Mensch (specialist in ethical New Museology, Reinwardt Academy), Petra Derkzen (sociologist, University of Wageningen), and Ann Meskens (philosopher, writer in residence Rietveld Academy).

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