Aram Tanis @ IK, Zeeland
| 2013-05-09 16:05:45
Opening Aram Tanis 'Going Back to Where I Am Used to Stand' June 9 at 12:00
Stichting IK, Oost-Souborg, Zeeland, exhibtion June 9 - July 14, 2013
Tanis' project gaat over verlangens, ervaringen en herinneringen en hoe deze in de loop der tijden van kleur en vorm veranderen in iemands persoonlijke geschiedenis. Een jaar geleden maakte Aram samen met Jacolijn Verhoef 'Departure Bay', een korte documentaire over zijn vader die herinneringen ophaalt over hoe hij als 8 jarig jongetje de watersnoodramp van 1953 heeft beleefd. Hierdoor begon Aram op een andere manier na te denken over zijn eigen herinneringen.
Where I’m Likely to Find It
In het hoekpaviljoen van het IK-eiland heeft Aram Tanis in samenwerking met Satellietgroep, de expositie Where I’m Likely to Find It samengesteld. Er is werk te zien van Mounira Al Solh, Jac Bisschops, Eliane Esther Bots, Benjamin Bridges, Henrik Lund Jørgensen en Aram Tanis / Jacolijn Verhoef, waarbij landschap en herinneringen centraal staan.Beide tentoonstellingen zijn te bezichtigen tot en met 14 juli 2013 op zaterdag en zondag tussen 12.00 en 17.00 uur en op afspraak.
Aram Tanis is currently artist in resident of Mondriaan Foundation at 'Ik' Foundation, Oost-Souborg, Zeeland. This project 'Going Back to Where I Am Used to Stand' is a follow up of his previous residency at Badgast, where together with Jacolijn Verhoef he made the short documentary 'Departure Bay'. Aram invited Satellietgroep to compose a special videoprogram for the exhibition at 'Ik'. In combination with Departure Bay 4 works in total will be in the exhibition on monitors.
We selected 'The Dome -The Cone of Silence' by Eliane Esther Bots, 'Friends he Lost at Sea' by Henrik Lund Jørgensen (SE/DK) and 'The Sea is a Stereo' by Mounira Al Sohl.
Photo 'Ik': Theo Mahieu
Aram Tanis (1978, Seoul/South Korea/NL) & Jacolijn Verhoef (NL) 'Departure Bay', 2011 9:13
Videowork produced at BADGAST in 2011. Courtesy Satellietgroep.
Tanis and Verhoef created the short narrative documentary ‘Departure Bay’ in Scheveningen and Zeeland. Tanis’ dad experienced as a child the floods of 1953 and remembers conflicting emotions. In the context of large scale developments for coastal protection this is a particular interesting document, because this flood disaster instigated 60 years of Delta Works, which have recently been completed. The latest innovation in this area is the Sand Engine. Both Tanis and Verhoef live in the city. They discovered while artists in resedence at Badgast, with a frontal daily view on the sea, wind, rain and smell, that the sea influenced their way of observation and thus influenced the documentary.
Eliane Esther Bots (1986, NL) 'The Dome & The Cone of Silence', 2012 16:50 min
Videowork produced at BADGAST in 2012. Courtesy Satellietgroep.
'The cone of silence’ is an inverted cone-shaped region immediately above the antenna of a radio beacon in which signals are imperceptible. Just before the signal disappears into ‘the cone of silence’ the volume is stronger. In the short film ‘The dome & the cone of silence’ three men are followed. They visit the coast with great regularity. They each have different motives for visiting this area. The coast functions in the film as a place to be alone, reminiscing, daydreaming and longing for other worlds. The coast as a sanctuary, where the sound dissolves. Image, text and sound connect the coastal area to places elsewhere.
Henrik Lund Jørgensen (1975, DK/SE) ‘Friends he lost at Sea’, 2009 5:32 min.
In this video, Jørgensen takes up the subjects and compositions of two of Michael Ancher’s most well-known works: Will He Round the Point? (1879) and The Crew is Saved (1894). Both paintings are re-enacted in the manner of a tableau vivant, however with refugees from other countries taking the place of the fishermen.
Jørgensen is currently artist in residence of Satellietgroep at BADGAST for a new videowork.
Mounira Al Solh (1978, Beirut) 'The Sea is a Stereo', 2007 12:56 min
The sea is a stereo is an on-going series of reflections on a group of men who swim everyday at the beach in Beirut no matter the circumstances: rain, wind, war, etc. Even as we read this, the men might be swimming or preparing themselves to do so. The work consists of different elements: a number of videos, photo-collages, a lecture and other materials. Al Sohl sees these elements as different possibilities for making the sea is a stereo, which seems a never-ending work; like the men in Beirut who will never stop swimming.
This video was screened by Satellietgroep in 2009 during the first Cinema program 'To Whom Belongs The Sea?' at BADGAST.
Satellietgroep explores through arts and culture how the sea and waterways influence cities, people, communities and environments. Our aim is to enhance public and professional awareness on coastal transitions.
Satellietgroep programs Badgast since 2009 for exchange of local knowledge on a global level. Badgast is a research based artist in residence program, outdoor Cinema with screenings and Talks, all concerning the sea and waterways. Badgast is located in the middle of the surfing village FAST, the Urban Beach Community at the hinge point of the boulevard and harbour in The Hague at Scheveningen. We invite international artists and scientists to jointly develop and present research articulating a cultural, innovative and sustainable significance of the sea and its coasts by doing on-site research, engage with local communities, collaborate with local experts and connect to international networks. We interconnect coastal communities by connecting contemporary research and new works to historic and future coastal developments in The Netherlands and abroad with the international exchange project Now Wakes The Sea'. During these residencies new works – both conceptual and documentary - are developed that reflect upon the complex and layered coastal transitions and urban developments. With these works they contribute to the international contemporary collection on coastal transitions of Satellietgroep to be shared with broader audiences.