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Cinema at Sea here and elsewhere

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Satellietgroep (The Hague, 2006) explores through arts and culture how the sea and waterways influence cities, people, communities and environment. Our aim is to enhance public and professional awareness on coastal transitions. Long term projects are 'Badgast' - artist in residency program at The Hague/Scheveningen, 'Now Wakes The Sea' (NWTS), the international exchange residency program in collaboration with international cultural partners.

Part of the programs is the open air Cinema at Sea, on location at Badgast at F.A.S.T. in The Hague/Scheveningen and during the 'Now Wakes The Sea' programs abroad or we compose special guestevents at festivals like Rewire Festival (The Hague), Into The Great Wide Open (Vlieland), Interference (Breda).
During these events we screen productions realized during artist in residencies at Badgast and NWTS in the context of existing works. We invite international artists/filmmakers as guestcurators to compose screening events starting from their own work and artist talk.
Among the filmmakers that produced works during residencies are Maarten de Kroon, Astrid Bussink, Eliane Esther Bots (since 2011 co-curator), Maurice Bogaert, Aram Tanis/Jacolijn Verhoef, Bahanur Nasya/Yilmaz Vurucu, Frank Dean (Frank Bloem/Edwin Deen), Francois Lombarts, Henrik Lund Jørgensen. Works screened during filmevents by Imre Azem, Cevdet Erek, Silvie Zijlmans, Zeger Reyers, Cees Bolten, Mounira Al Solh and many more.

Satellietgroep has a nomadic pop-up Cinema with Beambus, beamer, beachchairs, blankets and winecoolers for events. Feel free to contact us at

Open air Cinema at Sea at Badgast, photo Rob te Riet

Open air Cinema at Sea @ Badgast, Scheveningen.

'Now Wakes The Sea' Batumi Beach Film Festival in Georgia.

First pop up open air cinema at Zandmotor: CineMare.

Filmmaker Maarten de Kroon will present his documentary LANDLOCKED during CRONOGRAF in Moldova on May 17 2015 . His documentary was realized during our exchange artist in residency project called NOW WAKES THE SEA with cultural partners MediArt Dialogue, Art Plodashka and Teatru Spalatorie with technical support by KSAK, made possible due to the generous contributions to the documentary by many people in Chisinau and funded by ECF.
LANDLOCKED shows in a poetic way the relation between Moldova and the Black Sea, addresses how history gives and takes while borders keep on changing and how people are dealing with that.
LANDLOCKED will be shown on the Moldovan Film Festival in the special section EYES ON MOLDOVA for documentaries made by foreign filmmakers about the territory and citizens of the Republic of Moldova. EYES ON MOLDOVA is a new dedicated program in this edition of the CRONOGRAD IDFF Festival, showing 5 recently documentaries produced by filmmakers from Austria, Brazil, Netherlands, France, and Republic of Moldova. The documentaries will be completed with Q & A sessions with authors, filmmakers and protagonists.

De Volkskrant over LANDLOCKED:


badgast with zandmotor research from cultural artist sea new water dat satellietgroep was art zee project coastal artists scheveningen