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OPEN CALL film & video 2013

| 2013-02-26 15:50:29

This call is addressed to visual artists amd filmmakers who are working with video/film/animation/documentary connected to the sea, waterways and coastal transitions.

extended to April 14, 2013

Please send us your work as .mov / .mp4 / .avi through Wetransfer or send a link to a website where we can view your work (such as Vimeo, youtube etc).

Dutch artist’s run initiative Satellietgroep announces an open call for video works and films which deal with the sea, oceans, water ways, coastal transition and the relation between land and water. We welcome documentaries, conceptual works, shorts, fiction films and animations.

We aim to select a diverse range of films for several screening programs.
One of the screenings will take place on June 8th during the 'Day of the Oceans' as part of the exhibition 'Yes, Naturally' in the Gemeentemuseum The Hague, The Netherlands. |
A follow up will be screening programs in Moldova, Georgia, Russia and The Netherlands in 2013.

Satellietgroep explores through arts and culture how the sea and waterways influence cities, people, communities and environments. Our aim is to enhance public and professional awareness on coastal transitions. Satellietgroep developed the artist in residency program called 'Badgast' for research and exchange of local knowledge on a global level. We invite international artists and scientists to jointly develop and present research articulating a cultural, innovative and sustainable significance of the sea and its coasts by doing on-site research, engage with local communities, collaborate with local experts and connect to international networks. Badgast is located on the seaside at surfing village FAST in Scheveningen/The Hague (NL).

Besides the artist in residency Satellietgroep programs the 'Cinema at sea' where we invite guestcurators to compose a special screening program for our open air Cinema @ Badgast.
We compose video exhibitions such as 'Now wakes the sea' exhibition in Siemens Sanat Istanbul with Dutch and Turkish video works and films. Satellietgroep is often invited to curate screening programs in the context of international exhibitions and festivals.

Satellietgroep is currently executing the project 'Now Wakes The Sea', which involves research based artist in residence programs for artists and filmmakers in coastal transition areas. We focus on countries surrounding the Black Sea and North Sea, encouraging artist to develop new works, to select existing works and program travelling film festivals for public screenings and debates at venues, on both coasts.

For further information please browse this website.
Looking forward to your works!
The Satellietgroep Team

Open air Cinema at Sea @ Badgast

was with artists art cultural from dat satellietgroep project scheveningen water research coastal zee new sea badgast zandmotor artist