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Locals Only#6

| 2014-06-20 18:20:23

Kolbrún Lilja Marrow - student Fine Arts at KABK (Iceland)
May 2014

Werkvoorstel Locals Only @ Badgast:
A home away from home. I come from a little fisherman's village in the north west of Iceland, my art is driven from the magnificent nature of my country in many ways. When in Scheveningen I get peace and quietness from the busy city life in Den Haag where I am studying fine arts. Scheveningen almost feels like home when I see the boats, the people, when I hear the sound of the ocean and look at the horizon until I see the mc Donalds sign which points in two directions which reminds me I am inside of a city. With my work in Scheveningen I want to reflect on my experiences while living for a while in this special area which is getting more crowded by the day with sound, video and drawings.

sea cultural badgast artist dat zandmotor zee from was coastal satellietgroep artists with new water research art project scheveningen