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Testsite: Kusthal Kijkduin

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End of April Satellietgroep works at the seaside at Kijkduin in a former warehouse. Located in the dunes, with a view at Zandmotor and the famous Land Art project Celestial Vault by James Turrell. A 'Kusthal' for culture, nature & education. Workspace for artists, designers, local experts and scientists. Startingpoint for the first explorations with 75 pupils from Technasium Maris College The Hague on the Zandmotor. Kick off of the new education project, questioning future perceptions of culture and nature, coast and climate though their senses.
With special thanks to Hoogheemraadschap Delfland & St. Ark.

from artist satellietgroep new project zee zandmotor was scheveningen sea water with badgast artists art cultural coastal dat research