Zeelab#2: Climate as Game Changer
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Location: Border Sessions, Den Haag
Link to newsletter June 2018: http://ymlp.com/zwogHF
Onkruidenier, Mans Schepers, Masha Ru, Marit Mihklepp, Thijs de Zeeuw, Harrie van der Hagen, Jan de Graaf.
How natural is our human habitat?
We hear the wind blow, feel the rain on our skin. Do we experience this as nature or as natural elements in an environment defined by mankind?
People cherish an idea of what nature is and the world should look like; our environment is adjusted to fit that image. Are we aware of this ongoing representation of nature? We manipulate biotopes and interfere with living and non-living ecosystems. We design parks, zoos and aquaria. Do we still have a choice how natural our human habitats can be?
During the lab 'Climate as Game Changer' we will use all our senses to better understand our environment and discuss what conditions we are creating.
Image: Sea foam - Phaeocystis: the algal bloom and the formation of foam seems to be a natural phenomenon, but has assumed abnormal proportions due to a number of human causes.
More about the program Climate as Game Changer:
Tijdens Climate as Game Changer ontmoet je kunstenaars, vormgevers, wetenschappers en lokale experts. Climate as Game Changer vindt buiten plaats tijdens Border Sessions. Onder de bomen (binnenplaats Kerkstraat 11, Den Haag) installeren we een aantal Landschapsbars met veldonderzoek. Midden in de installatie gaan kunstenaars, ontwerpers, wetenschappers met deelnemers aan de slag rondom de vraag: Hoe natuurlijk is onze menselijke leefomgeving? In dit tweede Zeelab gebruiken we al onze zintuigen om de leefomgeving beter te begrijpen en zullen we discussiëren over welke condities we zelf scheppen.
TIP: Parallel Lab: Ambassade van de Noordzee: Wat is het geluid van de zee?
Read the motion on behalf of the North Sea that Satellietgroep submitted to the Ambassy of the North Sea (Dutch only).
In 2018 organiseert Satellietgroep vijf Zeelabs i.h.k.v. Feest aan Zee. Elk Zeelab is een ontmoeting van kunstenaars en vormgevers met wetenschappers en publiek over cultuur en natuur, kust en klimaat. Met dank aan de gemeente Den Haag, Feest aan Zee, Border Sessions.
During Climate as Game Changer you will meet artists, designers, scientists and local experts. Climate as Game Changer takes place outside during Border Sessions. Under the trees (courtyard Kerkstraat 11, The Hague) we install a number of Landscape bars with field research. In the middle of the installation artists, designers, scientists and participants start with the question: How natural is our human environment?
10:00 start Lab: How natural is your human environment?
10.00 – 10.30 Introduction
I: Relation with living ecosystems 1 - biotic
10:30 – 11.15 De Onkruidenier, Jonmar van Vlijmen & Ronald Boer
II: Relation with sea and shores: resilience
11:15 – 11:30 Mans Schepers
11:30 – 11:45 Harrie van der Hagen
11:45 – 12:00 Short break
III: Relation with living ecosystems 1 - biotic
12:00 – 12:45 Thijs de Zeeuw
IV: 12:45 - 14.15 Break: intervention Jan de Graaf (Terschelling)
V: Relation met non-living ecosystems 3 - abiotoc
14:30 – 15:15 Masha Ru
15:15 – 15:45 Marit Mihklepp
15:45 - 17:00 Wrap up of the Lab
Artists Ronald Boer & Jonmar van Vlijmen collaborate under the name Onkruidenier. They explore forms of symbiosis between the realm of the cultural and the natural world and develop new interpretations. Their work transforms familiar everyday actions of classifying, cultivating, preparing and consuming of plants into experiential narratives.
Mans Schepers
Archaeologist Mans Schepers (Groningen University) is specialised in ancient coastal agriculture around Dutch dwelling mounds, so-called terps. The dramatically different relation the inhabitants of the area prior to massive dike building had with the sea, is the most fascinating outcome of his research in the past few years.
Thijs de Zeeuw
Thijs de Zeeuw is a Dutch landscape architect, who designed several animal enclosures for ARTIS. With ‘ZOOOF’ he initiated a research-and-design project on the zoo of the future and he is the founder of the NATURE OPTIMIST, a platform for the happy, opportunistic and untamable nature in and around us.
Harrie van der Hagen
Harrie van der Hagen is a vegetation scientist and landscape ecologist (Radboud University Nijmegen). He works for Dunea dealing with the issues around nature conservation itself and in relation with drinking water production. Currently working on his PhD at Wageningen about livestock grazing management.
Masha Ru
Artist & researcher Masha Ru explores Geophagy, a phenomenon of eating earth and earth-like substances. Common cultural, spiritual or healing practice in many countries, but officially regarded as psychological disorder in Europe and USA. Ru collects, presents and with soils from all over the world in Museum of Edible Earth.
Marit Mihklepp
Marit Mihklepp is an Estonian artist based in The Hague. She is interested how collaborative practices with other-than-human (bacteria, stones,cities) create space for alternative understandings of human life, less based on possession and power. Lately, she has been exploring the differences of time perception between human and stone bodies.
Jan de Graaf
Jan de Graaf is from a Wadden Island based maritime family. ‘Schooling’ meant Maritime School, but he chose theory and history of urbanism (Technical Unversity Delft). Narrative planning is his favorite field, led by a thalassacentric perspective. Large scale and long time geography, with a sharp eye for geopolitical aspects.
Satellietgroep (organisator)
Artists collective Satellietgroep (The Hague, 2006) explores the sea, coastal transitions, climate change and the role of mankind in these processes in the Netherlands and abroad. In 2018 we rethink our perceptions of culture and nature with artists, designers, scientists and audiences. One of the questions is: Who is nature?