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| 2018-07-29 02:15:20

Dutch Artists collective Satellietgroep (The Hague, 2006) explores the sea, coastal transitions, climate change and the impact of mankind on these processes, in The Netherlands and abroad. The team creates conditions for artists and designers to work on site during artist-in-residency programs, collaborate with the extensive network of locals and scientists, to develop new works and insights to be shared with broader audiences during public programs.
The current team of Satellietgroep consists of Jacqueline Heerema, Francois Lombarts and Lotte Bosman.

2006: Satellieteiland (nomadic)
2009-2014: artist-in-residency program Badgast (Scheveningen)
Starting 2012: International artist-in-residency exchange programs
Polders (Haarlemmermeerpolder, Waterland)
Wadden (Vlieland, Terschelling, Afsluitdijk)
Since 2014: artist-in-residency program Zandmotor (Zandgast)

Artistic research areas in the Netherlands:
Zandmotor, Scheveningen, Waddensea (Vlieland, Terschelling), polders Waterland and Haarlemmermeer, Afsluitdijk & more.
Recent research projects and public presentations:
Climate as Artifact - KLimaat als mensenwerk (2018), Destination Highway Afsluitdam (Afsluitdijk, Making Waves 2017), Gardening without Borders (Wadden, Oerol 2017), Prospectors - three layers of landscape (Intersections, Art Rotterdam 2017), Landschapsextracten (polder Waterland, 2016), Waterpionier (Zandmotor, 2016).
International artist-in-residence exchange project:
New York City, Japan, UK, Malta, Lithuania, Russia, Georgia, Moldova, Turkey & more.

Satellietgroep collaborates with international colleagues initiatives and works with artists in residents, artists, designers and students during their artistic process to do fieldwork and develop new works and insights. We connect arts and science with local experts and audiences. Sometimes residents also become part of the collective.
The studio of Satellietgroep is based in The Hague at

Read the blogpost by Yasmine Ostendorf listing her ten favourite art/sustainability initiatives in the Netherlands:

cultural dat artists badgast coastal zee project sea water artist art scheveningen from satellietgroep zandmotor with was new research