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Tagcloud: UIT / AAN


| 2018-07-31 17:36:43

S.MAG#2 Geen Zee | No Sea, 2008
€10 euro ex shipping

Thinking about the sea equals thinking about existence. The sea is reality,  inextricably bound up with earth, life, origin, nutrition, oxygen. In contrast to existence there is nonexistence - no sea. An impossibility in reality. Without sea, there would be no water and no life, at least not as we know it. But it is possible to think of the sea as nonexistent. As a concept or idea. A theoretical possibility superseding reality.
Guest editors: Maarten de Kroon, Francien van Westrenen; artwork by Lizan Frijesen; contributions by: Narda Alvarado (BO) | Pierre Derks | Olafur Eliasson (DK) | Michael Elmgreen (DK) & Ingar Dragset (N) |Maarten Vanden Eynde | Lizan Freijsen | Koen Geurts | Jacqueline Heerema | Florentijn Hofman | Robin Ineke | Bas de Koning | Maarten de Kroon | Kadir van Lohuizen | Amalia Pica (BR) | Joaquin Sanchez (PY) | Jesse Skolnik | Petra ter Veer | Barbara Visser | Esther van Waalwijk | Francien van Westrenen | Martijn van der Wiel | Jessica de Wolf |



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