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November 20, 2014:
Cinema open air program at 'T Gras van de Buren, DCR The Hague
November-December 2014:
artist-in-residence Theun Karelse @ Zandmotor
Hosted at Villa Ockenburgh/Locatiei Z
November 2014:
artist-in-residence Josje Hattink @ Zandmotor
Hosted at Villa Ockenburgh/Locatiei Z
November 9, 2014:
Artist in residence Zoro Feigl new work Untangling the Tides, Sierd de Vries Tu Delft, Expedition
Eridanos Bram Esser & Francois Lombarts, introducing new resident Theun Karelse
October 16+17, 2014:
Video Presentation at LMCC - Lower Manhattan Cultural Council - New York City.
Locals Only @ Badgast 2014:
artist-in-residence Mattia Papp, Wytske van der Veen, Jasper Voncee, Marieke Helmus & Maurice Speer, Gisele Sommer, Kolbrún Lilja Marrow , Johannes Gramm, Paulien van den Broeke, Margriet van Eekelen, Christine Wagner, Levina de Wolf, Susan van Hengstum, Mar Cuervo.
Funded by Fonds 1818
September 24-27, 2014:
Cinema program 'The Best Of Badgast & Beyond' at TodaysArt Festival
To Whom Belongs The Sea at Failed Architecture, Summit TodaysArt Festival
Falled Architecture @ Badgast
September 22-26, 2014:
International coastal conference Littoral 2014 in Klaipeda Lithuania
Ronald Boer and Expedition Eridanos Bram Esser & Francois Lombarts
September 11, 2014:
Cinema at Sea with Kust en Zee @ Badgast: Taste the Sea
September- October 2014:
artist-in-residence Zoro Feigl @ Zandmotor
Hosted at Villa Ockenburg/Locatie Z
June 18, 2014:
Guest Who #5
Guest Who is a monthly evening hosted by Satellietgroep, Zaal 3 and Wander.
Program: Zaal 3 cafe: Daphne Blomsma; Satellietgroep: Bram Esser & Francois Lombarts, TodaysArt hosted at DCR Gueststudios: Sebastien Robert, TodaysArt: Gabey Tjon, Heet Strijken / Pop-Up Store
June 13, 2014:
Satellietgroep @ ISea - Clash of the Concepts by Rijkswaterstaat and received Honorayry Award.
June 6, 2014:
Satellietgroep @ FramerFramed, Tolhuistuin Amsterdam, in collaboration with European Alternatives: Premiere of 'Landlocked' by Maarten de Kroon, documentary produced while artist in residence of 'Now Wakes The Sea' at Moldova. Special guest Pavel Braila from Moldova.
June 6-8, 2014:
curator Jacqueline Heerema presents the concept of 'Innovatory Heritage' at the Innovate Heritage Conference - conversations between arts and heritage at ZKU in Berlin.
June 4, 2014:
ARCHIVE IT_ talk: Mapping Contemperary Concerns#1 @ Berlinerpool , Berlin
May 30, 2014:
Portfolio preview exams @ KABK
May 22 - 25, 2015
Co-curating Inter-Format Symposium 'On Flux of Sand and Aquatic Ecosystems' at Nida Art Colony (LT); Curatorial Board: Rasa and Raitis Smits (RIXC, LV), Andrew Gryf Paterson (Pixelache, SCO/FIN), Erich Berger (Finnish Society of Bioart, AT/FI), Jacqueline Heerema and Ronald Boer (Satellietgroep, NL). Curator: Vytautas Michelkevičius, Nida Art Colony. With Jan de Graaf, Marinus van Dijke, Jeroen van Westen, Edwin Deen, Theun Karelse, Bram Esser, Francois Lombarts, Ronald Boer, Eliane Bots, Jacqueline Heerema.
May 14, 2014:
Guest Who #4
Guest Who is a monthly evening hosted by Satellietgroep, Zaal 3 and Wander.
Program: Zaal 3 cafe: Daphne Blomsma; KABK: Moritz Alive, Satellietgroep/Badgast: Marieke Helmus & Maurice Spees, Anna Mikhailova, Zaal 3: Jos Nargy, Zaal 3: Robin Coops.
April 16, 2014:
Guest Who #3
Guest Who is a monthly evening hosted by Satellietgroep, Zaal 3 and Wander.
Program: Zaal 3 cafe: Daphne Blomsma; De Universiteit Leiden/ Campus The Hague: Sjoerd Louwaars, 1646: Raphael Constant, Zaal 3: Sytze Schalk, Cardboarders: Astrid van der Velde, Korzo hosted at DCR Gueststudios: Jose Jay B. Cruz
March 31, 2014
Satellietgroep visits Zandmotor Congres
March 30, 2014:
Satellietgroep @ Opening Bewaerschole:
Opening talk at 'Balanceren tussen zoet en zout' in Burgh Haamstede, Zeeland.
Meer: http://www.bewaerschole.com
March 18, 2014:
Satellietgroep visits the presentation of Telling the Baltic in Brussels.
March 13, 2014:
Satellietgroep @ Noordzeecongres 2014
Satellietgroep talks about 'Innovatory Coastal Culture', screens videoworks produced during our projects and presents 'Locals Only#1' Mattia Papp during the North Sea Conference 2014 in Provinciehuis The Hague.
March 12, 2014:
Guest Who #2
Guest Who is a monthly evening hosted by Satellietgroep, Zaal 3 and Wander.
Program: Zaal 3 cafe: Daphne Blomsma; Bureau Op Trek: Sabrina Lindemann, BAKK, Billytown: Cybil Scott, DCR Guest studio's: David Wills, Zaal 3: Marktplaatsmuziek Lindertje Mans.
March 10, 2014:
Satellietgroep visits the presentation of Leeuwarden Cultural Capital of Europe 2018
March 8, 2014:
Satellietgroep screens films @ Hope Step Japan at Mediamatic Fabriek, Amsterdam
Starting March 2014:
It's Now or Never: Satellietgroep programs Locals Only @ Badgast
Febr 26, 2014:
Satellietgroep @ Noordzee Gebiedsagenda 2050 by Ministerie I&M
Febr 15, 2014:
Deadline open call contributions for Inter-Format Symposium 'On Flux of Sand and Aquatic Ecosystems' at Nida Art Colony (LT)
February 12, 2014
Guest Who #1
Guest Who is a monthly evening hosted by Satellietgroep, Zaal 3 and Wander.
Program: Zaal 3 cafe: Daphne Blomsma, Zaal 3: David Veneman, Wander: Simon Farid, Satellietgroep hosted at DCR Gueststudios: Vytautas Michelkevičius, curator of Nida Art Colony (LT), De Electriciteitsfabriek: Theo Jansen, ’t Gras van de Buren: Andries Micke
Febr 10-17, 2014:
4 interns Fine Arts KABK @ Satellietgroep
Jan 23 - 30, 2014:
Fieldtrip to Nida Art Colony Lithuania