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Nishiko: Repairing Earthquake Project

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Nishiko (1981, Japan/NL)

In Situ Workspace - Repairing Earthquake Project, since 2011 - ongoing
Photo: Repairing Earthquake Project, a bottle traveled to Canada, Nishiko, 2015



Nishiko is working on site daily, with the exception of Nov 15, 16 and 17 

De Japanse kunstenaar Nishiko woont en werkt in Den Haag. Haar werk wordt gestuurd door toeval. Kort na de aardbeving en de tsunami ramp in Japan in 2011 begon Nishiko met haar Repairing Earthquake Project. Ze verzamelt beschadigde, vaak persoonlijke voorwerpen in het rampgebied en start een langdurig proces van reparatie, geleidt door toevallige ontmoetingen en dialoog.

Tijdens haar artist-in-residency bij Satellietgroep in Badgast (Scheveningen, 2013) werkte Nishiko aan Repairing earthquake project, Third Phase, samen met kunstenaar Sachi Miyachi (The scope in the swell waves). Het bericht dat tsunami-brokken vanuit Japan door golfstromingen over de Stille Oceaan aanspoelen op de Westkust van Canada, maakte hen bewust van stoffen die in zee circuleren en hoe kleine deeltjes in de zee (zoals microplastics) als geheel een immense impact op het milieu kunnen hebben. Samen ontwikkelden ze de installatie Current washes ashore (2013).

Tijdens Climate as Artifact heeft Nishiko een werkplaats in de tentoonstelling, zoals eerder in Yokohama (2011) and Mito (2012). De relatie tussen het onderwerp en het publiek vindt Nishiko belangrijker dan het werk zelf, om het proces te herbeleven en binnen hun eigen context en belevingswereld te plaatsen.

Japanese artist Nishiko lives and works in The Hague. Her work is being steered by chance. Shortly after the earthquake and tsunami disaster in Japan in 2011, Nishiko began her Repairing Earthquake Project. She collects damaged, often personal items in the disaster area and starts a long process of repair, guided by chance encounters and dialogue.

During her artist-in-residency with Satellietgroep at Badgast (Scheveningen, 2013), Nishiko worked on Repairing Earthquake Project, Third Phase, together with artist Sachi Miyachi (The scope in the swell waves). The news that tsunami debris washed ashore on the other side of the Pacific Ocean on the west coast of Canada, made them aware of circulating substances and how small particles in the sea (such as microplastics) as a whole can have an immense impact on the environment. Together they developed the installation Current washes ashore (2013). 

During Climate as Artifact, Nishiko has a workshop in the exhibition, like before in Yokohama (2011) and Mito (2012). The relationship between the subject and the audience is more important to Nishiko than the work itself, to relive the process and to place within their own context and experience.

Nishiko has been archiving her own experiences of encountering negative events or mundane norms, or events that are slightly diverged from normality. Through contemplation and investigation, she tries to show intriguing features of the subjects by putting emphasis on the opposite of how they are normally seen or treated. These are attempts to excavate values of mundane life in ethical and aesthetical manners. The medium varies depending on the subject, from the tangible (object, installation, publication) to the intangible (action, sound, website).

Program during Climate as Artifact:
In Situ work: every day during visiting hours except for 15, 16 and 17 November.
October 28, 14:00 -18:00: Seminar Global Currents

The entire ‘Repairing Earthquake Project’ will be presented at Stroom Den Haag November 18, 2018 – January 27, 2019. Opening November 17 at 17:00
Image: Repairing Earthquake Project, Plate 8, 2012, courtesy Nishiko.


Exhibition Uptime_ curated by Nest & Satellietgroep, June 2018
Repairing Earthquake Project, Object# 2011_32, 2011
Washed Ashore (Repairing Earthquake Project fifth phase), work in progress Japan-Canada 2018
Photo: Studio Johan Nieuwenhuize

International exchange artist-in-residency of Satellietgroep at Sea Loft, Scotland (2016)
Repairing Work of Dempsey and Boer (2016)
Exhibition Making Time (2017), curated by Satellietgroep
Photo: Yasunori Kawamatsu


Installation 'Current washes ashore' (2013)
Exhibition Zeelust at GEMAK, THe Hague (2013), curated by Satellietgroep.
Found objects, sea sand, seawater, rainwater and photography. Collaboration between 'The scope in the swell waves' by Sachi Miyachi and 'Repairing earthquake project, Third Phase' by Nishiko.


Spread in publication BADGAST (Satellietgroep, 2013), design Studio Duel



Artist-in-residency with Satellietgroep at Badgast, Scheveningen 2013:

21.1 m: Japanese tsunami height kite flying at Scheveningen
Finissage Badgast artist-in-residency, June 2013

Content of installation for publication, artists book Current washes ashore (2013)

cultural research scheveningen water project sea artist new zandmotor coastal artists satellietgroep zee with badgast art from was dat