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Onkruidenier: SWEET - SWEAT

| 2018-10-09 19:35:48

Jonmar van Vlijmen (1980, NL) & Ronald Boer (1981, NL)
icw Rosanne van Wijk (1994, NL)

SWEET-SWEAT. We are under construction, 2018


Program during Climate as Artifact:


Onkruidenier & Rosanne van Wijk connect Climate as Artifact in The Hague with the parallel artist-in-residency at Bamboo Curtain Studio in Taipei, on the island of Taiwan in the East China Sea. On both locations they bring together the ingredients - sand, burnt shells, sugar and glutinous rice - to fabricate cement according to a historic recipe brought by the Dutch from ancient China and introduced at Formosa during colonial times (1624-1662).
Though the ingredients are known, there are no records of guidelines for production.
How did the Dutch learn to create this strong and yet elastic cement?

This afternoon we invite you to join the research of grinding, boiling, pressing and mixing of ingredients. The experimentation takes place simultaneous in the former industrial factory in The Hague and highly urbanised Taipei. With the raw materials they aim to bring the world of the coast (sand and shells) together with the world of the supermarket (sugar and rice) into an artistic binder between nature and culture and between East and West.

Special guest this afternoon is Jo Lene Ong
Jo Lene is a curator based between Amsterdam and Kuala Lumpur. She is the De Appel Curatorial Research Fellow 2018/19 and completed the De Appel Curatorial Programme 2017/18. Her research interests include transcultural links between Euro-American and Southeast Asian modernisms, contemporary diaspora experiences, and de-universalised curatorial projects.
She will reflect on ‘Landscape As Lived Experience’ and relate to some nodes from her own research.

Photo: Romy Finke, Werner Mantz Lab - Jan van Eyck Academie


SWEET-SWEAT Is een langlopend artistiek onderzoek van het Nederlandse kunstenaarsduo Onkruidenier, Jonmar van Vlijmen en Ronald Boer; momenteel verblijven zij in Taiwan. Samen met kunstenaar Rosanne van Wijk voegen zij nu een nieuwe, mondiale editie toe. Zij verbinden daarbij Klimaat als mensenwerk in Den Haag met de parallelle artist-in-residency bij Bamboo Curtain Studio in Taipei, op het eiland Taiwan in de Oost-Chinese Zee.

Op beide locaties brengt de Onkruidenier alle benodigde grondstoffen samen - zand, gebrande schelpen, suiker en kleverige rijst - voor het produceren van cement volgens historisch receptuur. Door de Nederlanders uit het oude China meegebracht naar Formosa in koloniale tijden (1624-1662). Met deze grondstoffen brengen ze de wereld van de kust (zand en schelpen) samen met de wereld van de supermarkt (suiker en rijst) tot een artistiek bindmiddel tussen natuur en cultuur en tussen Oost en West.

Met SWEET - SWEAT bevragen de Onkruidenier en Rosanne van Wijk de systemen achter wereldwijde uitwisseling van kennis, grondstoffen, producten en (invasieve) exoten en hoe invloeden uit het verleden nog steeds in ons dagelijks landschap voortleven. Kan je klimaatverandering als postkoloniaal vraagstuk beschouwen?


SWEET-SWEAT is a long-term artistic research by the Dutch artist duo Onkruidenier, Jonmar van Vlijmen and Ronald Boer, currently in residence in Taiwan. Together with artist Rosanne van Wijk they now add a new, global edition. They connect Climate as Artifact in The Hague with the parallel artist-in-residency at Bamboo Curtain Studio in Taipei, on the island of Taiwan in the East China Sea.

On both locations Onkruidenier will bring together all required materials - sand, burnt shells, sugar and glutinous rice - to fabricate cement according to an old historic recipe. Brought by the Dutch from ancient China and introduced at Formosa during colonial times (1624-1662). With these raw materials they bring the world of the coast (sand and shells) together with the world of the supermarket (sugar and rice) into an artistic binder between nature and culture and between East and West.

With SWEET - SWEAT, Onkruidenier and Rosanne van Wijk question the systems behind worldwide exchange of knowledge, raw materials, products and (invasive) species and how influences from the past still live in our landscape. Can you perceive climate change as a postcolonial issue?

The project is made possible by several partners among which: Satellietgroep, Jac. P. Thijsse lab / Jan van Eyck Academie, Bewaerschole, Landscape Labs, SIGN,  Zuiderzeemuseum and Bamboo Curtain Studio (Taiwan).

Image: Cement, Hualien Beach Taiwan, courtesy Onkruidenier.


in their collaborative practice, de Onkruidenier, Jonmar van Vlijmen and Ronald Boer explore forms of symbiosis between the realm of the cultural and the natural world. Through on site participatory fieldwork and research, their artistic practice develops new interpretations on the relationship between human and nature. Their work transforms familiar everyday actions of plants like classifying, cultivating, preparing and consuming into experiential narratives.

Rosanne van Wijk is fascinated by visible and non-visible systems and constructions we face everyday in society. Systems we constantly adapt to and interact with. During her recent working period at the Jan van Eyck Academie in Maastricht she created a flexible uniform as a methodology to investigate systems and how they are interconnected. By creating flexible and open systems she creates space for different perspectives.

Satellietgroep & Onkruidenier share a long term collaboration, with extensive fieldwork, questioning how close we can relate to our environment, to discover fresh insights. Ronald was artist-in-residence with Satellietgroep in 2010, co-curator of Satellietgroep 2011-2016, and together with Jonmar involved in collaborative research projects since 2012. Selection:

Zeelab#2: Climate as Game Changer during Border Sessions The Hague, 2018
Satellietgroep & artists Onkruidenier (Jonmar van Vlijmen & Ronald Boer), Marit Mihklepp, Masha Ru, designer Thijs de Zeeuw. In dialogue with Mans Schepers (archeo botanist, archeologist), Harrie van der Hagen (ecologist ) and Jan de Graaf (urbanist, sea expert).

Tuinieren zonder Grenzen - Gardening without Borders, Oerol, Wadden island Terschelling, 2017
Fieldwork & Landscapemakery by Onkruidenier & Satellietgroep, hosted at Zelfpluktuin Groenhof.

Prospectors, Three Layers of Landscape, Intersections Art Rotterdam, 2017
Exhibition with Satellietgroep, Onkruidenier, Lotte Bosman, Flora Reznik.

Waterpionier - Public Expedition Solleveld & Zandmotor#10, 2016
Walking a timeline of 10.000 years coastal history. Satellietgroep & Onkruidenier icw Dunea Dune & Water, AWN, Department of Archeology, Nature and Environmental Education The Hague.

Waterpioneer, Zandmotor, 2016
Collaboration of Onkruidenier & Satellietgroep. How salt adaptive are humans? Around 3% of the earths water is fresh. So why not look at the potential of using that other 97%? Can humans become more salt (halo) tolerant? Can we find fresh water in the salt environment of Zandmotor?

Waterpionier - Zandmotor Cocktailbar, 2016. Photo:Johan van Nieuwenhuize

Waterpionier - artistic research Zandmotor, 2016. Photo: Twan.

Public Expedition#8: Landschapsextracten, Polder Waterland, 2016
Exploring the salt of the Zuiderzee, 100 years after the flood. Onkruidenier & Satellietgroep, curated by Ronald Boer, hosted by Waterlandse Vloed 1916-2016 and Over het IJ Festival, Amsterdam

A taste of the sea, Zandmotor 2015

Onkruidenier (Jonmar van Vlijmen), during Public Expedition Zandmotor#5, icw Laboratory of Microclimates. Photo: Florian Braakman.

Welcome in the Water Bubble - Expedition#3, ITGWO, Wadden island Vlieland 2015
By Onkruidenier: Can humans become halo tolerant?
Satellietgroep icw Onkruidenier, Evert Jan Lammerts (SBB), Henry Alles (Landscape Labs), Jan de Graaf, Marinus van Dijke, watercompany Vitens, Waddenvereniging.

A Taste of the Anthropocene, 2015
Artist-in-residency of Satellietgroep - Jacqueline Heerema & Ronald Boer - on Governors Island in New York City, hosted by LMCC and the Dutch Consulate in New York. Taking a sip of East River.

Inter-Format Symposium 'On Flux of Sand and Aquatic Ecosystems' at Nida Art Colony (LT), 2015.

Water Library, 2013
Collaboration of artists Ronald Boer and Valerie Dempsey (Scotland), field work and exhibition Stellingname, curated by Satellietgroep at Kunstfort bij Vijfhuizen (Haarlemmermeer polder). Photo: Theo Mahieu.

Spread in publication BADGAST (Satellietgroep, 2013), design Studio Duel


Coastal Reckoning - Beach Laboratory, 2010
Collaboration of artists Ronald Boer and Valerie Dempsey (Scotland) during their artist-in-resdeincy with Satellietgroep at Badgast (Scheveningen).
Naturally there is a balanced gradient between fresh and salt water where sea meets land.  In Holland coastal defences against the sea create steps in the gradient. Exhibited at Nest, The Hague (2011), and part of permanent exhibition Zeespiegel, boulevard Scheveningen (since 2012). Photos: Thijs Molenaar.

scheveningen new water project artists with was coastal artist zee from dat badgast cultural art satellietgroep zandmotor research sea