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Beyond Technologies

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Image: Three arts students from Taiwan created `Polluted Water Popsicles'.


Pilot water & education, curriculum, connecting art-science-society.

About Beyond Technologies:
The pilot project targets at facilitating innovative learning experiences to change our socio-cultural landscape, allowing for the emergence of new ways of knowing and being in the world.

Under the understanding that water is as much a cultural/social phenomena as an engineering/technical one, we propose to facilitate the development of learning experiences, that through integrating the arts and engineering in a process of field exploration and discovery, induce students to learn about the materiality of solutions to water problems in the context in which they happen and as an inseparable part of a socio-cultural-historical landscape. This multi-disciplinary approach will allow students to develop new insights, enabling the emergence of new perceptual narratives and ways of doing things, that students can use to propose innovative solutions to water challenges.

In June 2019, the first outcomes are presented at 4UT Resilience Conference at University Twente and Art in the Anthropocene Conferency at Trinity College in Dublin, Ireland.

In November 2019, reflections on Beyond Technology are shared at the seminar Can co-creation of (students of) the arts and sciences enhance public climate-consciousness? at BC3, Basque Centre for Climate Change, Bilbao, Spain.

People and partners involved:
University of Twente, Urban Water Management, Master of Science Water Engineering and Management, Faculty of Engineering Technology; Dr. Marcela Brugnach & students.
Artists collective Satellietgroep; artist/curator Jacqueline Heerema.
Artez, Graphic Design at the University of the Arts, Zwolle; Marijke Meester, Fabian Hijlkema & students.
With special thanks to Vitens Vechterweerd, Vitens Waterschap Vechtstromen, Lara Wöhler (UT, MEDUWA), Alfons Uijtewaal (Huize Aarde, MEDUWA), Francesco Bregoli (IHE Delft), artists Onkruidenier (Jonmar van Vlijmen, Ronald Boer) and Marjolijn Dijkman.
Funding: Andrea von Braun Stiftung (D).

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