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Artists collective Satellietgroep (founded in The Hague, Netherlands in 2006) explores the reciprocal relations of humanity and nature, with a focus on the sea, (coastal) landscape transitions, climate and the impact of humanity on the planet, with projects in the Netherlands and abroad.
Satellietgroep is initiated in 2006 by Dutch conceptual artist, mediator, writer, tutor and (sub)urban curator Jacqueline Heerema, to collectively explore versatile and inclusive perspectives while interconnecting the arts and design with humanities/social sciences and natural/technological sciences, natural and cultural heritage and with society. The international network consists of artists, designers, filmmakers, architects, landscape architects, citizen scientists, local practitioners and scientists in the fields of ecology, climate, paleontology, geology, archeology, oceanography, coastal morphology, philosophy, zoology, botany, cultural and natural heritage, spatial planning and policymakers, pupils, students and tutors of art academies and universities, and more.


Satellietgroep biedt geëngageerde expertise in artistiek veldonderzoek met Explore - Collect - Share & Learn als beproefde veldwerkmethode voor publieksprojecten rondom klimaatvraagstukken, zeeën, kustlandschappen, wadden, polders, dijken en rivieren in binnen- en buitenland. Naast creërend werkt Satellietgroep vooral ook verbindend. Satelliietgroep verbindt kunst en wetenschap met publiek om niet alleen professioneel maar ook publiek klimaatbewustzjin te bevorderen. Publiek kan participeren in artistiek onderzoek en krijgt via de kunsten toegang tot andere kennisdomeinen.

2023: Arts&Ecology: On Water
Artistic coach for IArts, Maastricht Academy of Interdisciplinary Arts.

Artist talk voor Filosofie Den Haag in Zaal 3

Sharing insights on climate change, coastal transitions and the impact on coastal communities and (sub)urban developments for Sinopale 8, Sinop Biennial (Turkey), Batumi Urban Agenda, (Georgia) and Governors Island as Climate Hub, New York City (USA).

Vijf maanden artistiek veldonderzoek naar de Brabantse regenrivier De Dommel, gevolgd door vijf maanden DIY publieksparticipatie. Negen Dommeltrommels met veldgids, materialen, leemoffertjes en mal-contramal van De Dommel reizen van hand tot hand door het Dommeldal en worden gaandeweg aangevuld met narratieven en materialen.
Een opdracht van Waterschap De Dommel, KunstLoc Brabant, i.h.k.v. Living Lab Brabantse beken, Landschapstriënnale 2021.



In 2021 vieren we 15 jaar Satellietgroep en 10 jaar Zandmotor voor iedereen met een gezonde dosis nieuwsgierigheid, jong en oud, leek en professioneel. Vanuit artistiek perspectief kiest Satellietgroep opnieuw een nieuwe, uitdagende benadering, namelijk door de Zandmotor als klimaatleerschool te positioneren.
Door het verbinden van kunst en wetenschap met publiek en draagt Satellietgroep bij aan het bevorderen van zowel publiek als ook professioneel klimaatbewustzijn op en over een unieke locatie. Op de Zandmotor komen alle vraagstukken over klimaatverandering, zeespiegelstijging, de toekomst van kustveiligheid en de rol van de mens in deze processen samen.
Publiek kan participeren in artistiek onderzoek en krijgt via de kunsten toegang tot andere kennisdomeinen.



Veldlessen over tijd, zee en klimaat
Field lessons on time, sea and climate

Publication: Pioneering Sand Motor - Sand Motor as source to rethink anthropogenic coastal modifications of cultural public space. Published in RiUs, Research by Urbanism, 07.2021.

Conference talk: The Sand Motor - as the first of its kind - uses the forces of the wind and waves as active agencies of change, but can it also be valued as a driving force for humanity to change? Presented at the International Coastal Dynamics Conference 2021.

Spin off: De artistieke visie en educatieve activiteiten van Satellietgroep zijn opgenomen in de Beleidsevaluatie Zandmotor 2021. 

Wat vooraf niet was voorzien, maar Satellietgroep heeft samen met publiek, kunstenaars, designers, wetenschappers en legio stakeholders bereikt dat de Zandmotor nu onlosmakelijk verbonden is geraakt met kunst, cultuur, erfgoed en voor educatie.

Met dank aan alle deelnemers, jong, oud, leek en professioneel en onze partners Nationaal Park Hollandse Duinen, Dunea Duin en Water, Technische Universiteit Delft, Natuurhistorisch Museum Rotterdam, Segbroek College, BLOW Beach House, Gemeente Den Haag, The Hague Marketing, We Are Public, RiUS, Research in Urbanism Series; International Coastal Dynamics Conference (TU Delft, het Nederlands Centrum voor Kustonderzoek (NCK), Rijkswaterstaat, Deltares); de Beleidsevaluatie Zandmotor 2021 (Ministerie I&M, Rijkswaterstaat, Provincie Zuid-Holland).



Veldlessen over tijd, zee en klimaat.

Doggerland verdween. De Zandmotor verscheen. Tien jaar geleden werd dit nieuwe kustlandschap gecreëerd. Wat gebeurde er in de tussentijd en welke lessen kunnen we leren voor de toekomst? Hoe kunnen kennis en verbeelding bijdragen om een voorstelling te maken van een veranderende leefomgeving, nu en in de toekomst? 

In het kader van De Week van Nationaal Park Hollandse Duinen organiseren we een serie veldlessen Van Doggerland t/m Zandmotor. Een publieksprogramma over verschillende dimensies van tijd, zee en klimaat. Geïnteresseerde bezoekers kunnen in kleine groepjes mee naar buiten om op de Zandmotor met kunstenaars, ontwerpers, lokale experts en wetenschappers en ontdekken hoe mensen al millennia lang samenleven met de zee. Van de diepe tijd t/m hedendaagse innovaties.

Publieke Expeditie #17 Van Doggerland t/m Zandmotor
Veldlessen over tijd, zee en klimaat met geoloog Bert van der Valk (Deltares), fossielen met paleontologen Dick Mol en Bram Langeveld (Natuurhistorisch Museum Rotterdam), tussen fossiel en artefact met Jacqueline Heerema, Strandbeest met Theo Jansen.

Publieke Expeditie #18 Van Doggerland t/m Zandmotor
Veldlessen over tijd, zee en klimaat, over ecologie en water met Harrie van der Hagen (Dunea duin en drinkwater), over mens en duin met historisch geograaf Frans Beekman, beweging en zand met Sierd de Vries (Technische Universiteit Delft), waterweven met designers Aliki van der Kruijs en Jos Klarenbeek, landschapskunst met Nico Laan.

Locatie: Zandmotor, verzamelen bij BLOW Beach House, Den Haag Strandslag 1. Deelname is gratis. NB: dit is een buitenactiviteit aan zee, let op de weersverwachting en neem een flesje water mee

EN: From Doggerland to Sand Motor

Field lessons on time, sea and climate.
Doggerland disappeared. The Sand Motor appeared. Ten years ago, this new coastal landscape was created. What happened in the meantime and what lessons can we learn for the future? How can knowledge and imagination contribute to envision a changing living environment? From Deep Time to latest innovations.

See more about Public Expedions Zandmotor



Artists collective Satellietgroep (The Hague, 2006) explores the reciprocal relations of humanity and nature, with a focus on the sea, (coastal) landscape transitions, climate and the impact of humanity on the environment in the Netherlands and abroad.
The arts offer a dialogical space. A portal to rethink perceptions of culture-nature. Faced with serious environmental challenges, we need to develop an other understanding of the world and of the self. The current (visual) idiom is incited to develop a deeper understanding.
Keywords: artistic field research; engaged art-science-society collaborations; social, spatial and ecological public and professional climate-consciousness.

Team of Satellietgroep since the founding in 2006: initiator/founder artist-curator Jacqueline Heerema, Refunc Recycle Architects, architect Andries Micke, designers Studio Duel, anthropologist Marianne Volleberg, artist/ landscape architect Ronald Boer, artist/filmmaker Eliane Esther Bots, Austrailian artist James Geurts, designer public space Francois Lombarts, artist Lotte Bosman. Most of the team members were previously artist-in-residence of Satellietgroep.
The current board of Satellietgroep Foundation is Bert van der Valk (geologist, Deltares), Hein de Jonge (hydrologist, Dunea Dune and Drinking Water), Tjebbe Ypma (senior policy advisor Health and Care, Dutch ministry of VWS).

To whom belongs the sea? (2006-now)

The sea belongs to everyone and thus to no one – words that not only define the world’s largest public space but also leave it unarticulated.


Overview exhibitions, artist talks & contributions to (inter)national art, coastal & climate conferences: link

24/7 permanent exhibition Zeespiegel - Mirror on the Sea
on the boulevard of Scheveningen:

Overview Public Expedtions Zandmotor: link

Overview publications by Satellietgroep:
Beyond Technology Magazine (2020). Publication Badgast (2013). Publication Now Wakes The Sea (2013). S.MAG#2 (2008). S.MAG#1 (2007).

2021: Water stroomt omhoog
Kunstenaarscollectief Satellietgroep is uitgenodigd door Waterschap De Dommel en Kunstloc Brabant om gedurende vijf maanden artistiek veldonderzoek, gevolgd door vijf maanden DIY publiieksparticipatie, de reghenrivier de Dommel te onderzoeken voor het LivingLab Brabantse Beken i.h.k.v. de Landschapstriënnale 2021. Het collectief benadert het Dommeldal als een spiegel van de wijze waarop we ons door de tijden heen verhouden tot het landschap en veranderende maatschappelijke opgaven. De enige constante factor hierin lijkt de stromende Dommel zelf. Het collectief is nieuwsgierig naar de wordingsgeschiedenis van de Dommel, van de diepe ondergrond tot en met de huidige uitdagingen. Wie is Dommel? Link

2021: Water flows upwards
Artists collective Satellietgroep is invited by Waterschap De Dommel and Kunstlioc Brabant to explore the rain river Dommel during 5 months artistic fieldwork, followed by 5 months DIY public participations, for the LivingLab Brabantse Beken in the context of Landschapstriënnale 2021.The collective approaches the Dommeldal as a mirror of the way in which we relate to the landscape and changing societal demands throughout time. The only constant factor seems to be the flowing Dommel itself. The collective is curious about the genesis of the Dommel, from the deep subsurface to the current challenges. Who is Dommel? Link


2021: Pioneering Zandmotor
Zandmotor as source to rethink anthropogenic coastal modifications of cultural public space.
Essay by Jacqueline Heerema, co-founder and artist-curator of Satellietgroep.
Keywords: Art, polyphonic discourse, co-creation of experiential knowledge, vital learning environment, public climate-consciousness.
Published in Research in Urbanism Series (RiUS), TU Delft in 2021, link

2020: Who is nature? 
Essay by Satellietgroep - Lotte Bosman, Jacqueline Heerema - is published in 'The urbanization of the sea'. This book tells the story of the sea-land continuum based on the case of the North Sea with versatile projects from academia, art, literature and practice, from analysis to design.
Published by nai010 publishers and TU Deflt: Link

Chapter 17: In particular in the case of the Netherlands, the border between land and sea is unclear and has been constructed and redesigned over centuries. In chapter 17, Satellietgroep show how their artistic projects pose essential questions that challenge preconceptions about the relations between humans, climate, and nature and offer poignant, palpable forms of reconnection and reflection." (quote Nancy Couling, Carola Heins, eds.)


2020: Beyond Technology Magazine 
This magazine reflects on the process of the 4 steps program of Explore, Collect, Share and Learn, developed in 2019 and presented at the cross-border MEDUWA Meeting in February 2020. Targeted at future professionals, students Watermanagement of University Twente engaged with students of Art & Design Academy ArtEZ to try to figure out how to learn to collaborate, acknowleding that you are equal while being different.
The initiative by Marcela Brugnach (University Twente) and Jacqueline Heerema (Satellietgroep) for this pilot stems from the need to approach challenges in the environment from a versatile perspective. A new method to bring students of art, technical and social sciences together with the public. The project is funded by Von Braun Stifting.
If you are interested, we can send you the BT Magazine: satellietgroep(at)

2019: Essay 'Zandmotor a cultural phenomenon' is published in TU Delft publication.
(APA): Luijendijk, A., & van Oudenhoven, A. (Eds.) (2019). The Sand Motor: A Nature-Based Response to Climate Change: Findings and Reflections of the Interdisciplinary Research Program NatureCoast. Delft: Delft University Publishers - TU Delft Library. Link

2018: Essay 'Who is nature?'
How visual narratives in art and design can overturn prevailing understandings of environment. Talk and essay by artists collective Satellietgroep, Lotte Bosman & Jacqueline Heerema; Viscous Space North Sea Conference, TU Deflt in 2018. Link


2006 - NOW:

overview artist-in-residency programs (AiR) for artistic field research & public programs interconnecting arts, sciences & society with public expeditions, exhibitions, talks & more:

Beyond Technology (2019)

Beyond Technology is an education pilot for co-creation of engineering students of watermanagement of University Twente and students of art & design academy ArtEZ Zwolle. 
A cross-culture, cross-discipline knowledge & co-creation adventure to learn how to address the complex and societal challenges of invisible pharmaceutical pollution in water. During the year-long process, perceptions of knowledge shifted from content gathering (data of pharmaceuticals in water) to communication and raising societal awareness. Beyond Technology is a collaboration of Satellietgroep with University of Twente and ArtEZ. Icw Vitens Vechterweerd, Vitens Waterschap Vechtstromen, Lara Wöhler (UT, MEDUWA), Alfons Uijtewaal (Huize Aarde, MEDUWA), Francesco Bregoli (IHE Delft), artists Onkruidenier (Jonmar van Vlijmen, Ronald Boer) and Marjolijn Dijkman. Funded by Von Braun Stiftung.
Presented at 4UT Resilience Conference University Twente;  Art in the Anthropocene Conference, Trinity College Dublin; Seminar BC3, Basque Center for Climate Change, Bilbao, Spain.

Climate as Artifact (2018)

Exhibition program at Electriciteitsfabriek The Hague. For the first time the construct of climate is positioned within the cultural domain, as an artifact, as something humanity makes. During 5 weeks, every week we shift the focus within the whole exhibitionprocess, with ongoing artistic productions and with a program of workshops, seminars and expeditions. Visitors have the opportunity to connect and contribute to the ongoing process of artistic research, share their thoughts and insights, and discover through the arts a multitude of fields of knowledge. 

With Berndnaut Smilde, Sachi Miyachi, Nishiko, Esther Kokmeijer, Maurice Bogaert, Aliki van der Kruijs, Jos Klarenbeek, Maurice Meewisse, Lotte Geeven, Theun Karelse, Thijs Ebbe Fokkens, Giuseppe Licari, Onkruidenier (Jonmar van Vlijmen, Ronald Boer ism Rosanne van Wijk), Josje Hattink, Masha Ru & engaged experts in the fields of nature, climate, geology, archeology, oceanography, philosophy, zoology, botany and spatial planning — as well as a canoe builder from the Marshall Islands — who actively contributed to the making of new art works and public dialogues.
Funded by Mondriaan Fonds, BankGiro Loterij Fonds, Stimuleringsfonds Creatieve Industrie, Gemeente Den Haag, Feest aan Zee.


Who is nature? (2018)

In 2018 we rethink our perceptions of culture and nature.

5 Zeelabs (2018)

Zeelab#1 Uptime_ icw exhibition space Nest The Hague, with Lotte Geeven, Yeb Wiersma, Vibeke Mascini, Oscar Santillán, Aliki van der Kruijs & Jos Klarenbeek, Josje Hattink, Esther Kokmeijer, Austin Camilleri, Giuseppe Licari, Nishiko, Ruben Jacobs, Luuk Heezen, Lonny van Ryswyck (Atelier NL), Bert van der Valk, Henk Oosterling, Gerbrant van Vledder, Valentijn Byvanck, Alexander van Oudenhoven, Suzanne Wallinga, Tanya Lippmann.

Zeelab#2 Climate as Game Changer icw Border Labs The Hague. With Onkruidenier, Masha Ru, Thijs de Zeeuw, Marit Mihklepp, Mans Schepers, Jan de Graaf, Harrie van der Hagen.

Zeelab#3 Environmental Literacy with Theun Karelse and guests Marinus van Dijke, Wim Vrijman, Michelle Geraerts, Sjef van Gaalen, Jan de Graaf, Jeroen van Westen, Sieko Kloosterhuis, Mike Reijnierse, Nishiko, Marit Mihklepp, Marjolein Boterenbrood, Harpo ‘t Hart, Semuel Sahureka, Joyce Heckman, Maryan Klomp, Cocky Eek, Maria Verstappen, Sander Turnhout, Alice Smits, Jarl Schulp, Rembrandt Zegers, Leo van der Vlist, Frank Heckman. 

Zeelab#4 Global Currents with Nishiko, Esther Kokmeijer, Aliki van der Kruijs and Jos Klarenbeek, Gerbant van Vledder, Henrik Richter- Alten, Marleen van der Werf, Roel Arkesteijn.

Zeelab#5 Landscape Observations with Tiemen Cocquyt (curator Museum Boerhaave), artist Irene Kopelman.

AiR Zandgast, Zandmotor & 16 Public Expeditions Zandmotor (2014-now)

Zandmotor, a cultural phenomenon.
It did not exist, it will dissolve, but will it realy be gone?

5 years artist-in-residency and Public Expedition programs called Zandgast, to explore the Zandmotor as cultural phenomenon. Zandmotor is a coastal pilot near The Hague that uses the principles of 'Building with Nature'. This innovative project aims to generate new knowledge in times of climate change and relative sea level rise for future coastal protection. An innovation, built on the foreshore in 2011 with 21,5 million cubic meters of sand. The Zandmotor is the only Dutch area outside the dikes that is exposed to the tides and wind, built to transform and even assimilate around 2030 in sea, beach and dunes. The result is a dynamic extension of the coast, a new controlled post-natural ‘wilderness’. The Zandmotor is an publicly accessible open air scientific and artistic laboratory.

2014-2015: Satellietgroep initiated i.c.w. Province South Holland a cultural strategy for Zandgast, the proposed new visitor center and artist-in-residency on and about the Zandmotor as cultural phenomenon. Overtreders W, Rob Sweere and RAAAF (Rietveld Architecture-Art-Affordance) were selected for the first designs of Zandgast. Aimed at sharing new works and insights of the coexistence of humanity and the sea to enhance public and professional climate-consciousness.
2018: Kadans by designers Aliki van der Kruijs and Jos Klarenbeek
2016: Zandmotor ZandGlas by Atelier NL.

Artists-in-residence: Zoro Feigl, Theun Karelse, Josje Hattink, Esther Kokmeijer, Berndnaut Smilde, Sarah Cameron Sunde (USA), Laboratory for Microclimates, Cocky Eek, icw LocatieZ,  iii, students ElementsLab ArtScience KABK, TodaysArt, TAAK, Zandmotor fossils collectors, TU Delft, NatureCoast, Dunea, AWN, Schweigman&, Oerol, Centre for Global Heritage and Development, Leiden University, Erasmus University, the Design & History research group at TU Delft, VU Amsterdam research institute CLUE+, Hoogheemraadschap Delfland, Technasium Maris College Den Haag & more.

AiR Zandmotor, Mondriaan Fonds Binnenland Gastatelier (2017)

Artist-in-residence Lotte Geeven, Maurice Meewisse.

Prospectors, 3 Layers of Landscape, Intersections Art Rotterdam (2017)

Satellietgroep icw Onkruidenier with guest artists Lotte Bosman and Flora Reznik.

AiR DCR Gueststudios, The Hague (2013-2018)

6 years self directed and curated artists-in-residency programs at De DCR in The Hague. De DCR is a cultural incubator that also houses 35 permanent studios for artists and designers, including the studio of Satellietgroep, Zaal 3 - laboratory for Performing Arts of Theater aan het Spui, sound studio Loos, Cloud Danslab and exhibition space Nest.

Artist-in-residence Sachi Miyachi, Masha Ru, Onkruidenier, Austin Camilleri, Lina Issa and Mayar Alexan icw Dancing on the Edge Festival, Stef Veldhuis, I-Chern Lai, Nobuyuki Yamamoto, Yasunori Kawamatsu,  Liz Ogelvie icw Sea Loft-Lateral Lab Scotland, Budhaditya Chattopadhyay, Till Bovermann, Lars Kynde, Tobias Lukassen, Christian Liljedahl icw iii, Korzo, Henry Alles, Puck Verkade and many more.

Polders, Wadden Sea, Afsluitdijk & more (2013 - now)

Sources & Resources, NL-Croatia (Wadden, Terschelling, Tandem 2018)
Destination Highway Afsluitdam (Afsluitdijk, Making Waves, Ministry of I&M 2017)
Gardening without Borders (Wadden, Terschelling, Oerol 2017)
Landschapsextracten (polder Waterland, Over het IJ 2016)
Waterpionier (Zandmotor, 2016)
Welcome in the Water Bubble (Wadden, Vlieland, Into The Great Wide Open 2015)
Stellingname - Land, water and innovatory heritage, guest curator Kunstfort Vijfhuizen (polder Haarlemmermeer 2013)

AiR Now Wakes The Sea, bilateral exchange programs (2012-now)

International exchange artist-in-residency and public programs called Now Wakes The Sea. Since 2012, developed in collaboration with international cultural partners. The programs function as an alternative source for collecting the intangible local knowledge derived from the artistic and scientific projects. New concepts and works are developed that we collect, connect and contextualize with existing works for public events like traveling film festivals, exhibitions, workshops and presentations at expert conferences. By interconnecting coastal communities, arts and science we share local knowledge on global level to gain sustainable insights on coastal transitions that transcend local and national issues.
Locations: New York City, Japan, Croatia, UK, Malta, Lithuania, Russia, Georgia, Moldova, Turkey & more. 
Publication Now Wakes The Sea (2013).

NL-Croatia, Sources & Resources, icw Cultural Landscape Parputnjak (2018)
NL-Malta, BUOYANT – F’WICC L-ILMA, icw Austin Camilleri, Joseph Galeja (2012-2018)
NL - Scotland icw Sea Loft - Lateral Lab, artist-in-residence Lotte Bosman, Nishiko, Liz Ogelvie (2014-2015)
NL - Lithuania icw Nida Art Colony, artist-in-residence Thijs Ebbe Fokkens;  co-curator of Inter Format Symposium On Flucx of Sand and Aquatic Ecosystems, artist-in-residence Theun Karelse, Jan de Graaf , Marinus van Dijke, Jeroen van Westen, Edwin Deen, Bram Esser, Francois Lombarts, Ronald Boer, Eliane Esther Bots, Jacqueline Heerema (2014-2015),
NL-New York City icw LMCC artist-in-residence Jacqueline Heerema, Ronald Boer, Sarah Cameron Sunde (2015)
NL-Russia: Moscow, St. Petersburg, Kaliningrad icw NAC, artist-in-residence Maurice Bogaert, Ilya Grishev (2015)
NL-Moldova, icw MediArt Dialogue, Art Plodashka,Teatru Spalatorie, KSAK, artist-in-residence Maarten de Kroon, Tatiana Fiodorova, Nicoleta Esinencu (2013)
NL-Georgia, icw GeoAir, artist-in-residence Astrid Bussink, Ana Tsimintia (2013)
NL-Turkey - Sinop, Istanbul, icw European Cultural Association/Europist, artist-in-residence Maurice Bogaert, Bahanur Nasya, Yilmaz Vurucu (2012).

AiR Badgast, Scheveningen (2009-2015)

5 years international artist-in-residency and public programs in one-and-a-half stacked recycled shipping container, called Badgast. Build by Refunc Recycle Architects in the middle of the temporary surfing village called F.A.S.T.  Exploring the scope of hosting of artists, designers, philosophers and filmmakers, while developing year round public programs with open-air Cinema & Talks@Sea in the context of  a touristic destination, the urban beach resort called Scheveningen.

Since 2012 the 24/7 open-air exhibition called 'Zeespiegel - Mirror of the Sea' at the boulevard of Scheveningen is open to all visitors to engage with 25 of Badgast art projects. 
Publication Badgast (2013).

Artist-in-residence Failed Architecture, Henrik Lund Jørgensen, Tatiana Fiodorova, Ana Tsimintia, Nicoleta Esinencu, Maarten Boswijk, Nishiko & Sachi Miyachi, Eric van Straaten, Esther Kokmeijer, Jan de Graaf, Eliane Esther Bots, Frouke Wiarda,, Frank Dean (Frank Bloem & Edwin Deen), Chris Dobrowolski, Janine Schrijver, Jacolijn Verhoef & Aram Tanis, Nadine O'Garra & Nathalie Fixon, Mariëlle Videler, Fabrice Schomberg, Giuseppe Licari & Cristina Ampatzidou, James Geurts, Ibrahim Ineke, Sieko Kloosterhuis, Gemma Pauwels, Danilo Murro, Ronald Boer & Valerie Dempsey, Annechien Meier & René Jansen, Francois Lombarts, Bram Esser, Sjaak Langenberg & Rosé de Beer, Vesta Kroese, Simone Knaapen, Rana ElNemr, Esther Polak & Ivar van Bekkum. Cinema & Talks @Sea with David Horvitz, Maarten de Kroon, Channa Boon and more.


Satellieteiland (nomadic, 2006-2009) 

Where art is the first form of life.

In January 2006, awareness that the North Sea may be perceived as a construction site or energy landscape to fit our needs instigated artists collective Satellietgroep to question ‘To whom belongs the sea?’ The initiative was triggered by the remarkable lack of involvement of arts, culture and heritage in the master plans for coastal transitions in The Netherlands, especially in The Hague, with top down reconstructions for urban beach resorts Scheveningen and Kijkduin and with the prospect of islands in front of the coast. Prospects of innovative engineering that raise questions about modifying public cultural space.
With this concept, Satellietgroep kicked off in 2006 with a fake news article ‘Kunst beschermt kust’ (Art protects coast). In anticipation of the future coastal expansions, the collective conceptually appropriated one of the artificial islands. A 3-year nomadic program evolved.

Publications S.MAG#2 (2008) and S.MAG#1 (2007).

To whom belongs the sea? (2006-now)

The sea belongs to everyone and thus to no one – words that not only define the world’s largest public space but also leave it unarticulated.


was new with research cultural dat artists scheveningen from badgast art zandmotor zee artist sea coastal project water satellietgroep