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Public Expeditions Zandmotor+

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2021: Van Doggerland t/m Zandmotor

Veldlessen over tijd, zee en klimaat.
Field lessons on time, sea and climate


26/9 + 3/10/2021: beide dagen zijn volgeboekt!



Veldlessen over tijd, zee en klimaat.

Doggerland verdween. De Zandmotor verscheen. Tien jaar geleden werd dit nieuwe kustlandschap gecreëerd. Wat gebeurde er in de tussentijd en welke lessen kunnen we leren voor de toekomst? Hoe kunnen kennis en verbeelding bijdragen om een voorstelling te maken van een veranderende leefomgeving, nu en in de toekomst? 

In het kader van De Week van Nationaal Park Hollandse Duinen organiseren we een serie veldlessen Van Doggerland t/m Zandmotor. Een publieksprogramma over verschillende dimensies van tijd, zee en klimaat. Geïnteresseerde bezoekers kunnen in kleine groepjes mee naar buiten om op de Zandmotor met kunstenaars, ontwerpers, lokale experts en wetenschappers en ontdekken hoe mensen al millennia lang samenleven met de zee. Van de diepe tijd t/m hedendaagse innovaties.

Publieke Expeditie #17 Van Doggerland t/m Zandmotor
Zondagmiddag 26 september 2021
14:00 - 17:00
Veldlessen over tijd, zee en klimaat met geoloog Bert van der Valk (Deltares)
fossielen met paleontologen Dick Mol en Bram Langeveld (Natuurhistorisch Museum Rotterdam)
tussen fossiel en artefact met Jacqueline Heerema
Strandbeest met Theo Jansen.

Publieke Expeditie #18 Van Doggerland t/m Zandmotor
Zondagmiddag 3 oktober 2021
14:00 - 17:00
Veldlessen over tijd, zee en klimaat, over ecologie en water met Harrie van der Hagen (Dunea duin en drinkwater)
over mens en duin met historisch geograaf Frans Beekman
beweging en zand met Sierd de Vries (Technische Universiteit Delft)
waterweven met designers Aliki van der Kruijs en Jos Klarenbeek
landschapskunst met Nico Laan.

Locatie: Zandmotor, verzamelen bij BLOW Beach House, Den Haag Strandslag 1
Deelname is gratis
NB: dit is een buitenactiviteit aan zee, let op de weersverwachting en neem een flesje water mee

EN: From Doggerland to Sand Motor

Field lessons on time, sea and climate.
Doggerland disappeared. The Sand Motor appeared. Ten years ago, this new coastal landscape was created. What happened in the meantime and what lessons can we learn for the future? How can knowledge and imagination contribute to envision a changing living environment? From Deep Time to latest innovations.
Participation is free, please sign up at
@satellietgroep @Zandmotor #weekvannphd #ontdeknphd


klimaatleerschool voor het vergroten van publiek en professioneel klimaatbewustzijn.



Satellietgroep redefines the Zandmotor as a cultural phenomenon.

Satellietgroep explores the Zandmotor as cultural phenomenon and reflects on the impact of the Zandmotor in the context of artistic field research in Polders, Wadden and international exchange projects.

Satellietgroep hosts artists in residents for artistic fieldwork, creates conditions to connect with locals and experts and develop new concepts and works that reflect the shifting relations of mankind with perceptions of nature, in past, present and future.

Together with artist, designers, students, pupils, local experts and scientists Satellietgroep develops a growing Zandmotor Collection. During Public Expeditions on the Zandmotor we engage people in these visual and versatlie narratives. We need engaged artists and passionate scientists to jointly test our perceptions to raise public and professional awareness.


Public Expeditions Zandmotor#16: The Making Of
Dutch artist Maurice Meewisse explores the relationship between the landscape, the local and social history of the Zandmotor. 
Eighteen Coffee Breaks – Eight Working Hours is a triptych composed of two stop-motion films and a sound piece made by Jordy Walker. The work is inspired by the creation of that hybrid landscape and aims to bring it back to a human scale. During 8 days, 4 persons can join the artist in the making of.
The premiere is on November 8, 2018 in parallel with the premiere of the work of Lotte Geeven, fellow resident in 2017, during the exhibition program Climate as Artifact.

Public Expedition Zandmotor#15: Warming Up 2
Guided Tour Zandmotor on Sunday August 19, 2018.
Start at 10:00: Blow Beach House. Estimated duration 3 hours, dresscode outdoor; be sure to bring water/food. Cost: € 18,- pp, free admissions for children up to 15 year when guided by adult Subscribe: Warming Up 2, number of persons Members We Are Public via WeArePublic.

Public Expedition Zandmotor#14: Timescale of Landscape
At 'Kusthal Kijkduin
', work location & Expedition Zandmotor#14 with 75 pupils Technasium Maris College Den Haag, special thanks to Hoogheemraadschap Delfland and St Ark.

Public Expedition Zandmotor#13: Innovatory Heritage
In the context of colloquim 'Re-Scape' hosted by The Centre for Global Heritage and Development, Leiden University, Erasmus University, the Design & History research group at TU Delft, and the VU Amsterdam research institute CLUE+, special thanks Blow Beach House.


Public Expedition Zandmotor#12: Landing Sites
Artist-in-residence Cocky Eek, icw Schweigman& and Oerol

Public Expedition Zandmotor#11: IJzer-Iron
artist-in-residence Maurice Meewisse, ihkv Mondriaan Fonds Binnenland Gastatelier


Public Expedition Solleveld & Zandmotor#10: Waterpionier
Satellietgroep & Onkruidenier with Dunea Duin & Water, AWN - Vereniging voor Amateurarcheologen Nederland, de Tempel - afdeling Archeologie, Natuur en Milieu Educatie Den Haag, NatureCoast.

Public Expedition Zandmotor#9: A Taste of the Zandmotor!
Satellietgroep & Onkruidenier in the context of 5 years Zandmotor Conference.

Public Expedition#8: Landschapsextracten
Performed at Polder Waterland
Satellietgroep & Onkruidenier, Waterlandse Vloed 1916, Over het IJ Festival Amsterdam.

Public Expedition Zandmotor#7: Sand Songs & Climate Proof
With iii, students ElementsLab ArtScience
Artist-in-residence Esther Kokmeijer - videowork, CineMare#2.
Satellietgroep & Onkruidenier: A Taste of the Anthropocene.


Public Expedition Zandmotor#6 : Climate Experiment
Artist- in- residence Esther Kokmeijer.

Public Expedition Zandmotor#5: CineMare
Artist- in- residence Laboratory for Microclimates – Zandzicht (video).
With Onkruidenier - A Taste of the Sea.

Public Expedition Zandmotor#4: Liminal Transitions
Artist- in- residence Berndnaut Smilde - Breaking Light (intervention).
Followed by Breaking Light#2 at Light house Scheveningen during TodaysArt 2015.

Public Expedition Zandmotor#3: Staged Landscape
Artist- in- residence Sarah Cameron Sunde (USA) - 36.5 / a durational performance with the sea (performance, performed at Katwijk aan Zee; presented at Sail Amsterdam). Icw TAAK and Jonas de Witte.

Public Expedition Zandmotor#2: Cultural Geology
Artist- in- residence Theun Karelse - Next Doggerland (publication), Fossils Soup (tasting).
Artist- in- residence Josje Hattink - Mistaking Clouds for Mountains (installation)
Icw the Zandmotor fossils collectors.


Public Expedition Zandmotor#1: Sand Drift
Artist- in- residence Zoro Feigl - Untangling the Tides (installation)
icw TU Delft, Expedition Eridanos (Bram Esser, Francois Lombarts)

Listen to the sound scape 'Waterpionier' by Satellietgroep and Sciant Lentement, recorded at Zandmotor (2016). First released at Audio The Hague (2016):
Now published in Station to Station - All that Art online magazine by (2017)



Artist-in-residence Zoro Feigl

Artist-in-residence Theun Karelse

Artist-in-residence Josje Hattink

Artist-in-residence Sarah Cameron Sunde (USA)

Satellietgroep international exchange residency at New York City

Artist-in-residence Berndnaut Smilde

Artists-in-residence Laboratory for Microclimates

A taste of the Sea by Onkruidenier



Artist-in-residence Esther Kokmeijer

Zandmotor ZandGlas by Atelier NL

Waterpionier: Satellietgroep icw Onkruidenier

Artist-in-residence Maurice Meewisse

Artist-in-residence Lotte Geeven

Tuinieren zonder grenzen - Gardening without Borders
Satellietgroep icw Onkruidenier, Oerol

Artist-in-residence Cocky Eek


Satellietgroep (The Hague, 2006) explores through arts the social and ecological impact of the sea and coastal transitions on people, communities and environments in The Netherlands and abroad. And vice versa, the impact of mankind on teh sea, coastal transitions and climate change.

Building on the experiences of 5 years Badgast - artist in residence at urban surf community F.A.S.T. and the international exchange projects called 'Now Wakes The Sea',  starting september 2014 Satellietgroep extends the area for artistic coastal research to the Sand Engine (Zandmotor) south of The Hague in collaboration with Villa Ockenburgh and Nida Art Colony in Lithuania.

Artistic research of the Zandmotor as cultural phenomenon
Satellietgroep redefined the Zandmotor - as building with nature -  as the largest contemporary cultural statement of the anthropocene era we now live in. It is a time machine that transports us from holocene (affected by nature) into anthropocene (affected by mankind). This newest innovation is built with sand from the bottom of North Sea which also brought ashore mammoth fossils. The Zandmotor is called building with nature, as we more or less invite the sea as a partner to help shape coastal protection by putting huge amounts of sand on the foreshore. The result is a dynamic extension of the coast, a new controlled wilderness that slowly transforms into a spit and lagoon – similar to the Curonian Spit and Lagoon at Nida in Lithuania where out international cultural partner is based. But the Zandmotor is built to dissolve around 2031.

Awareness rises that the antropocene era we now live in may provide no escape for nature and thus for mankind. Ecosystems have no boundaries. We need to engage with global issues in order to survive. But how do we make these abstract and large topics relevant and actual in our daily living environment? In the Netherlands this means being faced with global prospects of rising sealevels, shrinking lands, disbalance of salt and sweet water, rivers too full of low, a country – mostly below sea level - we need to re-invent coexistence of man and water, develop new insights both on ecology as on technology in order to realize a healthy, sustainable and safe future. The great flood of the southern parts of The Netherlands in 1953 instigated sixty years of Delta Works with dikes and dams  - now called building against nature - have recently been completed. As a result of building dikes extra pressure was put on the coast, resulting in a disbalance of salt and sweet water. The Dutch recently made a complete turn around in the way that we now invite the sea as a partner to help shape the coastal protection with the sands we put in front of the shores.
This phenomenon is called Zandmotor - building with nature - rather than building against nature. This shift from holocene era – in which nature was the force that affected changes – to the anthropocene era – in which mankind affects and even directs nature – is a tremendous conceptual shift. The Zandmotor is a time machine that transports us from the holocene (affected by nature) The transitions of the Sand Engine are carefully monitored by scientists and engineers.
Satellietgroep adds the first and foremost artistic researches and invites artists as 'alchemists' to develop artistic research on site, engage with local experiences and scientific knowledge and present their explorations during public expeditions on the Sand Engine.

With special thanks to Stroom, Stichting DOEN, the municipality of The Hague and our partners at Provincie Zuid-Holland, Rijkswaterstaat, TU Delft, STW-NatureCoast, ArtScience Interfaculty and many more!

Images Zandmotor, source: RWS.

Satellietgroep is proud that the first residents will be hosted at Villa Ockenburgh on walking distance from the Sand Engine. Villa Ockenburgh is an old country house located at the very edge of The Hague near the dunes and sea. It houses thirteen studios and a project space and is the base of operation for artists initiative Location Z, which is founded on the idea that it’s meaningful to bring highly distinctive vocabularies (contemporary art, music, science) together in the same space. The program, the studios and the project space together form an infrastructure for experimentation, confrontation, and reflection.
Locatie Z // // The Hague.

LInk to more about the long term collaboration with Nida Art Colony, based on the Curonian Spit in Lithuania
to artical 'Liminal imaging of Nature'

EXPEDITION ERIDANOS - travelling through the anthropocene
During 'Expedition Eridanos' philosopher Bram Esser and designer Francois Lombarts are travelling from the Zandmotor in The Netherlands to the Curonian Spit in Lithuania. Their aim is to find the 'making' of The Netherlands by discovering and retracing the geological sand to the origins in the northern Baltic Sea by following the mythological river 'Eridanos' on foot along the current coastlines.

Left: Hemels Gewlf - Celestial Vault by James Turrell; right: Zandmotor.

Connecting the North Sea with the Baltic Sea.

Since the Zandmotor Conference in spring 2014, the Zandmotor is due to its dynamics now called a spit with lagoon.

Public Expedition Zandmotor#16

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Register now during Climate as Artifact, 23018
four participants per day can join the artist for the making of Eight Working Hours on the Zandmotor. Registration in advance is required. On October 25, 26, 27 and 28 and November 1, 2, 3 and 4 you can join at 14:00 at the Electriciteitsfabriek, with a bike and dressed for outdoor; return is scheluded at 17:30.


Eighteen Coffee Breaks – Eight Working Hours is a triptych composed of two stop-motion films and a sound piece made by Jordy Walker. The work is inspired by the creation of that hybrid landscape and aims to bring it back to a human scale. With this work, Dutch artist Maurice Meewisse explores the relationship between the landscape, the local and social history of the Zandmotor. 


Eighteen Coffee Breaks, 2017

During his artist-in-residency with Satellietgroep at the Zandmotor (Mondriaan Fonds Binnenland Gastatelier Programma 2017), Meewisse realized the first part, called Eighteen Coffee Breaks. The Zandmotor is in a way an accomplishment of industry, the result of human endeavour, even though it is experienced as nature. Meewisse introduced the coffee break, a very important daily ritual.


The third part is made during Cllimate as Artifact in 2018. During eight public expeditions to the Zandmotor, Meewisse invites a maximum of four participants per day to join the making of Eight Working Hours.

The premiere is on November 8, 2018 in parallel with the premiere of the work of Lotte Geeven, fellow resident in 2017.


Public Expedition Zandmotor#15

| 2018-07-28 23:53:20

Public Expedition Zandmotor#15: Warming Up 2
Guided Tour Zandmotor on Sunday August 19, 2018.
Start at 10:00:  Blow Beach House Kijkduin
Estimated duration 3 hours, dresscode outdoor; be sure to bring water/food.
Cost: € 18,- pp, free admissions for children up to 15 year when guided by adult
Subscribe: Warming Up 2, number of persons
Members We Are Public via We Are Public

Public Expedition Zandmotor#14

| 2018-07-28 23:54:00

April 21-28 2018:
Kusthal Kijkduin
: work location, Expedition Zandmotor#14 with 75 pupils Technasium Maris College Den Haag, special thanks to Hoogheemraaschap Delfland and St Ark.

Timescale of Landscape


Public Expedition Zandmotor#13

| 2018-07-28 23:54:18

April 5, 2018

Admission is free but please subscribe:

Read the report on Expedition Zandmotor#14:

In the context of colloquim 'Re-Scape',  hosted by The Centre for Global Heritage and Development, Leiden University, Erasmus University, the Design & History research group at TU Delft, and the VU Amsterdam research institute CLUE+, special thanks Blow Beach House

The upcoming Re-Scape colloquium of the Centre for Global Heritage and Environment & CLUE+ Research Centre VU will take the form of a exploration on location. Artist/curator Jacqueline Heerema of Satellietgroep will guide us through the historic dunes on to the Zandmotor, an experiment in new coastal defense strategies off the Dutch coast near Kijkduin, called Building with Nature. Satellietgroep redefined the Zandmotor as a cultural phenomenon. A learning environment for new perceptions of the shifting relations between culture and nature.
The central question will be: Who is nature?

Image: Jacqueline Heerema

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research new with water zandmotor coastal artists dat project art satellietgroep from cultural artist sea was badgast zee scheveningen