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| 2013-07-11 12:28:04

The project Now Wakes The Sea' (NWTS) is initiated by Dutch Satellietgroep and involves research based artist in residence programs for artists/architects/filmmakers in coastal transition areas in countries surrounding the Black Sea and North Sea to develop new works, select existing works and program traveling film festivals for public screenings and debates on venues, both on the coast of the Black Sea as on the North Sea.
The cultural exchange project 'Now Wakes The Sea' started in 2012 with the exchange of The Netherlands and Turkey in the context of NLTR400. Satelietgroep is very proud to be selected for the program for Russia, called NLFR2013. ECF and local partners provide funding to continue the project with Moldova and Georgia.

July - October 2013
During Juli 2013 writer/director Nicoleta Esinencu from Moldova was artist in residence @ Badgast (NL) as part of the international cultural exchange project 'Now Wakes The Sea' in collaboration with our partner MediArt Dialogue (MD).
Her starting point was an essay about childhood memories of travels to the Black Sea during Soviet times. She is currently developing a work that will be presented in the form of a dialogue/performance in Chisinau.

During September artist/curator Tatiana Fiodorova, from the Moldovan partner organisation MediArt Dialog and Artploshadka was artist in residence @ Badgast (NL). Together we prepare the artist in residence workperiod of filmmaker Maarten de Kroon in Chisinau, the film screening 'The Lost Sea' by Tatiana Fiodorova in The Netherlands, a film screening with Dutch /Turkish / Georgian and Moldovan works in Chisinau, an artist talk with Nicoleta Esinencu and Maarten de Kroon and a workshop by Satellietgroep and Mediart Dialogue in Chisinau in November.
view partners

During October Maarten de Kroon (NL) will work in Moldova on the concept on 'See No Sea' at Moldova.

Tatiana Fiodorava @Badgast

| 2013-10-09 14:47:23

Can you measure free coastal access?

'The Lost Sea' by Tatiane Fiodorova (MD), 2013
Starting from childhood memories during the USSR, Tatiana Fiodorova experienced free access to the Black Sea coast. After the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991, Moldova lost its sea.
You now need a passport/visa to cross borders and once at the Ukraine Black Sea shore the beach is cut up in plots of private ownership. Therefore it is no longer possible to take long hikes along the shore following the continuity of the coast.

During September 2013 Moldovan media artist and curator Fiodorova was artist in residence at Badgast (The Hague/Scheveningen, NL) on the shore of the North Sea as part of the 'Now Wakes The Sea' project. Here she reconnected with her memories of free coastal access and decided to reconstruct this quality into a performance. She measured and collected with tape the sand that stretches from boulevard to shoreline, from harbor to the Pier. The outcome are rolls of tape showing the length of the long stretches of space where you can freely move along the beach. These compressed rolls of measurement reveal the vulnerability of the precious coastal pubic access. Her confronting collection of measurements reflects the negotiations between the pressures on public and private ownership of coastal space.

Scheveningen is in fact the most regulated public space you can imagine, but within the margins of rules and restrictions the presumption of mental and physical space is kept alive.  
'The Lost Sea' by Fiodorova connects to previous Badgast projects about lack, longing and presumption of public coastal space by David Horvitz (Public Access), James Geurts (Drawing Horizon) and Francois Lombarts (Zandbar). Recently while reconstructing the boulevard the dikes and harbor head of Scheveningen are covered with sand and grass to make them appear as natural dunes. It is Disneyfication of the Dutch shores, but do we prefer to live in a make belief world?

Photo: Jhoeko

Filmscreening 'The Lost Sea' and program Now Wakes The Sea:

The Lost Sea @ De DCR Gueststudio The Hague (NL)

| 2013-09-30 13:35:34

Artist Talk & Film Screening by Tatiana Fiodorova (MD)
September 30 start at 18:30
DCR GUESTSTUDIO,  De Constant Rebecqueplein 20B, The Hague

18:30 Dinner
19:30 Intro and talk by Tatiana Fiodorova
20:00 Screening program
On 30 September Tatiana Fiodorova gives an introduction into her research which she did during her residency in Badgast. Tatiana Fiodorova is a media-artist / curator from Chisinau, Moldova. In her childhood Fiodorova has spend many summers on the coast of the Black Sea where she took long walks along the coastline. Since that time, much has changed. When Moldova was still part of the Soviet Union it had a direct connection with the sea. After the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991, Moldova lost its sea.    

The screening program focusses on performances, video art and animations made by well-known and emerging artists and filmmakers from Post-Soviet countries. The films and video works are visually connected to the sea, the coast or in general the notion of water. In most of the works the authors tackle an underlaying political, environmental or philosophical issue.

Filmmakers in the program: Oleg Kulik (Russia), Vladimir Logutov (Russia), Veaceslav Druta (Moldova), Ghenadie Popescu (Moldova), Umida Ahmedova and Oleg Karpov (Uzbekistan), Vyacheslav Akhunov (Uzbekistan), Alexander Ugai (Kazakhstan), Mykola Ridnyi (Ukraine), Tetyana Goryushina (Ukraine), Mihail Gulin (Belorus), Tonea Slobodcikova (Belorus), Sabina Shikhlinskaya (Azerbaijan), Ulan Djaparov(Kyrgyzstan), Philip Rayhmut (Germany),Ali Hasanov (Azerbaijan), Yulia Drobova (Uzbekistan), Oleg Tcherny (Belorus), Krišs Salmanis (Latvia ), Flo Kasearu in collaboration with Riina Maidrem Oksanan Tralla, Marianne Manni, Veronoka Vallimae.

With special thanks to:
Sabina Shikhlinskaya, Oleg Karpov, Alevtina Kakhidze, Odrija Fisere, Sergey Shabohin.

Still from 'Seacoast' by Mykola Ridny

The project Now Wakes The Sea’ (NWTS) is initiated by Dutch Satellietgroep and involves research based artist in residence programs for artists/architects/filmmakers in coastal transition areas in countries surrounding the Black Sea and North Sea to develop new works, select existing works and program traveling film festivals for public screenings and debates on venues, both on the coast of the Black Sea as on the North Sea.
The cultural exchange project ‘Now Wakes The Sea’ started in 2012 with the exchange of The Netherlands and Turkey in the context of NLTR400. Satelietgroep is very proud to be selected for the program for Russia, called NLFR2013. ECF and local partners provide funding to continue the project with Moldova and Georgia.

During Juli 2013 artist/director Nicoleta Esinencu from Moldova was artist in residence @ Badgast as part of the international cultural exchange project ‘Now Wakes The Sea’ in collaboration with our partner MediArt Dialogue (MD).
 During October 2013 Maarten de Kroon (NL) will be resident at Moldova.
In July Moldovan writer Nicoleta Esinencu was artist in resident at Badgast (NL). Her starting point was an an essay about childhood memories of travels to the Black Sea during Soviet times. She is currently developing a work that will be presented in the form dialogue/performance in Chisinau.
During September Tatiana Fiodorova from the Moldovan partner organisation MediArt Dialog and Artploshadka as resident at Badgast (NL). Together we prepare the artist in residence workperiod of filmmaker Maarten de Kroon in Chisinau, a film screening with Moldovan works in The Netherlands, a film screening with Dutch /Turkish / Georgian and Moldovan works in Chisinau, an artist talk with Nicoleta Esinencu and Maarten de Kroon and a workshop by Satellietgroep and Mediart Dialog in Chisinau in November 2013.

NWTS @ Batumi Beach (GE)

| 2013-08-28 02:14:39

8, 9 + 10 September
free open air film festival starts at sunset around 21:00
Iveria Beach at Batumi Boulevard Beach, next to Ferris Wheel

For NWTS @ Batumi Beach Satellietgroep likes to warmly thank ECF, GeoAIR Nini Palavandishvili,  Data Chigholashvili, Iveria Beach, NIAF, Alex Healey, Francois Lombarts, Jasper Elings,Aram Tanis/Jacolijn Verhoef, Zaza Jorbenadze, Astrid Bussink/Ana Tsimintia, Nodar Begiashvili,  Givi Aleksandria, Yilmaz Vurucu/Bahanur Nasya, Nathalie Fixon/Nadine O’Garra, Odeta Catana/Ian Cook/Angelika Herta/Zhenya Zakharova, Sylvie Zijlmans, Sjaak Meilink, Danny de Vent, Temur Palavandishvili, Channa Boon and the audience for making this wonderful program work!

Cultural partners Satellietgroep (NL) and GeoAIR (GE) cordially invite you to the three nights open air filmfestival on Batumi Beach, Georgia that connects the Black Sea with the North Sea.

Stills from "Little Dubai' by Astrid Bussink and Ana Tsimintia

The program features Georgian, Dutch and international art films, documentaries and animations connected to coastal transitions including 4 productions realized during programs initiated by Satellietgroep:
'Little Dubai' (2013) by Astrid Bussink (NL) and Ana Tsimintia (GE), who were artists in residence for 'Now Wakes The Sea' in Batumi last June and July; 'Sinking into the landscape' (2013) by Francois Lombarts; 'Departure Bay' (2011) by Aram Tanis and Jacolijn Verhoef; 'The Sea in Me' (2012) by Bahanur Nasya and Yilmaz Vurucu, last years residents for 'Now Wakes The Sea' in Sinop (Turkey) and The Hague (NL). After Budapest, Vienna and now Georgia, 'The Sea in Me' will be screened in Croatia, India and Istanbul .....congratulations Bahanur and Yilmaz!


‘Sea Horses’ (IT), Alex Healey, 4.13 min., 2008, Doc.
‘Sinking into the Landscape’ (NL), Francois Lombarts, 11.28 min., 2013, Exp.
‘Sharing a beautiful Sunset’ (NL), Jasper Elings, 1.11 min., 2009, Exp.
‘Departure bay’ (NL), Aram Tanis/Jacolijn Verhoef, 10 min., 2011, Doc.
‘Ochabamba’ (GE), Zaza Jorbenadze, 73 min., 1994

‘Little Dubai’ (NL/GE), Astrid Bussink/Ana Tsimintia, 10 min., 2013, Doc.
‘Pontos - Black, Black Sea’ (GE), Nodar Begiashvili, 15 min., 2001, Anim.
‘Sea’ (GE), Givi Aleksandria, 25 min., 1979
‘The Sea in me’ (TR), Yilmaz Vurucu/Bahanur Nasya, 60 min., 2012, Doc.

EXTRA: ‘Little Dubai’ (NL/GE), Astrid Bussink/Ana Tsimintia, 10 min., 2013, Doc.
‘Lighthouse’ (FR/ES), Nathalie Fixon/Nadine O’Garra, 2.27 min., 2012, Dance film
‘Harvest Georgia’ (GE/HU), Odeta Catana/Ian Cook/Angelika Herta/Zhenya Zakharova, 7 min., 2011, Doc.
‘The Wishing Well’ (NL), Sylvie Zijlmans, 3 min., Exp.
‘Stiltwalkers’ (CA/NL), Sjaak Meilink, 12.27 min., 2002, Anim.
‘The swimming lesson’ (BE/NL), Danny de Vent 8.12 min., 2008, Anim.
‘Sunset’ (GE), Temur Palavandishvili, 25 min., 1970

Films screened in loop by: Bruno van den Elshout / Matthijs Spek, Levan Kakabadze, Tamuna Karumidze, Nika Machaidze, Irakli Shonia, Maya Sumbadze

About 'Now Wakes The Sea'
Satellietgroep (The Hague, NL 2006) explores through arts and culture how the sea and waterways influence cities, people, communities and environments. Our aim is to enhance public and professional awareness on coastal transitions. Long term projects are 'Badgast' - artist in residency program at The Hague/Scheveningen, and 'Now Wakes The Sea' (NWTS), the international exchange residency program in collaboration with international cultural partners. The project started in 2012 with the cultural exchange NL-Turkey, and continued in 2013 with The Netherlands - Georgia - Moldova.
GeoAIR (Tbilisi, Georgia, 2003) organizes and supports international exchange projects with the goal of strengthening the Georgian and Caucasian art world, bringing together artists from different cultural backgrounds and finding relevant contexts for them to work in.

Recent rapid constructions transform Batumi into one of the most popular beach resorts on the Georgian coast of the Black Sea. In June 2013 filmmakers Astrid Bussink (NL) and Ana Tsimintia (GE) worked together as artist in residence in Batumi (GE) and produced the short film 'Little Dubai' which will be screened during the Batumi Beach film festival. 'Little Dubai'  gives a humorous insight in the new architectural developments of Batumi and focusses on how Batumi as a city presents and profiles itself. During August Ana Tsimintia continued as artist in resident at Badgast (NL). In her upcoming documentary she compares the new designed beach resort Anaklia (GE) with the iconic but derelict 'Pier' at Scheveningen (NL).

In contrast, Moldova lost the connection to the sea. During Juli 2013 Nicoleta Esinencu from Moldova was artist in residence @ Badgast as part of the international cultural exchange project 'Now Wakes The Sea' in collaboration with our Moldovan cultural partner MediArt Dialogue (MD). During October 2013 Maarten de Kroon (NL) will be resident at Moldova.

Thanks to all participating artists and filmmakers, Channa Boon and NIAF.
The cultural exchange program 'Now Wakes The Sea' is supported by ECF, European Cultural Foundation.



| 2013-06-12 08:48:15

June/July & August 2013
Now Wakes The Sea @ Batumi, Georgia

Artists in Residency documentairy filmmakers Astrid Bussink (NL) en Ana Tsimintia (GE)
in collaboration with our cultural partner GeoAir (GE). view partners
During August Ana will be resident at Badgast.

The project Now Wakes The Sea' (NWTS) is initiated by Dutch Satellietgroep and involves research based artist in residence programs for artists/architects/filmmakers in coastal transition areas in countries surrounding the Black Sea and North Sea to develop new works, select existing works and program traveling film festivals for public screenings and debates on venues, both on the coast of the Black Sea as on the North Sea.
The cultural exchange project 'Now Wakes The Sea' started in 2012 with the exchange of The Netherlands and Turkey in the context of NLTR400. Satelietgroep is very proud to be selected for the program for Russia, called NLFR2013. ECF and local partners provide funding to continue the project with Moldova and Georgia.

Ana Tsimintia (GE)

Astrid Bussink (NL):
Als documentairemaker toont Astrid Bussink verhalen die op het eerste oog weinig met elkaar te maken hebben. Over de moordende Hongaarse vrouwen in The Angelmakers, het oudste apenlab in Abchazië in The Lost Colony of recentelijk, de eenzame doden in The Poem of Death.  Maar de films geven op dezelfde visueel onderzoekende en vaak tragi-komische wijze inzicht in verhalen over vergankelijkheid en de manier waarop deze op soms ongebruikelijke manieren wordt beschouwd en behandeld door de betrokkenen.
Daarnaast werkt Astrid aan haar doorlopend fotoproject Constructions of Happiness, waarin ze zich via haar eigen situatie de gangbare constructies voor geluk bevraagd.

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with new sea zandmotor from project water zee coastal satellietgroep artists badgast dat artist was scheveningen cultural art research