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About Nouveau Sier Shop

| 2011-12-26 09:35:45

Nouveau Sier Shop
Mobiele Identiteitswinkel Op Scheveningen

Mobile Identitystore On Scheveningen
a new approach on souvenirs and tourism

Image: Andries Micke, Satellietgroep

[NL] Alle producten in de Nouveau Sier Shop zijn nieuwe werken, gerealiseerd door artists in residence van BADGAST/Satellietgroep in Den Haag Scheveningen.

[EN] All products for sale in the Nouveau Sier Shop are new works, developed during the artists in residence at BADGAST/Satellietgroep in The Hague Scheveningen, The Netherlands.


Research 'On Scheveningen' by Satellietgroep for housing association Vestia Den Haag Scheveningen: research on identity and tourism, culture, heritage and cultural identity, invented traditions and staged realities in a man made landscape. Contact:

from artist art zee badgast project cultural scheveningen new with research water dat zandmotor was artists coastal sea satellietgroep