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Opening 18.10.2018 - Finissage 18.11.2018

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Satellietgroep proudly invites you to the exhibition / program / festival / collective / this work in progress with Berndnaut Smilde, Sachi Miyachi, Nishiko, Esther Kokmeijer, Maurice Bogaert, Aliki van der Kruijs, Jos Klarenbeek, Maurice Meewisse, Lotte Geeven, Theun Karelse, Thijs Ebbe Fokkens, Giuseppe Licari, Onkruidenier, Josje Hattink, Masha Ru & more!
Location: Electriciteitsfabriek Den Haag
Free admission for all on October 18!
Though the event is indoor, the dresscode is outdoor as it may be cold inside!

During 5 weeks, every week we shift the focus within the whole exhibition
process, with a program of workshops, seminars and expeditions. Visitors have the opportunity to connect and contribute to the ongoing process of artistic research, share their thoughts and insights, and discover through the arts a multitude of fields of knowledge. 

Link to newsletter Sept. 2018 (EN)
Link to press release Sept. 2018 (NL)
WEEK 1: Link to newsletter Program Week 1
WEEK 2: Link to newsletter Program Week 2
WEEK 3: Link to newsletter Program Week 3
WEEK 4: Link to newsletter Program Week 4
WEEK 5 & FINISSAGE: Link to newsletter Program Week 5


Artists & designers

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Berndnaut Smilde, Sun Following Prism, 2017 > more

Sachi Miyachi,  ____________ (working title), 2018 > more

Nishiko, Repairing Earthquake Project, since 2011 - ongoing > more

Esther Kokmeijer, Deep Meaning of Voyaging, 2018 > more

Maurice Bogaert, Wide / White, 2018 > more

Aliki van der Kruijs & Jos Klarenbeek, Kadans, 2018 > more

Maurice Meewisse, Eightteen Coffee Breaks - Eight Working Hours, 2017-2018 > more

Lotte Geeven, Score, 2018 > more

Theun Karelse, Environmental Literacy, 2018 > more

Thijs Ebbe Fokkens, Every Future (is a crime scene), 2018 > more

Giuseppe Licari, Disco Stone, 2018 > more

Josje Hattink, Voice of a Sinking Landscape, 2018 > more

Masha Ru, Museum of Edible Earth: An Acquired Taste, 2018 > more

Onkruidenier icw Rosanne van Wijk, SWEET - SWEAT. We are under construction, 2018 > more

Exhibition program

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18.10.2018 - 18.11.2018

Location: Electriciteitsfabriek Den Haag

Open for public:
Thursday & Friday 14:00 - 20:00 and Saturday & Sunday 14:00 - 18:00
Though the event is indoor, the dresscode is outdoor as it may be cold inside!
Free for children up to 13 years if accompanied by an adult
€ 5,- for students, CJP, Ooievaarspas, 65+ p.p.
€ 7,- Day Ticket p.p.
€ 50,- Passe-Partout p.p. that allows you to (re)visit during all events
Special kids program during autumn break with VakantiepasClub
Special program for members We Are Public
Please contact us if you are interested in special visit and/or contribution to this event:

Climate as Artifact - Klimaat als mensenwerk is een dynamisch tentoonstellingsprogramma waarin kunstenaars, ontwerpers, wetenschappers en de maatschappij samen worden gebracht om onze perceptie van cultuur en natuur opnieuw te bekijken. Gedurende vijf weken wordt op locatie gewerkt en vinden workshops, seminars en expedities plaats. Publiek kan artistiek onderzoek meemaken en krijgt via de kunsten toegang tot andere kennisdomeinen.

Satellietgroep invited artists and designers, who were previous artist-in-residence in the Netherlands and/or abroad, to share their current fascinations and jointly develop a special exhibition program.
While artistic development is at the core of Satellietgroep, we are honored that all participants decided to develop new works, and will continue to develop and share their work and fascinations during the program. Following the practise of Satellietgroep as alternative academy and appreciating the coasts as vital learning school of time and space, our visitors will have the opportunity to connect and contribute to the ongoing process of artistic research, share their thoughts and insights, and discover through the arts a multitude of fields of knowledge.

During five weeks, every week we shift the focus within the whole exhibition process, with a program of talks, workshops, seminars and guided tours.
Satellietgroep & participants will build a Landscape Library during Climate as Artifact and you can contribute to the growing collection with samples, tips for books, films, engaging networks ect.!
At the Finissage on Sunday November 18, we will reflect together on the exhibition program with a special workshop and you are most welcome to join.


Every day: free guided tours!
Thursday and Friday: 15:00 - 17:00 - 19:00

Saturday and Sunday: 15:00 - 17:00

Oct 18
Opening with Berndnaut Smilde, the artists and guest speakers (NL)

Oct 18 to Nov18
Nishiko and Sachi Miyachi are working on site daily, with the exception of Nov 15, 16 and 17

Oct 18 to 28
Marshallese Outrigger Canoe building with Esther Kokmeijer and team Isocker Anwell (Marshall Islands) and Henrik Richter-Alten (GIZ).

Oct 20 to 28
Children's tours with VakantiepasClub

Oct 25 to Nov 4 Eight Expeditions to the Zandmotor with Maurice Meewisse (subsciption)

Oct 21
Zeelab#3: Seminar Environmental Literacy with Theun Karelse and guest speakers (EN)

Oct 25
Museum of Edible Earth: An Acquired Taste bu Masha Ru:
17:00 -19:00 Tastings of Edible Earth & Artifacts
19:00 - 19:30 Performance Discourse with Clay icw Fazle Shairmomed

Oct 28
14:00-18:00 Zeelab#4: seminar Global Currents with Nishiko, Esther Kokmeijer, Aliki van der Kruijs & Jos Klarenbeek and guest speakers (EN)

Nov 1
15:00 - 18:00 Tastings of Edible Earth & Artifacts - Masha Ru by Alain Chaney

Nov 3
15:00-16:30 Nature & the Architect - Excarvating the Square Mountain
Three subjective guided tours by Sachi Miyachi, Thijs Ebbe Fokkens, Maurice Bogaert (EN)

Nov 4
14:30 - 17:00 Workshop 'East-West-Thinking Cement' by Onkruidenier - Jonmar van Vlijmen & Ronald Boer icw Rosanne van Wijk; special guest curator Jo Lene Ong.

Nov 8
18:30 - 20:00 Double premiere with Maurice Meewisse and Lotte Geeven

14:30 - 17:30 Seminar art-science-society Voice of a Sinking Landscape with Josje Hattink, climate scientist Tanya Lippmann and  special guest dr. J van Huissteden (associate professor at the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Faculty of Earth and Life Sciences) (EN)

Nov 10
15:00 - 17:00 Tastings of Edible Earth & Artifacts - Masha Ru by Alain Chaney

Nov 17
14:00 - 16:00 Time-depth of Landscape: geology-archaeology consultation with Masha Ru and geologist/volunteer archeologist Bert van der Valk (Deltares), followed by artist talk by Giuseppe Licari.

Nov 18
14:30 - 17:00 Workshop Landscape Observations by Tiemen Cocquyt (Museum Boerhaave) & artist Irene Kopelman & the artists and designers of Climate as Artifact (EN)
17:00 Share your estimated guess: how many bricks counted artist Sachi Miyachi?
18:00 Close of exhibition


18.10.2018 - 18.11.2018

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... is it an exhibition, a public program, a festival, a new collective.....?

Climate as Artifact is an exhibition program that targets at how redefining climate as a cultural artifact through artistic practice helps us to break free from conventional attitudes in order to establish new and essential perspectives. Climate as Artifact will bring together artists, designers, scientists and society to rethink our perceptions of culture and nature.
Now that people all around the world are slowly starting to rethink how people and planet are interrelated, new questions arise around the understanding of time and the perception of place. It’s not merely a technical or political challenge that we are facing. It’s a cultural one.

Our expanding cities have been named people’s largest artifact. But it was the Dutch landscape architect and emeritus professor Dirk Sijmons, who recently wondered whether by now the climate might be our biggest artifact. Defining people as nature and the climate as an artifact could just be a philosophical or linguistic exercise. It is what brought us to the question ‘Who is nature?’

Redefining these concepts through art could be an essential task though, for this requires an intensive and constructive use of people’s sensitivity and imagination. Visual narratives and artistic actions that invite the public to go outside their ‘comfort zones’ and perceive the world with a critical but open mind, could cause these valuable sparks that make a lasting impression. It helps us to bring abstract concepts or things that are seemingly beyond our control, closer to ourselves.

Climate is a hyper object. We know that it exists, but we can’t comprehend it, as the British philosopher Timothy Morton stated. Materializing ideas through art and redefining climate as an artifact, as something we make, helps to increase our sensitivity and to see connections within the natural world and between our actions and our environment.

January 2006 artists collective Satellietgroep kicked off with the question To whom belongs the sea?

To celebrate over 12 years of pioneering and prepare for an unforseen and challenging future, in January 2018 we started to rethink our perceptions of culture and nature with the question Who is nature?
During the first half of this year we tested & experimented with ongoing artistic fieldwork, involving experts and audiences, to develop new insights and pose different questions.
Convinced that the arts can create an other 'Golden Spike' by posing different questions, Satellietgroep challenged the participating artists and designers to step out of their comfort zones. We warmly invite our guests and visitors to join in this venture. Faced with current and future challenges, the time-depht of landscapes and of ourselves, we need a new visual idiom, other collaborations and multi-facetted perspectives.

Are you nature?

Curious? Follow our newsletter and on social media!
Please share your reflections on the question 'Who is nature?" by Twitter, Facebook, Instagram
#Satellietgroep @Satellietgroep

Essay Who is nature?

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Who is Nature?
How visual narratives in art and design can overturn prevailing understandings of environment.
By artists' collective Satellietgroep, Lotte Bosman & Jacqueline Heerema
For Viscous Space North Sea Conference, TU Deflt 2018.

Please contact if you feel inspired by the following essay!


Pagina 1 van 5 > >>
water with artists zee sea scheveningen project cultural from badgast dat zandmotor coastal satellietgroep was research art artist new