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About Badgast 2009-2014

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BADGAST 2009-2014

Satellietgroep (The Hague, 2006) explores through arts and culture how the sea and waterways influence cities, people, communities and environment. Our aim is to enhance public and professional awareness on coastal transitions. Long term projects are 'Badgast' - artist in residency program at The Hague/Scheveningen (2009-2014), and 'Now Wakes The Sea', the international exchange residency program in collaboration with international cultural partners (since 2012). Since 2014 the focus of the residency programs in Zandmotor, south of The Hague.
Satellietgroep programs 3 artists in residencies at DCR Gueststudios in The Hague.

In these programs artist in residencies are used as a research method to enable artists and scientists to do fieldwork and to work on site with local partners, coastal communities and experts in order to map out and research the current status of coastal transitions and to generate new narratives and perspectives.
The programs function as an alternative source for collecting. Satellietgroep collects the intangible local knowledge derived from the artistic and scientific projects. During these residency programs new concepts and works are developed that we connect and contextualize with existing works for public events like traveling film festivals, exhibitions, workshops and presentations at expert conferences. By interconnecting coastal communities, arts and science we share local knowledge on global level to gain sustainable insights on coastal transitions that transcend local and national issues.

See link , the recent publications or the programs below.

Satellietgroep is based since 2006 in The Hague, The Netherlands, a country with a strong historic art and innovative relationship with the sea. Satellietgroep has an embedded art and culture approach to researching the way the sea and waterways influences cities and people. We aim to research the pressure on public, social and cultural use on the waterfronts and develop new concepts and strategies focused on a new approach of future sea and coastal urban areas.

Satellietgroep explores through arts and culture how the sea and waterways influence cities, people, communities and environment. Our aim is to enhance public and professional awareness on coastal transitions.
Satellietgroep developed the artist in residency program called 'Badgast' for research and exchange of local knowledge on a global level. We invite international artists and scientists to jointly develop and present research articulating a cultural, innovative and sustainable significance of the sea and its coasts by doing on-site research, engage with local communities, collaborate with local experts and connect to international networks. We interconnect coastal communities by connecting contemporary research and new works to historic and future coastal developments.
Arts and science can express the spatial and social qualities - as well as the problems - of our coastal areas, and make them engagingly accessible to the public. These works can transform a destination normally marked by consumption and recreation into a platform for critical communication and serious reflection. This timely reflection of art and science on spatial transition processes may act as a strong catalyst in generating public and professional discussions and connect contemporary research and new works to historic and future coastal developments.

Satellietgroep programs Badgast, a research based artist in residence program, outdoor Cinema with screenings and Talks at the coast and develops international cultural exchange projects, all concerning the sea. Badgast is built in 2009 of two stacked shipping containers by recycle architects Refunc for Satellietgroep. Badgast is located in the middle of the surfing village FAST, the Urban Beach Community at the hinge point of the promenade and harbour in The Hague at Scheveningen.  During the residency period new works – both conceptual and documentary - are developed that reflect upon the complex and layered coastal transitions and urban developments. With these works they contribute to the international contemporary collection on coastal transitions of Satellietgroep to be shared with broader audiences.
Artist in residencies are used as a research method. It enables artists to do fieldwork and to work on site with local partners in order to map out, collect and research the current status of coastal transitions and to generate new perspectives. This embedded research contributes to public and professional awareness. Thus, our project brings together different views and opens up dialogue. This method of artist in residency program connects to the international development of artist residencies as cells of knowledge and as alternative academies.
Program Badgast. Program Cinema at Sea.

'ZEESPIEGEL' ('Mirror on the Sea')
One of the results of the program is the free open air photo exhibition 'Zeespiegel - Mirror on the Sea' on the new boulevard of The Hague at Scheveningen. Composed by Satellietgroep with artworks of 25 artists in residence of Badgast, locals en professionals. Contributions about innovative coastal protection, including the Sand Engine, complete the tales about our relationship with the sea and make them accessible to everyone.
Link Fotoroute Zeespiegel

Starting in 2012 Satellietgroep exported the concept and methods of our embedded research based artist in residence program Badgast for the first time abroad. We initiated the project 'Now Wakes The Sea' (NWTS), which involves research based artist in residence programs for artists /architects / filmmakers in coastal transition areas. We focus on countries surrounding the Black Sea and North Sea, encouraging artist to develop new works, to select existing works and to program travelling film festivals for public screenings and debates at venues, on both coasts. ‘Now Wakes the Sea’ (NWTS) combines architecture, arts and sciences in pursuit of local knowledge on a global level.
Link Collaboration Nida Art Colony

In close collaboration with international artists, scientists, curators and guest curators, Satellietgroep develops an international contemporary collection on coastal transitions. Through exchange projects in The Netherlands and abroad, Satellietgroep interconnects coastal communities.
Link Anthropogenic Coastal Atlas

F.A.S.T. (Free Architecture Surf Terrain) is a unique and artistic surf village at the boulevard of Scheveningen. A beach-hostel, a surfshop, surfinglessons, board-storage, a bar and restaurant, artprojects and even a bunkermuseum.....F.A.S.T. has got it all!
Link F.A.S.T.
Link video F.A.S.T.

Photos by Frank Dean, Rob te Riet, Eliane Esther Bots, Cristina Ampatzadou.


scheveningen artists new dat project research art satellietgroep badgast coastal cultural zandmotor artist zee water sea from with was