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| 2011-11-10 15:20:04

Satellietgroep (The Hague, 2006) explores through arts and culture how the sea and waterways influence cities, people, communities and environment. Our aim is to enhance public and professional awareness on coastal transitions. Long term projects are 'Badgast' - artist in residency program at The Hague/Scheveningen, and 'Now Wakes The Sea', the international exchange residency program in collaboration with international cultural partners.

The project Now Wakes The Sea' (NWTS) is initiated by Dutch Satellietgroep and involves research based artist in residence programs for artists/architects/filmmakers in coastal transition areas in countries surrounding the Black Sea and North Sea to develop new works, select existing works and program traveling film festivals for public screenings and debates on venues, both on the coast of the Black Sea as on the North Sea.
The cultural exchange project 'Now Wakes The Sea' started in 2012 with the exchange of The Netherlands and Turkey in the context of NLTR400. Satelietgroep is very proud to be selected for the program for Russia, called NLFR2013. ECF and local partners provide funding to continue the project with Moldova and Georgia.
In 2013 we researched and started the first presentations to prepare the exhange of the North Sea - Baltic Sea with Russia and the Baltic States.


PUBLICATION 'Now Wakes The Sea - 2012' RELEASED IN NOV 2013 view

PREPARATIONS IN 2013: NL-Russian Federation

NL-Russia view
Seminar 'Shifting AiR Strategies' in Delft, NL view
Art/science lecture at NIP St Petersburg, RF view
Mutual AiR Impulse NL-RF in Moscow, RF
Openingtalk at 'Telling The Baltic' at Kaliningrad, RF view

NOW WAKES THE SEA 2013: NL - Moldova - Georgia

Maarten de Kroon (NL) artist in residence at Moldova view
Premiere 'From Moldova to the Black Sea' at Chisinau, MD
Tatiana Fiodorova (MD) artist in residence 'The Lost Sea' at The Hague, NL view
Nicoleta Esinencu (MD) artist in residence at The Hague (NL) view
Premiere 'Little Dubia' at NWTS Film Festival Batumi Beach, Georgia view
Ana Tsimintia (GE artist in residence at The Hague, NL
Astrid Bussink (NL) and Ana Tsminitia (GE) artist in residence at Batumi, Georgia
NL-Moldova view
Cultural partners Moldova view
NL-Georgia view
Cultural partners Georgia view


NWTS-NLTR400 in Istanbul, Turkey view
About the works view
NWTS - NLT400 in The Hague, NL view
NWTS - NLTR400 in Sinop, Turkey view
Referential introduction view
Concept view
Program Cultural Exchange 'NWTS-NLTR400' 2012 view
Bahanur, Yilmaz and Maurice artists in residence @ Sinop view
Preview NWTS-NLTR400 view
Fieldtrip to Istanbul 2012 view


Study Visit to Russia, Ukraine, Moldava, Georgia 2012 view
Study Visit Romania 2011view
Study Visit Ukraine 2011 view
Study Visit Moldova 2011 view


ISTANBUL2010-SCH2011 view
Review CCC @ ISTANBUL 2010 view
Research ISTANBUL2010 view
CCC @ ISTANBUL2010 view
Study Visit Istanbul 2009 view


| 0000-00-00 00:00:00

Filmmaker Maarten de Kroon presents on May 17 2015  his documentary 'LANDLOCKED' during CRONOGRAF in Moldova. His documentary was realised during our exchange artist in residency project called NOW WAKES THE SEA with cultural partners MediArt Dialogue, Art Plodashka and Teatru Spalatorie with technical support by KSAK, made possible due to the generous contributions to the documentary by many people in Chisinau and funded by ECF.

Read more at:

Un film documentar despre relația Republicii Moldova cu Marea Neagră. În epoca post-sovietică, Moldova a devenit un stat „fără ieșire la mare”. Istoria le dă unora și le ia altora. Pentru unii e ca și cum și-ar fi pierdut „marea lor”. Oamenii vorbesc despre Marea Neagră, printr-un amalgam de amintiri, idei, artă, istorie, opinii și vise.
Regie: Maarten de Kroon

Țara: Moldova/Olanda / Moldova/Netherlands

Anul: 2013/2013

Durata: 39 min

June 6 NWTS: Premiere 'Landlocked' at Tolhuistuin

| 2014-05-08 10:46:55

Date: June 6, 2014 at 7:30pm - 10:00pm
Location: Tolhuistuin, Buiksloterweg 5C in Amsterdam

Satellietgroep, European Alternatives and Framer Framed together explore the fringes of Europe. The program evolves around the makers and their artistic practice while presenting their work.
The first edition is an evening dedicated to Moldova. Borders between countries are changing and at the same time countries themselves are also changing. With the current turmoil in Ukraine shows how relative borders and states can be. History gives and takes. Through the centuries, Moldova was intermittently not directly connected to the Black Sea, an independent principality, part of the great Roman Empire, Dacia, the Ottoman Empire, Great Romania, Russian Empire and the Soviet Union.
This evening we screen the film LAND LOCKED Maarten de Kroon (premiere) and is followed by SHOES FOR EUROPE, a film by Pavel Braila. This film was shown at Documenta 11 and has given Braila international reputation as an artist.
Both filmmaker Maarten de Kroon from The Hague and artist Pavel Braila from Chisinau, Moldova will be present to give an introduction to their work.

Nov 6: Jos van den Broek @ NIP

| 2013-07-16 09:23:35

NOVEMBER 6 at 19:00
LOCATION: NIP, Kaloezjsky pereoelok 3 191015 St.Petersburg

Satellietgroep and NIP, Netherlands Institute St. Petersburg (Russia) cordially invite you to the presentation with Prof.dr. Jos van den Broek, Leiden University on November 6 at NIP, starting at 19:00.
This interactive lecture is initiated by Satellietgroep in the context of the project 'Now Wakes The Sea' and will consist of a dialogue between curator Jacqueline Heerema and Prof.dr. Jos van den Broek, assisted by his students and scientific filmmaker Remco van Schadewijk.
The Netherlands Institute in St. Petersburg (NIP) is part of the Dutch Scientific Institutes Abroad. Jos van den Broek is Professor in Biomedical Science Communication at the Faculty of Science of Leiden University, focusing on health awareness, nature awareness and universe awareness. He was previous guest at Badgast at the presentation of the artist in residence Marielle Videler, called 'SEA BITE: The Dimethylsulfide Tent' (2011).
Satellietgroep (The Hague, 2006) explores through arts and culture how the sea and waterways influence cities, people, communities and environment.

About Jos van den Broek
Jos van den Broek (1951) graduated as a biochemist at Leiden University, where he also got his Ph.D. degree in pharmacology. From 1981 he is professionally involved in science communication. From 1989-1990 he earned a Knight Science Journalism Fellowship at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT).
At the end of 2003 he rejoined Leiden University in order to set up the Science & Communication Ma specialization at the Faculty of Science. At the end of 2006 he earned the Van Walree Professorship in Biomedical Science Communication at the Leiden University Medical Center. He now is Professor in Biomedical Science Communication at the Faculty of Science of Leiden University, focusing on health awareness, nature awareness and universe awareness. Visual communication for the illiterate is one of his main interests in science and health communication. He is co-author and designer of the visual communication handbook Beeldtaal (Spring 2010), published in English as Visual Language in 2012.
He wrote and co-authored numerous popular-science books on science experiments, nature, evolution and ageing. In his most recent book he answers questions of children on biological issues. He is now at the brink of publishing a similar book on questions about Eart, Sun and astronomy. Playful is his middle name.

About his lecture: Ode to Emiliania
One of the most important organisms on Earth is Emiliania huxleyi due to its presumed role in the Gaia concept of a self-regulating Mother Earth. It is one of thousands of different photosynthetic plankton that freely drift in the ocean, forming the basis of virtually all marine food webs. E. huxleyi is by far the most abundant coccolithophore found in the Earth's oceans, and is considered ubiquitous, occurring everywhere except the polar regions. E. huxleyi has the potential to act as a net source of CO2 out of the ocean as a reaction to ocean acidification. Its sulphur-containing products are responsible for the typical sea odour.

Prof.dr. Jos van den Broek was previous guest of Satellietgroep at Badgast at the presentation of the artist in residence Marielle Videler, called 'SEA BITE: The Dimethylsulfide Tent' (2011). Photo; James Geurts.

about NIP
The Netherlands Institute in St. Petersburg (NIP) is established in 1997. It's a part of the Dutch Scientific Institutes Abroad. Six universities in the Netherlands participate in the NIP with the aim to promote and internationalize their teaching and research activities in Russia.The NIP organizes scientific meetings and facilitates research of the participating universities. It also provides academic courses as an integral part of the curricula of Dutch universities. The NIP also offers scholarships and internships and supervises theses, individual study programs and study trips. The NIP has a scientific library, workplaces, a guest room, an extensive network of academic contacts and provides access to Russian archives and museums for research.

About Marielle Videler and 'SEA BITE: The Dimethylsulfide Tent'.
In April and June 2011 Marielle Videler was resident at BADGAST - part of the project Satellietgroep. During this period she developed a new work, following her experiences as a badgast. The work SEA BITE is based on the phenomenon of sea treatments which started in the early nineteenth century at the Dutch coast. A bath culture that was exclusively reserved for the middle classes. Videler made sketches at the sea, drawings in her sea container, and worked the last week of the residency on a beach tent. The inside is designed of silkscreen printed drawings. This small temple, in which explicitly the salty air can be sniffed, will hold a scientific lecture by Prof.dr. Jos van den Broek (IUniversity of Leiden, NL) about Dimethylsulfide (DMS): the smell of the sea.

'See No Sea' @Moldova

| 2013-10-24 08:57:39

artist talk and screenings at Theatru Spalatorie in Chisinau, Moldova

Satellietgroep (NL), Teatru Spalatorie (MD) and MediArtDialog (MD) cordially invite you to the Artists Talk and Preview 'FROM MOLDOVA TO THE BLACK SEA' by Dutch writer/filmmaker Maarten de Kroon (NL), starting at 16:00 with tea and introduction by Jacqueline Heerema and Elaine Bots, curators of Satellietgroep.

For the last month Maarten de Kroon has been searching for the Black Sea in Moldova as artist in residence of the ‘Now Wakes The Sea’ project. After the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991, according to some, Moldova lost its direct access to the Black Sea. Others say Moldova lost the Black Sea a long time ago, in the 15th century. There are many stories as there are many memories about holidays and honeymoons spent in Zatoka, Sergejevska, Koblevo and other places on the Black Sea coast. 'From Moldova to the Black Sea', made in close cooperation with Nora Dorogan, is a collection of Moldovan stories, memories, history and opinions about the Black Sea - and Moldova.


Satellietgroep (NL) and Artploshadka (MD) cordially invite you to the film screening of 'Torrentius' and 'F.I.S.H.I.N.G' in Tipografia.
Starting at 19:00 filmmaker Maarten de Kroon and curator Eliane Bots will give a short introduction. After the films there is a Q&A with Maarten de Kroon.

With special thanks to Nora Dorogan and Denis Bartenev (crew), Tatiana Fiodorova and Nicoleta Esinencu, Teatru Spalatorie, Tipografia, Artplodaska, MediArtDialog and all the people that were so kind and generous to participate in the film.
Cultural partner for this project is MediArt Dialogue (MD). Funded by ECF and KSAK (technical support).

'From Moldova to the Black Sea' is a work in progress of the filmproject by writer/filmmaker Maarten de Kroon (Dutch Light, F.I.S.H.I.N.G and TORRENTIUS), artist in residence for Satellietgroep 'Now Wakes the Sea' in october/november 2013 in Moldova.
After the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991, Moldova lost its sea. 'See no Sea in Moldova' is a personal film that starts with questions concerning Moldova and the relation to the Black Sea, or, as you may also put it, the possible absence of the sea.

Satellietgroep (The Hague, 2006) explores through arts and culture how the sea and waterways influence cities, people, communities and environment. Our aim is to enhance public and professional awareness on coastal transitions by enabling artists/scientists to do fieldwork and work on site with local communities and experts and share the results with broader audiences. Satellietgroep initiated 'Now Wakes The Sea' for exchange of research based artists in residencies in collaboration with cultural partner organizations.
Dutch coastal transitions and new works produced during residencies at Badgast (The Hague, NL) are connected to new works produced during exchange residencies of Badgast with other coasts. In 2012 by Maurice Bogaert (NL), Bahanur Nasya and Yilmaz Vurucu (TR) at Sinop (Turkey), in 2013 by Astrid Bussink (NL) and Ana Tsimintia (GE) at Batumi (Georgia), and Tatiana Fiodorova, Nicoleta Esinencu (MD) and Maarten de Kroon (NL) at Chisinau (Moldova).

'See no Sea in Moldova' (working title) is a personal film that starts with questions concerning Moldova and the relation to the Black Sea, or, as you may also put it, the possible absence of the sea. Although Moldova has indirect access to the Black Sea, it is not adjacent to it. The question is: what does that mean. Or, better: is there any meaning? The answers to the questions involved can only be given by a personal investigation. The translation, the result, the film that will be made – all that is part and direct result of what, throughout his stay in Moldova, Maarten de Kroon will encounter. If there are more important or urgent subjects that will cross his path during his stay, he has the freedom to pick up new stories upon new themes. See no Sea in Moldova (or maybe just: See Moldova) is an artistic experiment as well as a low-budget on the spot production.

Maarten de Kroon is a Dutch writer and filmmaker. He was involved in several award winning documentaries. Together with his brother Pieter-Rim de Kroon, he made the documentary film Dutch Light, based on the original idea and scenario that he wrote together with Gerrit Willems. Dutch Light (93 MIN.), that won several awards, is as much a film about light and painting as it is about perception and how we look at the world around us. Also together with his brother he made the film V.I.S.S.E.N (F.I.S.H.I.N.G), a documentary on the question why people fish for pleasure, that was premiered in the Netherlands in 2012. V.I.S.S.E.N (90 MIN.) was inspired by Henry David Thoreau’s famous quote:  “Many men go fishing all of their lives without knowing that it is not fish they are after.” His most recent project, TORRENTIUS, is a film he produced and made together with the Dutch artist Jan Andriesse. TORRENTIUS (10’30 MIN)is a short film and an original artwork by Jan Andriesse about the famous and obscure 17th century Dutch painter Johannes Torrentius. As artwork it will be premiered in Bruxelles in september, and will be shown on Chambres des Canaux in Amsterdam, in november 2013.

Read here his text on the concept of 'no sea': TO SEA OR NOT TO SEA (S.MAG#2, 2008):


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badgast satellietgroep from was scheveningen zandmotor artists research new with zee project coastal artist cultural sea dat water art