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Zeelab#4 Global Currents

| 2018-09-28 10:40:29


With Esther Kokmeijer, Nishiko, Aliki van der Kruijs, Jos Klarenbeek icw Gerbant van Vledder, Hans van der Woerd, Henrik Richter-Alten, Isockor Anwell, Marleen van der Werf, Anke Bangma, Roel Arkesteijn & Satellietgroep. The program is in English.


Date: Sunday October 28
Time: 14:00 - 18:00
Free for children up to 13 years if accompanied by an adult
€ 5,- for students, CJP, Ooievaarspas, 65+ p.p.
€ 7,- Day Ticket p.p.
€ 50,- Passe-Partout p.p. that allows you to (re)visit during all events
Though the event is indoor, the dresscode is outdoor as it may be cold inside!
Language: English


Midden in de tentoonstelling "Climate as Artifact - Klimaat als mensenwerk’ organiseren we een middag waarbij dialoog vanuit verschillende perspectieven (kunst, wetenschap en maatschappij) centraal staat.
Samen met kunstenaars Esther Kokmeijer, Nishiko, ontwerpers Aliki van der Kruijs, Jos Klarenbeek en gasten stellen we de vraag: How to (re)gain placement within nature?

Het eerste deel van de middag draait rondom het delen van verbeelding en kennis over mondiale golfstromingen met oceanograaf Gerbrant van Vledder, zee-kleuren specialist Hans van der Woerd en Henrik Richter-Alten, over duurzaam zeetransport.
In de pauze bezoeken we de verschillende werken in de tentoonstelling.
Het tweede deel gaat over stromingen in de kunst, en wat de verbinding van kunst met wetenschap kan toevoegen aan maatschappelijk dialoog, met filmmaker Marleen van der Werf en curator Roel Arkesteijn (Stroom, De Domijnen).

Speciaal voor kinderen:
We gaan deze middag de outrigger kano van de Marshall Eilanden inwijden. Wil jij ook helpen? Neem dan herfstbladeren en kastanjes mee, dan gaan we mooi kransen maken die we gaan gebruiken voor deze bijzondere viering!


This program is themed around the question: How to (re)gain placement within nature?
With Nishiko, Esther Kokmeijer, Aliki van der Kruijs & Jos Klarenbeek.
Special guests are oceanographer Gerbrant van Vledder, ocean colours specialist Hans van der Woerd, sustainable sea transport by Henrik Richter-Alten and curator Roel Arkesteijn (De Domijnen, Stroom).

14:00 Welcome by Jacqueline Heerema, curator of Satellietgroep
14.30 - 15:45 Part 1:
15 min. Talk by Gerbrant van Vledder (global currents, tsunami)
20 min. Artists + designers about their works
15 min.Talk by Hans van der Woerd (colours of oceans, Forel Ule scale, 'EyeonWater' app that involves the public in water science)
10 min Talk by Henrik Richter-Alten (GIZ, sustainable sea transport)

15:45 - 16:15  Break to visit works & warm soup by Yoshie Oyamada.

16:15 - 17:30 Part 2:
Global currents in the arts, how collaborations of arts and science can enhance public awareness. Intro by filmmaker Marleen van der Werf. All in dialogue with Anke Bangma (curator TENT, solo Esther Kokmeijer), Roel Arkesteijn (curator De Domijnen, guest curator Stroom, solo Nishiko)

17:30: Ritual for baptism of the outrigger canoo with Isocker Anwell from the Marshall Islands.
18:00: Close of exhibition.

Nishiko Repairing Earthquake Project, since 2011 - ongoing > more

Esther Kokmeijer Deep Meaning of Voyaging, 2018 > more

Aliki van der Kruijs & Jos Klarenbeek Kadans, 2018 > more

Gerbrant van Vledder
Gerbrant van Vledder is involved in the research, development and application of wind wave models, wind and wave climatology, and the derivation of hydraulic boundary conditions for offshore and coastal structures. He is specialist in the field of sea waves and their impact on coastal systems. He is guest researcher at TU Delft. His work is at the interface of research and application and, more recently, at the interface of art and science too.

Hans van der Woerd
Dr Hans van der Woerd works at Faculty of Science, Water and Climate Risk of VU Amsterdam. He is able to work in pure research and applied research and likes to teach at the highest levels. In the last 15 years most articles dealt with the retrieval of water composition in complex coastal and inland waters. However, his strength lies in the combination with other disciplines, like microbiology, oceanography, citizen’s science, monitoring and water management, validation, economic valuation.

Isockor Anwell
Canoo builder from the Marshall Islands.

Henrik Richter-Alten (GIZ)
Engineer, specialized in the development of sustainable sea transport. GIZ targets at a fleet of sustainable outrigger canoos for transport between the Marshall Islands.

Marleen van der Werf
After finishing her Research Masters in both Biology and Philosophy, Marleen van der Werf graduated for a Masters in (wildlife) documentary filmmaking in the UK. From this background, Marleen developed her own distinctive style of writing and audiovisual storytelling. She carefully chooses and researches her subjects, aiming to find unique forms, exploring the boundaries of genres and integrating multidisciplinary approaches in her work.

Anke Bangma
Anke Bangma is artistic director of TENT, Rotterdam in the Netherlands. She recently curated the solo exhibition of Esther Kokmeijer. Since 2011 Anke Bangma worked as curator contemporary art at the Tropenmuseum in Amsterdam. From 1998 to 2007 she was Course Director of the Fine Art program at the Piet Zwart Institute for postgraduate studies in Rotterdam, and she was a member of the curatorial team of the Witte de With center for contemporary art in Rotterdam (1993-1998).

Roel Arkesteijn
Roel Arkesteijn (Scheveningen, 1974) is a curator and author interested in forms of artistic engagement and activism. Since 2008 he is curator of contemporary art at Museum Het Domein (De Domijnen) in Sittard, where he draws attention to artists who deal with social or political issues, are interested in gender questions, function as bridge-builders between different cultures, or actively engage in ecological matters. Currently is is guest curator for Stroom Den Haag and prepares the solo exhibition of Nishiko, that will open on November 17.

'Climate as Artifact - Klimaat als mensenwerk' 18.10-18.11.2018
Climate as Artifact is an exhibition program that targets at how redefining climate as a cultural artifact through artistic practice helps us to break free from conventional attitudes in order to establish new and essential perspectives. Climate as Artifact will bring together artists, designers, scientists and society to rethink our perceptions of culture and nature. Curated by Satellietgroep at Electriciteitsfabriek The Hague, with Berndnaut Smilde, Sachi Miyachi, Nishiko, Esther Kokmeijer, Maurice Bogaert, Aliki van der Kruijs, Jos Klarenbeek, Maurice Meewisse, Lotte Geeven, Theun Karelse, Thijs Ebbe Fokkens, Giuseppe Licari, Onkruidenier, Josje Hattink, Masha Ru & more. All previous artist-in-residence of artists collective Satellietgroep, who develop new works and insights during the exhibition program, connecting the arts, science and society.


Artists collective Satellietgroep (The Hague, 2006) explores the sea, coastal transitions, climate change and the role of mankind in these processes in the Netherlands and abroad. In 2018 we rethink our perceptions of culture and nature with artists, designers, scientists and audiences. One of the questions is: Who is nature?

With special thanks to Mondriaan Fonds, BankGiro Loterij Fonds, Stimuleringsfonds Creatieve Industrie, Gemeente Den Haag, Feest aan Zee & Fonds 1818.

This program is part of the series Zeelabs by Satellietgroep on culture and nature, coast and climate in the context of Feest aan Zee.

Upcoming Nov 18: Zeelab#5 Landscape Observations
See previous editions this year:
Zeelab#3 Environmental Literacy

Zeelab#2 Climate as Game Changer
Zeelab#1 Uptime_

sea research satellietgroep was badgast dat scheveningen zee artists art water from new with zandmotor artist coastal project cultural