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archief | 2011-06-10 10:54:56

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| 2013-10-17 09:01:57

Artists run initiative Satellietgroep (2006, NL) explores through arts and culture how the sea and waterways influence cities, people, communities and environments in The Netherlands and abroad. 
Our aim is to enhance public and professional awareness on coastal transitions.
'The sea belongs to everyone and thus to no one' - words that not only define the world’s largest public space but also leave it unarticulated. Oceans, seas and coastal regions are under tremendous pressure, worldwide. Faced with the prospect of global warming, economic and functional interests are competing for space. The changes anticipated are not only gargantuan but also geographically, ecologically, conceptually and philosophically unique. Shifting circumstances raise questions about new land, new (coastal) landscapes, new forms of urbanization and various new offshore projects. But the sea has a cultural significance as well. Its infinite space, timeless aura, tidal currents and empty horizon appeal to universal feelings of freedom and adventure. As our oceans stand on the threshold of great change, opportunities are emerging for new uses, different meanings and unprecedented approaches. This is the moment for a qualitative stimulus based on the development of specific characteristics of the sea from a cultural perspective. Artists, designers, architects and scientists are at the forefront of a different kind of thinking about – and a new way of experiencing - the qualities and problems of the sea.

Arts and science can express the spatial and social qualities - as well as the problems - of our coastal areas, and make them engagingly accessible to the public. These works can transform a destination normally marked by consumption and recreation into a platform for critical communication and serious reflection. This timely reflection of arts and science on spatial transition processes may act as a strong catalyst in generating public and professional discussions and connect contemporary research and new works to historic and future coastal developments. 

Since 2009 Satellietgroep developed the international artist in residency program called 'Badgast', located at the coast in The Hague/Scheveningen. Starting 2012 we initiated the international exchange project called ‘Now Wakes The Sea’ concerning the Black Sea and North Sea. In both projects artist in residencies are used as a research method. The programs enable artists/scientists to do fieldwork and to work on site with local partners and communities in order to map out, collect and research the current status of coastal transitions and to generate new perspectives which articulate a cultural, innovative and sustainable significance of the sea. This embedded research contributes to public and professional awareness. Our projects bring together different views and opens up dialogue. This method of artist in residency programs connects to the international development of artist residencies as cells of knowledge and as alternative academies.
During these residency periods new works - both conceptual and documentary - are developed that reflect upon the complex and layered coastal transitions and social/environmental developments.

Satellietgroep collects the intangible (immaterial) local knowledge derived from the artistic and scientific projects. By sharing and contextualising this knowledge on global level and connecting contemporary research and new works to historic and future coastal developments we aim to develop new insights in coastal transitions that surpasses local and national issues.  
The residents contribute with their research to the international contemporary collection on coastal transitions of Satellietgroep, which we share with broader audiences on public and professional venues through exhibitions, screening programs, debates, lectures and workshops. 

Among our Dutch partners are Trans Artist (Dutch platform for international artist in residence programs), Domein voor Kunstkritiek (Domain for Art criticism) and Reinwardt Academy (AHK, Museology and Heritage). We connect to the latest governmental and scientific developments on coastal protection by Deltaprogramma Kust (Coastal affairs of the Delta program) in association with Atelier Kustkwaliteit (Studio on Coastal Quality by the Technical University Delft).

Links to some results of Satellietgroep programs:
international coastal conference
internationaal museology conference:


| 2012-04-18 14:56:02

Satellietgroep programs BADGAST since summer 2009.
BADGAST is a research based artist in residency at the coast of The Hague/Scheveningen. Satellietgroep invites international artistst and scientists to develop and present research that articulates a cultural, innovative and sustainable significance of the sea and its coasts.
In addition to the artist in residency Satellietgroep programs the Cinema at Sea @ BADGAST and Talks @ BADGAST. International research and exchange projects concerning the sea are in progress.
Arts and science can express the spatial and social qualities - as well as the problems - of our coastal areas, and make them engagingly accessible to the public. These works can transform a destination normally marked by consumption and recreation into a platform for critical communication and serious reflection. This timely reflection of art and science on spatial transition processes may act as a strong catalyst in generating public and professional discussions and connect contemporary research and new works to historic and future coastal developments.

Frank Dean at Badgast.


Now Wakes The Sea

| 2013-10-16 22:15:34

Stellingname - water, land and innovatory heritage

| 2013-10-16 22:16:01

Open air exhibition ZEESPIEGEL on the boulevard

| 2012-03-01 12:21:47

Gratis openlucht tentoonstelling 'ZEESPIEGEL' op de boulevard van Den Haag Scheveningen. Open dag en nacht.

Satelitegroep stelde de publieke fotoroute samen met werken van 25 Badgasten en bijdragen door locals en kustexperts. Bram Esser schreef 5 verhalen, Studio Duel verzorgde de vormgeving.

English text below

Op de nieuwe boulevard zijn 5 kiosken gebouwd. Kiosk 3, 4 en 5 zijn voorjaar 2012 geopend. Voorjaar 2013 volgden Kiosk 1 en 2. Samen vormen de 14 verlichte fotopanelen op de kiosken een openbare tentoonstelling. De afstand tussen de kiosken onderling is 500 meter. De boulevard van Scheveningen is prima bereikbaar met openbaar vervoer of fiets. De tentoonstelling is samengesteld door Satellietgroep. Met QR-codes zijn de beelden gelinkt naar meer online informatie en documentatie.

Adama, Immetje, Hanne, Fonger en Rob.
Kijk mee naar de zee met bewoners en bezoekers.
Ontdek met kunstenaars en wetenschappers een andere horizon.
Samen verhalen ze over onze relatie met de zee.

Nederland heeft een rijke culturele en innovatieve relatie met de zee en Den Haag Scheveningen speelt daar een belangrijke rol in. De blijvende noodzaak van kustbescherming door zeespiegelstijging in verleden, heden en toekomst is voor iedereen van belang. Het ontwerp en de aanleg van de nieuwe boulevard is daar een innovatieve uitwerking van. De veelzijdige rijkdom van verbeelding en beleving van de kust is onderwerp van onderzoek door Satellietgroep. De invloed van zee op mensen, leefgemeenschap en leefomgeving staat daarbij centraal. Satellietgroep programmeert Badgast - artist in residence, openlucht cinema en lezingen aan zee over de zee. Badgast staat midden op surfdorp FAST, de Urban Beach Community op het scharnierpunt van boulevard en haven. Het resultaat van het programma is een eigentijdse Zeecollectie. In samenwerking met bewoners en een rijke schakering aan gebruikers van de zee en het kustgebied is deze collectie tot stand gekomen. Bijdragen over innovatieve kustbescherming, waaronder ook de Zandmotor, maken het verhaal over onze relatie met de zee compleet en voor iedereen toegankelijk.

Foto: Rob te Riet

Kunstenaarsinitiatief Satellietgroep draagt de tentoonstelling Zeespiegel op aan de Spaanse architect Manuel De Solà-Morales (1939 -2012). Hij stelde dat in de lichtbakken geen reclame mag komen.

Read English text:


Boulevard Scheveningen

| 2012-03-01 12:21:24

Zeewering Scheveningen

Het klimaat verandert. De zeespiegel stijgt, de golven worden krachtiger. De druk van de zee op de kust groeit. Op verschillende plaatsen langs de Nederlandse kust zijn locaties die op termijn niet meer voldoende veiligheid bieden.

De kust van Scheveningen wordt versterkt met een dijk in de boulevard. Het gaat niet om de boulevard bij het Kurhaus, maar om het stuk dat loopt vanaf de Scheveningse Slag tot aan de tramlus van lijn 11 ten zuiden van de Keizerstraat. De nieuwe zeewering komt onder de boulevard te liggen en is dus nauwelijks zichtbaar.De kruinhoogte van de nieuwe dijk is op de meeste plaatsen 10 meter boven NAP. Bij de Schuitenweg wordt de dijk 8,5 meter boven NAP aangelegd. Bij het Seinpostduin komt de dijk op 12 meter boven NAP te liggen.
Op het strand voor de dijk en onder water voor de kust wordt extra zand aan gebracht. Dit zand sluit aan op het zandbanket waar de strandpaviljoens op staan. Het strand wordt hierdoor breder en hoger dan nu het geval is. Het extra zand breekt de kracht van de golven. Daardoor hoeft de achterliggende dijk in de boulevard minder hoog te zijn. Op die manier blijft het zeezicht vanaf de boulevard zoveel mogelijk behouden.

Atelier Kustkwaliteit

| 2012-03-01 12:17:08

Toekomstscenario’s voor de kustbescherming van Den Haag Scheveningen 2050-2100.
Betrokkenen: TU Delft, DSO Den Haag, provincie Zuid Holland, Min I&M, ministerie V&W, Deltaprogramma Kust, Hoogheemraadschap Delfland, Deltares, Defacto en Satellietgroep.

Future coastal scenario's for The Hague Scheveningen 'City by the sea' starting 2050, initiated by Deltaprogramma Kust, provincies South and- North Holland, the municipallity of The Hague and TU Delft.


Zandmotor - Sand Engine

| 2013-10-16 22:17:02

Zeelust - Sealust Kustweek ZH

| 2013-10-16 23:45:29


| 2012-11-13 17:08:54

Beachlife (2008)
oplage 800 expemplaren. Engels

Satellietgroep heeft voor het boek 'Beachlife' van Frame Publishers het hoofdstuk kunst verzorgd. Het boek besteedt aandacht aan kunst, design en architectuur aan de wereldwijde kust. Satellietgroep schreef voor Beachlife het voorwoord en putte uit eigen netwerk voor de kunst bijdragen, met ondermeer projecten van Florentijn Hofman, Melle Smets, Barbara Visser, Zeger Reyers en Anthony Lau (UK).


Boer, Ronald (NL) & Dempsey, Valerie (UK)

| 2011-09-23 12:01:09

BADGAST artists in residence September 2010
Scottish visual artist Valerie Dempsey, and Dutch landscape architect Ronald Boer
Project at Badgast: Beach Laboratory
Presentation at Summernest 2011, Nest The Hague
Follow up: Beach Laboratory at Edinburgh College of Art: Tent Gallery: Somewhere in Time: Postliminal, 2011
Ronald Boer is co- curator for 'Now Wakes The Sea', the Black Sea/North Sea cultural exchange project with Jonmar van Vlijmen.
Partcipant of 'Stellingname 2013' at Kunstfort bij Vijfhuizen.


Bogaert, Maurice (NL)

| 2012-12-20 09:08:16

Artist in residence in 2012 in Sinop (TR) for Now Wakes The Sea'.
Works produced during the residency: ‘Artist in Residence/Guest Worker - Konuk Sanatçı/Misafir İşçi' (6’23) and 
'Everything Will Be Beautiful - Her şey Harika Olacak' (1’28 + 2’48).
Parallel residents Bahanur Naysia & Yilmaz Vurucu (TR).
Works presented at Sinopale 4, Sinop Biennial (TR), Museon (NL), GEMAK (NL), Siemens Sanat Istanbul (TR), Into The Great Wide Open (NL).


Boswijk, Maarten (NL)

| 2013-10-16 21:12:37

BADGAST artist in residence June 2013
Project at Badgast: 'When Sea Saw Summer' (limited edition).
Photographer Maarten Boswijk (1988) was during June 2013 artist in resident of Badgast. He called his project ' When Sea Saw Summer'.
Among his previous works are the projects 'Where have all the songbirds gone?' on the island Heligoland, about 70 kilometres from the German coastline in the North Sea, and 'Eventually, when the roads get better' on the coast of the Black Sea in Bulgaria.

Booklaunch 'When Sea saw Summer'' November 2013 at Liefhertje en de Grote Witte Reus, The Hague.


Bots, Eliane Esther (NL)

| 2012-01-04 20:07:48

BADGAST artist in residence December 2011/February 2012
'Dome - The cone of silence', videowork (17 min.) produced at BADGAST by artist/filmmaker Eliane Esther Bots. This video has been selected out of 2800 films for the International Short Film Festival - Curta Cinema Rio de Janeiro, Brazil in 2012.
Eliane participates in the pool of photographers/videomakers who document presentations of Badgast artist in residents.
Previous for Satellietgroep: 'Fieldwork' 2010, roadmovie parallel to the Dutch coast with urbanist Jan de Graaf, screened at CCC@Istanbul2010 in Istanbul and screened at Istanbul2010-SCH2011 at the Cinema at Sea at Badgast.
Eliane is co-curator for 'Now Wakes The Sea' the Black Sea/North Sea cultural exchange project and visited Moldava, Russia and Georgia for connecting to cultural partners.


Boon, Channa (NL)

| 2012-01-04 21:59:34

artist/filmmaker - guestcurator Cinema at Sea
with special guest: Wipke Iwersen - 'Windvinder' -
Follow up: Channa visited Ukraine as part of the Tandem Study Visit 2011 to prepare the Black Sea/North Sea exchange project.
Her video '2012: An Earth Odyssey' (5'30) was screeened by Satellietgroep at the festival Into The Great Wide Open on Vlieland in 2012.


Bussink, Astrid (NL)

| 2013-10-16 21:39:10

Artist in residence in 2013 in Batumi, Georgia for Now Wakes The Sea.
Work produced during the residency in collboration with Ana Tsimintia (GE): 'Little Dubai', video. In collaboration with cultural partner GeoAIR (GE).
First screened at Batumi Beach Fim Festival september 2013.



| 2012-01-04 21:53:18

Satellietgroep participated in the Art Pie 2010 Istanbul. For CCC @ Art Pie we selected 14 videoworks - both conceptual and documentary - that reflect on the conceptual, social and urban impact of the sea and waterways in both Turkey and The Netherlands.
In addition we brought a portable MINI BADGAST - built by Refunc, recycle architects.
Follow up: ISTANBUL2010-SCH2011, Cinema at Sea 2011
and 'Now Waks The Sea'. the Black Sea/North Sea exchange project starting 2012.



| 2012-11-13 17:29:23

Graphic designers Hederik van der Kolk and Bas de Koning of Studio Duel are the co-founders of Satellietgroep and responsible for most graphic displays of Satellietgroep.


Frank Dean (NL)

| 2011-12-31 09:15:03

BADGAST artists in residence October/November 2011
Frank Dean aka Frank Bloem & Edwin Deen, artists
Project at Badgast: video 'Ankerplaats 6'
Screened at the public parkingspace on the beach in front of Badgast
Presentation at Hoogtij#26 at Gemak, 2011
Follow up: Christmasspecial webscreening 'Ankerplaats 6', 2011


Dobrowolski, Chris (UK)

| 2011-10-10 11:00:59

BADGAST artist in residence October 2011
Project at Badgast: The Cruel Sea - de Wrede Zee
Five mini video installations presented in Satellietgroep's Beambus and talk by artist Chris Dobrowolski.
Photo's: Theo Mahieu, Eric van Straaten.
Chris participated at the Cross Border Meeting at Hastings (UK) for 'Here and There - Ici et La' in 2013.
Previous residency at Antarctica.


ElNemr, Rana (Egypt)

| 2011-10-04 12:33:08

BADGAST artist in residence October 2009
Photographer Rana ElNemr (Egypt)
Project at Badgast: Coastline II: Locating Encounters
Artistic statement
Previous work ' Locating Encounters I'


Esinencu, Nicoleta (MD)

| 2013-10-16 21:10:39

Artist in residence @ Badgast July 2013 for Now Wakes The Sea
Writer Nicoleta Esinencu from Moldova was artist in residence @ Badgast (NL) as part of the international cultural exchange project 'Now Wakes The Sea' with cultural partner MediArt Dialogue (MD).


Esser, Bram (NL)

archief | 2010-04-15 10:54:39

BADGAST artist in residence April 2010
Philosopher/essayist  Bram Esser.
Projects at BADGAST: Panorama Badgast
Hoe adopteer ik een cactus? (How to adopt a cacti?) during the Day of Architecture (Dag van de Architectuur) June 2010
Bram Esser over/about SATELLIETGROEP
Guestspeaker at AIR meetiing ' Expert van het lokale' (Location and Expertise) - PAIR meets BADGAST' in 2011, writer of the coastal narratives for the openair exhibition 'Zeespiegel' on the boulevard of Scheveningen, guestspeaker at 'Now Wakes The Sea' in The Hague (2012).
Bram participated in 'Stellingname 2013' at Kunstfort bij Vijfhuizen.


Fiodorova, Tatiana (MD)

| 2013-10-16 21:07:50

Artist in residence @ Badgast 2013 for Now Wakes The Sea
Project at Badgast: 'Can you measure free coastal access?'
Screening program 'The Lost Sea' at DCR Gueststudio's.
Tatiana works at MediArt Dialogue, cultural partner of Satellietgroep in Moldova for Now Wakes The Sea.


Fixon, Nathalie & O'Garra, Nadine (ES)

| 2012-01-04 19:56:07

BADGAST artists in residence June 2011
Photographer Nathalie Fixon and circusperformer Nadine O'Garra
Project at Badgast: stop motion animation & live performance 'Bright Lights Big Sea'
With special thanks to Full Stop Acrobatics (BE)


Graaf, Jan de (NL)

| 2012-01-04 20:07:32

BADGAST artist in residence November 2011
Ongoing research 'Breukland' (Fractured Land) by independent urbanist Jan de Graaf.
Presentation in 2012 in the Kantine van de Visafslag Scheveningen (Canteen of the Fish Auction Scheveningen).
Previous for Satellietgroep: 'Fieldwork', roadmovie parallel to the Dutch coast by Eliane Esther Bots; screened at CCC@Istanbul2010 in Istanbul and screened Istanbul2010-SCH2011 at the Cinema at Sea at Badgast. Guestspeaker at 'Now Wakes The Sea' in The Hague (2012).Participant of 'Stellingname 2013' at Kunstfort bij Vijfhuizen


Geurts, James (AU)

archief | 2011-03-16 10:52:08

BADGAST artist in residence Juli 2010

Projects presented at Badgast:
Drawing Horizon
Tidal-Surf Drawing Project
Stringer, Artist book
James Geurts about Satellietgroep
Participant and guestspeaker CCC @ Istanbul 2010
Co curator of Satellietgroep 2011, in collaboration with DCR Gueststudio
Presentation at PRUFROK#4 in Zeebelt Theatre The Hague: Artist & Residence2011
Curator Satellietgroep @ Summernest, Nest The Hague 2011
Follow up: Drawing : Horizons at RMIT, Australia 2011


Horvitz, David (USA)

| 2012-01-04 21:44:53

Three screening nights programmed by guestcurator David Horvitz at the Cinema at Sea @ BADGAST, starting from is own works 'Rarely seen Bas Jan Ader film' and 'Public Acccess'.
Follow up on Publc Access: 'Wiki Scheveningen'


Ineke, Ibrahim (NL)

| 2012-01-04 20:03:46

BADGAST artist in residence December 2010
Artist Ibrahim Ineke.
Project at Badgast: 'Shores of the Self' -  completion of his graphic novella ‘The Night’s Last Quarter’
+ special guest Gert Jan Pos, intendant Strips Fonds BKVB

Iwersen, Wipke (NL)

| 2012-01-05 09:10:57

Project: WIndvinder

Jansen, Theo (NL)

| 2012-01-04 22:11:29

Talk by artist/physicist Theo Jansen who creates Strandbeesten as new forms of life since 1990.

Jonker, Filip (NL)

| 2012-01-04 22:10:42

Talk by artist Filip Jonker who built a cardboard tugboat 'De Furie' and crossed over to England. 'De Furie' was on display for two weeks at BADGAST/FAST.


Kessler, Andrea & Faiss, Bernhard- Isebuki (AT)

| 2012-01-04 19:56:31

BADGAST artists in residence May 2010
Artists/urban designers Andrea Kessler and Bernhard Faiss from Austria
Project at Badgast: 'Vrij op Zee' (Free at Sea)

Kloosterhuis, Sieko (NL)

archief | 2010-11-23 20:59:55

BADGAST artist in residence November 2010

Photographer/videomaker Sieko Kloosterhuis.
projects at BADGAST:
Tranenzee | Sea of Tears
Samenzijn | Being Together
Recept 'Scheveningse Havenhoofd Mosselen'
previous at BADGAST:
'Hangouderen' - contribution to the program 'Van wie is de zee - To whom belongs the sea' - Cinema aan Zee @ BADGAST,  2009
Presentation at Summernest 2011, Nest The Hague


Knaapen, Simone (NL)

| 2012-01-04 19:56:55

BADGAST artist in residence November 2009
Simone Knaapen, cultural sociologist did research for her book about surfing in the Netherlands: ‘Gekken!? Golfsurfen in Nederland.’
Guestcurator about the social aspects of surfing for the project: 'Van wie is de zee?- To whom belongs the sea?', 2009
Follow up: exhibition 'Gaan als ze er staan - 40 jaar surfcultuur op Scheveningen' (40 years surfing culture in Scheveninegn, The Netherlands), in collaboration with Hans Groen and Ray Max for Muzee Scheveningen, 2010.


Kokmeijer, Esther (NL)

| 2013-10-16 21:21:46

BADGAST artist in residence June 2012
project at Badgast: 'Six degrees of conjunction - A country does not have to be swallowed by the sea'.


Kroese, Vesta (NL)

| 2012-01-04 19:57:14

Badgast artist in residence Febuary 2010
Project at Badgast: 'Zeezicht in de stad - Urban seaview'

Kroon, Maarten de (NL)

| 2012-01-04 22:22:23

ARTIST IN RESIDENCE in Moldova for Now Wakes The Sea in October 2013
filmmaker/journalist - guestcurator Cinema at Sea
Three screening nights: The Light, The Art and The Fish
Previous projects:
Guest editor S.MAG2 NO Sea, 2008
Participant and guestspeaker CCC @ Istanbul 2010


Langenberg, Sjaak & Beer, Rosé de (NL)

| 2012-01-04 19:57:29

BADGAST artists in residence March 2010 -
Sjaak Langenberg, artist/publicist and Rosé de Beer, designer
Project at Badgast: 'Nothing but the sea between us'
Follow up: projectproposal for ferry NL-UK 'Mammoths cross the North Sea by ferry'
Guestspeaker at AIR meetiing ' Expert van het lokale' (Location and Expertise) - PAIR meets BADGAST' in 2011.
Sjaak performed the opening at 'Stellingname 2013' at Kunstfort bij Vijfhuizen.


Licari, Giuseppe (IT) & Ampatzidou, Cristina (GR)

| 2012-01-04 19:58:00

BADGAST artists in residence March 2011
artist Giuseppe Licari and architect/urbanist Cristina Ampatzidou
Project at Badgast: Soundscape 'Swinging the lamp'
+ special guests Paul de Kievit & Jelle Zeeuw, Muzee Scheveningen.


Lombarts, Francois (NL)

| 2012-01-04 19:58:27

BADGAST artist in residence June 2010
urban designer
Project at Badgast: 'Zandbar'
Presentation during the Day of Architecture 2010.
With special thanks to the Vereninging van Strandexploitanten Scheveningen.
Partcipant of 'Stellingname 2013' at Kunstfort bij Vijfhuizen.


Lund Jørgensen, Henrik (DK/SE)

| 2013-10-16 21:15:37

BADGAST artist in residence 2012/2013
Starting mid october 2012 Henrik Lund Jørgensen (DK/SE) was artist in residence at Badgast, followed by several short workperiods in The Hague to develop his work.
Henrik partcipates in 'Telling The Baltic'; Jacqueline Heerema was invited to give a talk at the opening in Kaliningrad  spring 2013.


Meier, Annechien & Jansen, René (NL)

| 2012-01-04 19:58:38

BADGAST artist in residence September 2010 |
Project at Badgast: 'Groenten uit Scheveningen' (Vegetables from Scheveningen)
+ in collaboration with urban biologist Bart Achterkamp.
Follow up: 'Groenten uit Bakkum' (Vegetables from Bakkum) 2011
Previous: René Jansen with Joost Nieuwenburg: food events for S.MAG1 (2007)  and S.MAG2 presentation (2008)


Murru, Danilo (IT)

| 2012-01-04 19:58:54

BADGAST artist in residence September 2010
photographer (Italy)
Project at Badgast: 'Sea-Ciety'
+ special guest: Jan de Graaf - urbanist - 'Het nut van Eb' (The Usefullness of Eb)
Follow up: BBC World November 22, 2011


Nasya, Bahanur & Vurucu, Yilmaz (TR)

| 2012-12-20 09:08:32

Artists in residence in 2012 at Sinop (TR) and The Hague (NL) for Now Wakes The Sea.
Work produced during the residencies: 'The Sea in Me', documentary.
Parellel resident Maurice Bogaert (NL).
pwrks presented at Sinopale 4, Sinop Biennial (TR), Museon (NL), GEMAK (NL), Siemens Sanat Istanbul (TR). Since than the documentary has been selected for filmfestivals:
2012: 5th Architectural Filmfestival in Budapest, Hungary
2013: FrameOut Film Festival, Vienna, Austria
2013: Opuzen International Film Festival, Opuzen, Croatia
2013: Voices from the Waters Film Festival, Sweden.
2013: Bangalore, India
2013: Portugal


Nishiko & Sachi Miyachi (Japan)

| 2013-10-16 21:13:26

BADGAST artists in residence April & June 2013
Collaboration during April and June 2013 between 'The scope in the swell waves' by Sachi Miyachi and 'Repairing earthquake project, third phase' by Nishiko.
Project at Badgast: Installation 'Current washes ashore' (2013)
Exhibited during 'ZEELUST' at GEMAK, THe Hague 24/5 - 2/6 2013
Found objects, sea sand, seawater, rainwater and photography.

Booklaunch (limited edition) November 2013 at Liefhertje en de Grote Witte Reus, The Hague. |


Now Wakes The Sea - NLTR400

| 2012-01-04 22:16:03


In 2012 Turkey and the Netherlands will mark 400 years of diplomatic relations between the two countries. The Turkey Institute and SICA - Dutch centre for international cultural activities - have been tasked by the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs to coordinate the Turkey–The Netherlands 2012 program. Satellietgroep applied for funding as part of the exchange project Black Sea - North Sea and we are very proud our application is granted.

The project involves research based air programs for artists/filmmakers in coastal transistion areas around the Black Sea to develop new works, select existing works and program a traveling filmfestival.

On Scheveningen

| 2012-01-04 22:07:31

Onderzoek door Satellietgroep naar de identiteit van Scheveningen en de invloed van de zee op wonen, werken en recreëren 'OP SCHEVENINGEN' in opdracht van woningbouwcorperatie Vestia Den Haag Scheveningen.
Research 'On Scheveningen' by Satellietgroep for housing association Vestia Den Haag Scheveningen: research on identity and tourism, culture, heritage and cultural identity, invented traditions and staged realities in a man made landscape.

Concept Nouveau Sier Shop
Stakeholdersbijeekomst, april 2010
Mobiele Identiteitswinkel Op Scheveningen / Mobile Identitystore On Scheveningen, a new approach on souvenirs and tourism, 2012


Oostra, Jannemieke (NL)

| 2013-10-16 21:18:51

Badgast artist in residence Juli 2012
Project at Badgast: 'The Sea Itself As Souvenir Machine'.
During the residency Jannemieke was offered a job as designer; since than her project is under construction.
With special thanks to the fossils guides on the Zandmotor/Sand Engine.


PAIR meets BADGAST & AIR meeting

| 2012-01-04 22:13:48

PAIR meets BADGAST August 29 - October 9, 2011

For six weeks P.A.I.R.(portable artist in residence) of the PeerGrouP from the north of the Netherlands resided next to BADGAST at FAST. Both P.A.I.R. and BADGAST research changing landscape; PeerGroup/P.A.I.R. focuses on changing rural landscape, while Satellietgroep/BADGAST focuses on changing sea- and coastal landscape.
Artists in residenec at Badgast are Janine Schrijver, followed by Chris Dobrowolski (UK).
Artists in residence of P.A.I.R. were Esther Polak and Ivar van Bekkum. Their project 'Seascape as Data Collection' included working with students of ArtScience, KABK (Royal Academy of Arts).
Part of the program is the AIR Meeting in collaboration with Trans Artists.


Pauwels, Gemma (NL)

| 2012-01-04 19:59:06

BADGAST artist in residence October 2010
Project at Badgast: 'Roller Coast'
Follow up: Sweden


Pool of Critics and Peer Review Group

| 2012-01-04 22:13:06

Next to our pool of photographers and videomakers Satellietgroep started in 2011 in collaboration with Domein Voor Kunstkritiek (Domain For Art Criticism) a pool of young critics and a peer review group of experienced critics. They write and reflect on the project BADGAST as a testcase for this model of research based artist in residence, in the context of arts, science, urban planning and coastal transitions. Participants of the Pool of Critics are Karin van de Wiel, Thomas Van Lier, Eveleen Hamers and Daphne Rieken; participants of the Pier Review Group are Floor Tinga, Iris Schutten and Nathalie Hartjes.



| 2012-01-05 09:12:57

Refunc, recycle architects Denis Oudendijk and Jan Korbes, built Badgast in 2009 for Satellietgroep in collaboration with Andrie micke, Mixd Architecture. |
In 2012 they builtd 'Mini Badgast', the portable Badgast that travelles to presentations in The Netherlands and abroad. In the back of Mini Badgast is a dvd player for on-site screenings.


Reiner, Johanna & Hoffmann, Johannes - Collabor (AT)

| 2012-01-04 19:59:20

BADGAST artists in residence August 2010
artist/urban designers (Austria)
Project at Badgast: 'Phantom Island'


| 2012-01-05 09:12:22

Schomberg, Fabrice (UK)

| 2012-01-04 19:59:33

BADGAST artist in residence May 2011
writer/performer Fabrice Schomberg.
Project at Badgast: seven performances called '7 seaside stories from sunrise till sunset'.

Schrijver, Janine (NL)

| 2011-12-31 09:55:04

BADGAST artist in residence August/September 2011
Project at Badgast:  'Kustportretten' | 'Coastal Portraits'
Photobook in limited edition: Booklaunch 'Kustportretten/Coastal Portraits' November 2013 at Liefhertje en de Grote Witte Reus, The Hague.
Previous works



| 2012-11-13 17:08:12

PILOT S.MAG#0 (2007)
Oplage: 80 exemplaren
Om het nieuwe medium ‘zee-tijdschrift’ te onderzoeken is een pilot ontwikkeld. In deze pilot  heeft Satellietgroep voor het eerst rondom het onderwerp ‘zee’ een verbinding gelegd met bestaande en nieuwe werken door kunstenaars, architecten en stedenbouwkundigen.



| 2012-01-04 22:06:41

S.MAG#1 Het Zeedelijk (2007)
Oplage: 1.000 exemplaren.
Nieuwe vormen van zeegebruik vragen om een nieuwe benadering. In het 2e stadium van de ontwikkeling van het culturele scenario voor de zee en kust heeft Satellietgroep de pioniersopgave voor het Zeedelijk uitgezet, als nieuwe plek aan of in zee waar vanuit een synthese van techniek en kunst nieuwe visies ontstaan die van invloed worden op ons denken en functioneren in de toekomst.



| 2012-01-04 22:06:51

S.MAG#2 'Geen Zee/No Sea' (2008)
Oplage: 700 exemplaren
S.MAG#2 is door Satellietgroep samengesteld in samenwerking met Maarten de Kroon en Francien van Westrenen, met een speciale kunstenaarsbijdrage door Lizan Freijsen. S.MAG2 is NE-ENG. Zee en geen zee is gekozen als thema voor het tweede nummer van S.MAG, een uitgave van kunstenaarsinitiatief Satellietgroep. S.MAG staat voor Sea Magazine, ofwel: magazine over kunst en cultuur aan en in zee. De Satellietgroep onderzoekt en stimuleert de culturele betekenis van de kust.



| 2012-01-05 09:11:33

To Whom Belongs The Sea

| 2012-01-04 22:06:04

We started Cinema at Sea with the first program: Van wie is de zee? - To whom belongs the sea? The sea belongs to everyone and thus to no one - words that not only define the world's largest public space but also leave it unarticulated.
Screened during the 'Mare Liberum' event, 2009. (


Tsimintia, Ana (GE)

| 2013-10-16 21:09:12

Now Wakes The Sea @ Batumi, Georgia in June/July 2013:
Artists in Residency documentairy filmmakers Astrid Bussink (NL) en Ana Tsimintia (GE) in collaboration with our cultural partner GeoAir (GE).

Now Wakes The Sea @ Badgast in August 2013:
During August documentary filmmaker Ana Tsimintia from Georgia is artist in resident at Badgast (NL).

Van Straaten, Eric (NL)

| 2013-10-16 21:20:35

BADGAST artist in residence June 2012
Project at Badgast: Ankergebied/Achorage Scheveningen
Guest of Zeezeilschool Schveningen with his sailing boat.

Booklaunch 'Ankergebied/Anchorage Scheveningen' November 2013 at Liefhertje en de Grote Witte Reus, The Hague.
Eric van Straaten @ MARINETRAFFIC


Verhoef, Jacolijn & Tanis, Aram (NL)

| 2012-01-04 19:59:44

BADGAST artists in residence Juli 2011 |
Artists Jacolijn Verhoef & Aram Tanis
Project at Badgast: documentary 'Departure Bay', photobook and postcards
+ special guest Ineke Mahieu, children's books writer
Follow up: several screenings of 'Departure Bay', at festivals: Into The Great WIde Open (Vlieland) and Rewire (The Hague) in 2012.
Participation for screening program at Arams' exhibition at Stichting IK in 2013.


Videler, Mariëlle (NL)

| 2012-01-04 20:00:18

BADGAST artist in residence April 2011
artist Mariëlle Videler
Project at Badgast: Site specific installation 'Sea Bite - The Dimethylsulfide Tent'
Presentation on the beach inside the harbour in front of BADGAST
+ special guest and lecture 'Ode to Emiliania' by Prof. dr. Jos van den Broek.
Met dank aan Fonds BKVB, Amsterdam Grafisch Atelier en de havenmeester.


Wiarda, Frouke (NL)

| 2013-10-16 21:25:54

BADGAST artist in residence in 2012
Project at Badgast: Musicaerial
Follow up: international festival Gaudeamus (Utrecht). In 2012: festival Into the Great Wide Open (Vlieland). In 2013: Festival Oerol (Terschelling).


Winters, Marten (NL)

| 2012-01-04 22:12:27

Talk and screenings by artist Marten Winters, who built a boat with the community of Leeuwarden in the courtyard of a former prison. The cargo consists of stories. Before the launch the ship had to be lifted over the prisonwalls.

coastal cultural water research new sea with badgast zandmotor project art from was zee scheveningen satellietgroep artist dat artists