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Tagcloud: UIT / AAN


Actueel - Honorary Award ISea - Clash of the Concepts (100%)
Brainwave - recycled Island (72%)
anthropogenic coastal atlas - 24 mei ZEELUST: Zeeproeverij (53%)
Fotoroute boulevard - Manuel de Solà-Morales (48%)
Fotoroute boulevard - Kiosk 4: IMMETJE (43%)
anthropogenic coastal atlas - 2 juni ZEELUST: Buro Boulevard / Francois Lombarts (42%)
Badgast - Air @ Sea - Maarten Boswijk @Badgast (40%)
Fotoroute boulevard - Kiosk 5: ADAMA (37%)
Brainwave - De zee om de zee (37%)
Fotoroute boulevard - Kiosk 1: ROB (34%)
Projecten - Atelier Kustkwaliteit (33%)
Cinema @ Sea - Satellietgroep te Gast @REWIRE Festival (33%)
Brainwave - Hashima Island (31%)
Badgast - Air @ Sea - Chris Dobrowolski @Badgast (29%)
Now wakes the Sea - June 6 NWTS: Premiere 'Landlocked' at Tolhuistuin (28%)
Now wakes the Sea - Cultural partners NWTS-Moldova (28%)
Locals Only @ Badgast - Locals Only#1 (28%)
Now wakes the Sea - NWTS NL-MOLDOVA (26%)
Cinema @ Sea - Satellietgroep te Gast @ Interference: Evilution? Festival (26%)
Brainwave - Sea Beams by Donald Urquhart (25%)
Badgast Publication - Badgast Publication 2013 (25%)
CLIMATE AS ARTIFACT - Nishiko: Repairing Earthquake Project (23%)
Fotoroute boulevard - Kiosk 2: FONGER (22%)
Brainwave - dansen aan zee (22%)
Badgast - Air @ Sea - Mariëlle Videler @Badgast (21%)
Fotoroute boulevard - Kiosk 3: HANNE (20%)
Contact - contact (19%)
Badgast - Air @ Sea - Jannemieke Oostra @Badgast (19%)
anthropogenic coastal atlas - 2 juni finissage ZEELUST (19%)
Now wakes the Sea - The Lost Sea @ De DCR Gueststudio The Hague (NL) (19%)
Now wakes the Sea - NEWS: LANDLOCKED AT CRONOGRAF (18%)
CLIMATE AS ARTIFACT - Sachi Miyachi: ____________ (working title) (18%)
Brainwave - Sea Organ restores relation with the sea (18%)
anthropogenic coastal atlas - Extra: 3 natuurexcusies Stichting Duinbehoud (17%)
Actueel - PAIR neemt afscheid van BADGAST (17%)
Badgast - Air @ Sea - Mariëlle Videler @Badgast (16%)
Brainwave - land, art in de Zeeuwse Wilhelminapolder (16%)
Actueel - James Geurts genomineerd voor Workspace/Zaal5 (16%)
ABOUT SATELLIETGROEP - Tijd Maken - Making Time, 2017 (16%)
Nu/Now - Tijd Maken - Making Time 2017 (16%)
Brainwave - The Forgotten Space (15%)
Now wakes the Sea - 'See No Sea' @Moldova (15%)
Actueel - To Whom Belongs The Sea? @ Failed Architecture for TodaysArt2014 (15%)
ABOUT SATELLIETGROEP - To Whom belongs the Sea? 2015 (15%)
Artistic Research - To whom belongs the sea? 2015 (15%)
CLIMATE AS ARTIFACT - Essay Who is nature? (15%)
Cinema @ Sea - Satellietgroep te Gast @ Wrecks and Rafts (15%)
Brainwave - Plastic Reef (14%)
Actueel - Lezing, videos & Locals Only#1 tijdens Noordzeecongres 2014 (14%)
anthropogenic coastal atlas - ZEELUST: Expositie (14%)
Now wakes the Sea - Nov 6: Jos van den Broek @ NIP (14%)
CLIMATE AS ARTIFACT - Giuseppe Licari: Disco Stone (13%)
Brainwave - Telling the Baltic (13%)
WHO IS NATURE? - Warming Up 1 & 2 (13%)
STELLINGNAME - Bram Vreven: 'Vloei - Flow I' (13%)
Actueel - persbericht: Alie en Karel geven om cultuur (12%)
Actueel - A.I.R at PRUFROK#4 (12%)
STELLINGNAME - Opening 7 april om 15u door Sjaak Langenberg: 'Veldbedden in de polder' (11%)
Actueel - Stammtisch R'dam-Den Haag (11%)
Locals Only @ Badgast - Locals Only#7 (11%)
COLLABORATION NIDA ART COLONY - Support research fieldtrip 'Expedition Eridanos' (NL-LT) (10%)
Badgast - Air @ Sea - Nishiko & Sachi Miyachi @Badgast (10%)
Cinema @ Sea - Filip Jonker Talks @Badgast (10%)
Cinema @ Sea - Borderscape @Stellingname (10%)
Badgast - Air @ Sea - Ibrahim Ineke @Badgast (10%)
Now wakes the Sea - NWTS NL-GEORGIA (10%)
Badgast - Air @ Sea - Henrik Lund Jørgensen @ REWIRE The Hague (10%)
Now wakes the Sea - Program Cultural Exchange 'NWTS NLTR400' 2012 (10%)
CLIMATE AS ARTIFACT - Kids special (10%)
Badgast - Air @ Sea - Jacolijn Verhoef & Aram Tanis @Badgast (10%)
Now wakes the Sea - ISTANBUL2010-SCH2011 (10%)
Fotoroute boulevard - Tentoonstelling ZEESPIEGEL op de boulevard van Scheveningen (10%)
ABOUT SATELLIETGROEP - Symposium The Abundance and Scarcity of Sand, DDW 2017 (9%)
Nu/Now - The Abundance and Scarcity of Sand at DDW17 (9%)
Badgast - Air @ Sea - Frouke Wiarda @Badgast (9%)
Actueel - HAAC @ FAST / BADGAST (9%)
Locals Only @ Badgast - Locals Only#10 (9%)
anthropogenic coastal atlas - 29 mei ZEELUST: Kids (9%)
STELLINGNAME - Francois Lombarts: 'Ik wil inpolderen!' (8%)
CLIMATE AS ARTIFACT - Maurice Bogaert: Wide / White (8%)
Now wakes the Sea - Tatiana Fiodorava @Badgast (8%)
Badgast - Air @ Sea - Tatiana Fiodorava @Badgast (8%)
EXPEDITIONS ZANDMOTOR - Public Expedition Zandmotor#3 (8%)
EXPEDITIONS ZANDMOTOR - Public Expedition Zandmotor#6 (8%)
Now wakes the Sea - Cultural partners NWTS-Georgia (7%)
STELLINGNAME - Bram Esser: 'Dwaaltochten rond Schiphol' (7%)
A TASTE OF THE ANTHROPOCENE - Expeditie#8: Landschapsextracten (7%)
Cinema @ Sea - Theo Jansen Talks @Badgast (7%)
POLDERS - Waterland 2016 (7%)
Actueel - Guestspeaker at ICOMRio2013 (7%)
EXPEDITIONS ZANDMOTOR - Public Expedition Zandmotor#8 (7%)
Now wakes the Sea - Research ISTANBUL 2010 (7%)
AiR in The Hague @ DCR Gueststudio - AiR in The Hague @ 3 DCR Gueststudios (7%)
EXPEDITIONS ZANDMOTOR - Public Expedition Zandmotor#1 (6%)
ABOUT SATELLIETGROEP - Prospectors at Intersection, Art Rotterdam 2017 (6%)
Cinema @ Sea - Satellietgroep te Gast @ Cine al Mar in Colombia (6%)
Nu/Now - Prospectors - Intersections, Art Rotterdam 2017 (6%)
CLIMATE AS ARTIFACT - Zeelab#5 Landscape Observations (6%)
EXPEDITIONS ZANDMOTOR - Public Expedition Zandmotor#7 (6%)
Cinema @ Sea - David Horvitz guest curator Cinema@Sea (6%)
Projecten - PAIR ontmoet BADGAST (6%)
CLIMATE AS ARTIFACT - Josje Hattink: Voice of a Sinking Landscape (6%)
Fotoroute boulevard - We zijn met zand tussen onze tanden geboren. (6%)
CLIMATE AS ARTIFACT - Aliki van der Kruijs & Jos Klarenbeek: Kadans (6%)
Now wakes the Sea - About the works (6%)
Now wakes the Sea - Bahanur, Yilmaz and Maurice artists in residence @ SINOP (6%)
Cinema @ Sea - Cinema at Sea here and elsewhere (6%)
CLIMATE AS ARTIFACT - 18.10.2018 - 18.11.2018 (6%)
Actueel - Guest curator @ 'ZICHT OP DELFT' by ID11 (6%)
Cinema @ Sea - Van wie is de zee? (6%)
Now wakes the Sea - NEWS NWTS (5%)
anthropogenic coastal atlas - Kustweek ZH: ZEELUST! (5%)
Locals Only @ Badgast - Locals Only#8 (5%)
Now wakes the Sea - NWTS NL-RUSSIA (5%)
CLIMATE AS ARTIFACT - Berndnaut Smilde: Sun Following Prism (5%)
STELLINGNAME - Jan de Graaf & Robert Schutte: 'Grenslandschappen' (5%)
POLDERS - Haarlemmermeer 2013 (5%)
STELLINGNAME - Stellingname - Kunstfort bij Vijfhuizen (5%)
STELLINGNAME - Review Stellingname (4%)
EXPEDITIONS ZANDMOTOR - Public Expeditions Zandmotor+ (4%)
Artistic Research - Review Stellingname 2013 (4%)
STELLINGNAME - Ronald Boer: 'Brak Water, Zilt Land' (4%)
Actueel - Who decides what? The Hague candidate Cultural Capital of Europe 2018? (4%)
Now wakes the Sea - NWTS @ Batumi Beach (GE) (4%)
Now wakes the Sea - Review CCC @ ISTANBUL2010 (4%)
STELLINGNAME - 'In mijn straat is ooit een schip vergaan' (4%)
COLLABORATION NIDA ART COLONY - Selection of Dutch participants for Symposium at Nida (LT) (4%)
schreihuisje schiedam - Concept herbestemming Schreihuisje (3%)
Badgast - Air @ Sea - Review Badgast 2010 & Preview Badgast 2011 (3%)
CLIMATE AS ARTIFACT - Zeelab#3 Environmental Literacy (3%)
Cinema @ Sea - Aram Tanis @ IK, Zeeland (3%)
CLIMATE AS ARTIFACT - Maurice Meewisse:18 Coffee Breaks-8 Working Hours (3%)
EXPEDITIONS ZANDMOTOR - Public Expedition Zandmotor#11 (3%)
EXPEDITIONS ZANDMOTOR - Public Expedition Zandmotor#2 (3%)
ZANDMOTOR ZANDGLAS - ZandGlas by Atelier NL (3%)
Nu/Now - 2016 (3%)
2020 - ONWARDS - Onwards (3%)
EXPEDITIONS ZANDMOTOR - Public Expedition Zandmotor#10 (3%)
Nu/Now - Zandmotor - artists in residence 2017 (2%)
WHO IS NATURE? - Zeelab#1: Uptime_ (2%)
anthropogenic coastal atlas - About (2%)
A TASTE OF THE ANTHROPOCENE - The Sea and Zandmotor source of innovation (2%)
Actueel - Key Note Speaker at Littoral 2012 (2%)

from project zandmotor badgast scheveningen coastal new satellietgroep research was with artist zee cultural art water dat sea artists